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How should I corrupt a chapter?


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I have a story in the works as well as a possibly epic set of models in the pipeline as well but I'm a little fuzzy on a color scheme. The basic principle is that over the course of around a decade the Sons of Guilliman chapter has degraded and become paranoid to the point where there's an unbalanced split between two factions within the chapter, those who believe in one point of view and those who believe in another.


Long story short, 1st Captain Dironicus as well as the remaining chapter council have come to learn of Constantius's fall and have learned this by way of a huge Inquisitorial investigation. The Chapter Master Acresius is furious and is accusing Dironicus, who we find out early shares a pre-geneseed bloodline with Constantius, of being suspect and though Dironicus lives for the Chapter and is personally shattered by his brother's fall to chaos, he cannot help but feel compassion, doubt, and twisted pride for his brother while hatred, anger, and vengeance towards his chapter master for dishonoring him in front of the 6 other captains and disowning him as a friend. From then on, in the months that follow, Dironicus gains followers and slowy begins to feel the draw of his own perfection as a warrior and loyal servant of the Imperium while he feels his Chapter Master Acresius has become unfit somehow for his position and seeks to usurp him eventually. I wont go into it any farther but you can see where this is going.


For the color scheme, I was thinking of getting away from quartered and going with a more strait forward design, and since I'm not an expert painter I dont even want to try and do a quartered design. BUT, how can I do this in a logical manner that fits with traditional lore behind chapters falling to chaos. Astral Claws went from blue and silver to red and black. I was thinking of going with a "Flesh Tearers" or perhaps a "Mentor Legion" color scheme utilizing any of the colors black, silver, gold, purple, and white.


Please help me get some ideas!

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I do not give much thought to the foul heretic of the fallen except to purge them from my Imperium, I swear alliegence to the God-Emperor of Mankind.... :(



With that being said, I would ask if you are aiming for a certain god trait? or are you leaning to a Soul Drinker type of layout where they aren't quite fallen, but do not share in the Imperium view?



I would think perhaps lean to a dark mix of the regal blue to a darker shade depending on the god (if you choose), so like a purple, red, green, or a mix for the lord of change. If it stands neutral, I'd say perhaps win red like a Chardeney(spelling?) to a blueish/black to show just a fallen color mix.

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I do not give much thought to the foul heretic of the fallen except to purge them from my Imperium, I swear alliegence to the God-Emperor of Mankind.... :P

Your faith in the Emperor is founded great Sergeant, we Sons of Guilliman only choose to embrace the power of Slaanesh to save our Primarch from certain death!

With that being said, I would ask if you are aiming for a certain god trait? or are you leaning to a Soul Drinker type of layout where they aren't quite fallen, but do not share in the Imperium view?

I was going to go with Slaanesh because eventually Dironicus will become a chaos lord in the making and will pray to Slaanesh for followers as well as perfection of action, not to mention the power to overthrow the mighty chapter master and claim the Sons of Guilliman as his own and campaigning to corrupt other Ultramarine successors or destroy them. Dironicus, as I am planning will become addicted to the power of adoration and will be idolized by his brothers as a worthy warrior, which will in turn feed his power. Basically, I'm drawing on a lot of stuff from Sigvald the Magnificent and making it my own. He doesnt declare sepration from the the Imperium but doesn't really care for it anymore since the Inquisition branded their genestock as degenerate.

I would think perhaps lean to a dark mix of the regal blue to a darker shade depending on the god (if you choose), so like a purple, red, green, or a mix for the lord of change. If it stands neutral, I'd say perhaps win red like a Chardeney(spelling?) to a blueish/black to show just a fallen color mix.

Well I know I want to try and get away from pink, black, and red as much as possible. Black is good but is so overused. I'm just wondering if I should go with white primary and purple secondary.

Such as sm.php?b62c=@iakk7_hfHgI.h7s7q@.@@@@@hnVIs@.@@__@@@@___@___@_@_@@@@@@@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@.@@.@&grid=TRUE

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make them apothacaries, the pursuit of the perfect tratment, they get side tracked helping the imperial masses soon earn fame and go down the road of the spoilt courrupt heathen, before you know it pow! slaneeshi combat druggies who sell cures.................at the cost of your body or soul :P
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Delusion of grandeur. Have a pitiful, weak prisoner of war promise if he is allowed to serve again, he will seek redemption. He is allowed on a tight leash (meaning he's close to Dironicus) and the POW helps Dironicus, gains his trust, all the while feeding his ego and self-grandeur. Eventually, the POW is no longer a POW but a trusted battle brother, and it is at this time he promises even greater power to Dironicus. He says that he can help return their primarch, if only XYZ is fulfilled (which lead Dironicus to Chaos).



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