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Inspirational Friday 22/07/2011

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Show us your best Chaos conversion, be it simply the best, most elaborate, or most extensive conversion that you've ever done.

Painted, unpainted, it doesn't matter.

To get the ball rolling,

Here is my most extensive one, featuring magnetized helmets, backpacks and arms.

Parts list:

1 Loyalist Space Marine Assault Marine Jump Pack

2 Warhammer Undead Grave Guard Wings

1 Chaos Spacemarine Possessed Torso

1 Pair of Khorne Berzerker Running Legs

2 Metal NL Shoulderpads

2 Necron Warrior Heads

6 'fingers' from an OOP Chaos Power Fist

2 pieces of tubing made from a Loyalist Space Marine Rhino door

1 (Recut) Chaos Plasma Gun

1 (Recut) Chaos Space Marine Head

1 Soulgrinder Skull Decoration

8 Neodymium Magnets

16 Small Strips of Plasticard

1 Scenic base from Microart Studios





Post yours!

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I'll post what is probably my most ambitious conversion. It's a favorite if not the best. A year later and I still haven't got around to (finishing) painting it, but here are a couple photos of it before I started:






It was going to be a Daemon Prince, but turned out too large. It's kind of big for a Defiler, though I use it as one sometimes. I tried to write some DIY rules for it back before I understood the rules very well, as an HQ choice, an Iron Warrior tech-priest gone completely around the bend with Daemonic Engineering. I might dust it off, finish painting it and have another crack at writing some rules for it soon.

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Nihm, you taunt me so :D

Well, first of we have the infamous Deus Iblis of the Crusade for Anitoc AoD campaign, who feature my first major green stuff work

Being based on the then brand new Lucius model I had both the feet re-sculpted from hoofs to power armored boots, then I had to rebuild the neck area after removing the original head so I could put on a helmet instead. Then it was just a matter of putting on the rest of the parts.


Metal Lucius

Chaos Space Marine Champion power weapon + should pads

Chaos Space Marine bolt pistol arm

Chaos Space Marine backpack with Champion pole

Khorne Berserker "t-helmet" with bunny ears removed




Then there's the first of my Obliterators who featured some of my first large scale reposing and my second real re-sculpting work. The real work on this model was to cut him up properly, (feet, lower legs, upper legs, pelvis, arms) and then put everything back together and get him a good pose. Over the years I've added a bit of this and a bit of that to him


Metal Obliterator

Plastic Purity Seals from the Space Marine range

Plastic shield from the Black Templar upgrade sprue

Chainsword from the Berserker box

Plastic mantle from unknown fantasy battle model


Upper arms from plastic Assault Terminators




Then of course we have my latest project, a Dark Apostle in Terminator armor, at first I began with the metal chaplain in terminator armor and sawed him in two to removed to upper body, then I started a removing all Imperial symbols on him and replaced them with symbols of chaos. After that I filed down the purity seals on the right leg so I could greenstuff a pair of trims on the legs, at the same time I also re-made the "butt" piece of him in green stuff. Then I covered him in arcane looking stuff and put on the tome I had prepped by removing the Inquisitorial symbol that were originally on it and putting on a chaos star instead. Then I build his Crozius from the Chaos Lord sorcerer staff's lower parts and added the top part which I had gotten from an old metal Dark Elf sorceress years ago. Then I fixed up the missile launcher hand by carefully separating the fingers so I could pose the hand a little bit differently. Originally I wanted one of the new Grey Knight terminator hands but in lack of economics of buy a box of them I had to make do with what I could find in the bits box. :) After that it was just a matter of putting everything together and posing him.

Parts used:

Metal Chaplain in terminator armor

Front, Back chest piece, sorcerer trophy racks and cloth piece from the Chaos terminator Lord box

Head from the Chaos Terminator box

Book from an Inquisitorial cherub henchman

Hourglass and key on chains from the Empire Flagellant box

Several chaos stars from the marauder horsemen box

Chaos terminator sorcerer staff

Top from an old Dark Elf sorceress' staff

Metal Nurgling from the Typhus model

Grenades/orbs from the Black Templar upgrade sprue

Part of flooring on old 3'rd Edition ruins

Parts from the limited edition Cities of Death basing box

Left hand from Space Marine missile launcher

Model chain

Green stuff






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This is my biggest and only conversion in my army.

The eye on his chest is cut out of a Terminator shoulderpad and the whole body is greenstuffed, the legs and waist are also made bigger with greenstuf to make him a bit taller then the normal Terminators.


Horus Lupercal (counts as Abaddon)



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Here is a selection of a few conversions that i really like


Khârn's personal ride,the Skull Raider





Chaos Land Raider kit

Custom resin casted Khorne Icon,casted from the old FW Icone

Custom resin casted Bloodletters Icons

Toy Skull


Tyranid monstruous creature schyted talon

Ancient ruines Skulls decorations


Blood Slaugtherer count as






Dark Eldar Talos kit

Grey Knight Dreadknight legs

Chaos marauder shoulder pad

Chaos Marines Possesed head

Dark Eldar Raiders Quile blades

Ork Deff Dread foot claws


Blood Slaugtherer count as




Grey Knights Dreadknight kit

Deamon Prince Torso,Head,Sword

Dark Eldar Wyches chains,blades,barbed net

Ork Deff Dread CCW,foot claws,shoulder armour


Chaos Reaver Bikes











Dark Eldars Reaver Bikes kit

Chaos Space Marines bike tires,Pilote,Exhaust,stire and Bolters/Melta

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My goodness, there are some amazing conversions here! I was proud of my oblitterator conversions, wherein I added some extra flesh, and a headed tentacle, but these are just leagues apart. But I still have to post something.... My camera isn't here, but I'll post pictures when I get it.


In the mean time, Brother Nihm, I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me how you made the armour/jetpack trim on that raptor would you? It looks excellent, and I've been modeling trim (on orks, so I can't post it here. :() with greenstuff, which is REALLY time consuming, and the results are not so good. Yours look maddeningly good, so I'm hoping there is a guide somewhere.

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Deathguard sorcerer:




(Obliterator, two plaguebearer heads, plaguebearer banner pole, daemon prince head, flagelant's books, chaos sorcerer's arm)






Greater Daemon of Malal/Malice




(bloodthirster, minotaur lord, hippogriff, scyla, pink horror, doomcannon, various claws/spikes/horns


and, er, Squat Dreadnought?



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Two of my favourite conversions.


Heresy era Thousand Son sorcerer.

Bits: Champion of Tzeench head, CSM legs and torso, Berzerker plasma pistol, SM left arm, SM shoulder pads, Tomb Guard champion blade and laplap thing, Silver helm helmet icon, scroll fro the terminator chaplain, high elf gems, Uruk hai halberd, plastic card, PVA glue and green stuff.





Cyrion: Chaos termi legs and tors, WG termi arms, CSM bolter with trimmed clip and bayonet, CSM power pack, rope and skulls from flagellant kit, Chain male laplap from CSM vehicle piolet, Trimed and GS CSM head, warriors of chaos sword (shortened and with CSM chainsword tassel aded), chain from CSM kit, shrunken head from marauders kit, pouch and crack grenade from CSm kit, skull from Chaos vehicle accessory frame, PVA glue and GS.



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I'll pick this one, for a ) the length of time it took me to convert it; b ) the significance it has in the background of my army, and c ) that it helped nab me 3rd place in 2009's Call of Chaos :)


I give you Tauran, the Bull-headed God, master of the Legion of Taurus:












It's a shame that Greater Daemons don't get better rules in the current Chaos Codex, 'cause the only time he sees an outing is Apocalypse battles, where I field him using the rules for Skarbrand.

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curently my dreadknight hing looks like its gonna bemy favourite...


though my curent favurite is still my lucius...


cant bring myself to repaint him to the greater legionscolours...

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I'll pick this one, for a ) the length of time it took me to convert it; b ) the significance it has in the background of my army, and c ) that it helped nab me 3rd place in 2009's Call of Chaos :)


I give you Tauran, the Bull-headed God, master of the Legion of Taurus:





It's a shame that Greater Daemons don't get better rules in the current Chaos Codex, 'cause the only time he sees an outing is Apocalypse battles, where I field him using the rules for Skarbrand.


is that Balrog?

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This fellow is my GGD. I've done other conversions but since none of them have paint on yet and he does, he gets to win.









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I'll bite. My demon machine was probably the most work since it's not actually based on a kit but assembled from whatever part I could make fit.



More pictures on my blog, if anyone is interested:

The demon walks...

and the demon walks on...

If we go with painted conversions, it would have to be my Chaos Sorcerer on Jetbike. It was the first creation of mine I showed here on the B&C and I'm still rather proud of it:



Gotta take good pictures of this thing sometime...

WiP Thread

Thanks for the chance to show off some older stuff, Nihm!



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