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Glowing Eyes

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Looking around the web and the Bolter site I only found a tutorial for glowing green eyes...

I checked some OSL guide but didnt seem much help regarding the eye part


Does anyone know any tutorial for blue red or purple glowing eyes?


Or maybe just point me the colours to use... As I want something different for my black templars



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The green eye tutorial is just a basis of what can be done. I'd say for the colors your are looking for is to mix and match using the same techniques, just use colors to contrast your armour.


The only issue I see is deciding on which purple you wish to use, being GW, vallejo paints, or 3rd party .


I would aim to perhaps use a blue mix to darken and lighten the staright purple tint, then use a white to purple mix for the hightlights. Aim for a test model and try it, only you can really be satisfied with the results.

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I have a three part series on OSL.

While it doesn't cover eyes specifically (it uses a powerfist for the example), it has the concept and ideas that go into it. With an understanding of the process and how it works, it would be easy to apply it anything on a model.

OSL Part 1, Part 2, Part 3


I've found that most people don't truly understand the concept and so their application is flawed in the end.


When it comes to eyes in particular though, I do have this tutorial.

It goes over regular human eyes and the things you need to think about when applying it to faces.



Hope this helps a bit.

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This is for green but it should help: http://www.coolminiornot.com/articles/1288...g-eyes-by-cyril


Basically, for a glowing effect you will want the majority of the light source a shade or two or three lighter. For red for example the outer edges will be red but there should be more orange and yellow than actual red. Seems a bit counter intuitive but it is easy enough to get used to.


This one is for red eyes: http://www.coolminiornot.com/articles/1664...h-for-beginners


At first it might seem to contradict what I am saying but the author was not going for glowing eyes hence there is not the same amount of highlighting I believe you are after.

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Actually just used this recipe yesterday and am very satisfied with the overall outcome.


Start with Dark Flesh. Then gradually apply Dark Reds to Lights Reds covering less of the eyes the brighter in color you go. I used Scab Red, then Red Gore, then Blood Red. For the final two layers, I mixed in equal parts of Blood Red, Blazing Orange and Skull White. I then highlighted with an equal mix of Blazing Orange and Skull White. Pretty simple and looks very believable as long as you follow the rules for OSL. PM me if you have any questions.

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A quick recipe i used for my CSM eye lenses.


I started with a mix of Blood red and Liche purple, aprox 3/1. Next i painted the main body of the eye blood red. I added Golden yellow for the highlight stage and then just a spot of pure Golden yellow. The 'glow' around the eyes was simply done with watered-down Blood red.








I hope this helps. I think the thing to remember when highlighting red lenses is to use yellow as the highlighting colour. I find that white can make the red look a little chalky. Thats not to say it can't work for you i just feel white is better with Blue or Green, although yellow can also work for green.

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