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The Chaos Horde

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I quite like the idea of running a footslogging horde. I'm just getting back into the game after not playing since Gav and Alessio made my IW and EC armies illegal, and the last thing I want to do is start using an army that needs big carry bags to hold silly numbers of flimsy, pricy (moneywise) transport vehicles. Plus, I'll be running Word Bearers, and the idea of scores of daemons and fanatical marines running screaming across the battlefield at a gesture from an apostle is just cool. What I've been thinking for a core list is:


Daemon Prince - wings, warptime - 155


20 Chaos Space Marines - meltagun, autocannon, IoCG, aspiring champion w/ power fist and combi-melta - 380


20 Chaos Space Marines - meltagun, autocannon, IoCG, aspiring champion w/ power fist and combi-melta - 380


20 Lesser Daemons - 260


20 Havocs - 4 missile launchers, IoCG, aspiring champion w/ power fist - 430


The combi-meltas are to ensure a tank kill when it really matters, since the second special slot is taken by the autocannon for transport popping. My reasoning behind the havoc loadout is that, at 20 men, they're too important to get tied up in combat by a dread or MC, and the champion only adds ~10% extra to the cost of the unit, which to me seems very worth it. I'm still not sure if missiles are a better choice than autocannons, but I figure the troops have transport popping covered, so the havocs can afford to focus on any AV13 or paladins/nobs/etc that show up.


This is 1605 points. For 1500pts I could drop the lesser daemons and take a second prince which, whilst disgracefully unfluffy, would probably be the most efficient choice at that level. For 1750 I can drop a few daemons to again squeeze a second prince in, though I'd probably instead drop the daemons and take a beefy terminator squad. Once we get to 2000+pts I could see 1-2 packs of 20 daemons being more useful than more marines, since manouvering 4+ 20-man squads is just asking for blast templates.


Another unit I've been considering is a squad of 10 Nurgle bikers with meltaguns, fist champ, and possibly an attached biker lord in high point games. Expensive? Yes. Competitive? Probably not. But 10 T6 turboboosting wounds would be a pain to kill and a massive distraction from the marines, and they can dump the daemons exactly where they're needed.


My main motivation behind this is to come up with a fluffy Word Bearers army that fits in one carry case. To that end I'd drop the daemon prince too if I can come up with a viable alternative can-opener. In my opinion princes only belong in large games, and at most one per army, due to their rarity and the inevitable competition between princes. Thoughts?

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I'm gettin a game in against a IG list. i know he likes his Artillery but other than that i have no idea what hes going to bring. Ill post the results after the game sometime this weekend.


RedBeard: thought about dropping the Havocs for obliterators (as a side note, 2 man oblit units get cover saves easier than 20 man havoks)? While not part of the horde feel you would get more options on how best to use them. I've had some succes using 2 or 3 units of oblits and deepstiking one with a Terminator lord ( heavy flamers/ Plasma cannons/ TL meltas/ PFists dropping close to your opponents makes them not happy). 450 points would get you 3 units of 2. a basic lord w/ termi armour is 120ish points (from memory so i could be wrong) and if you want to upgrade him then you could by just dropping a few ( like 2 or 3 ) demons and still have a big blob of them to drop on someone.


that would give you 2 large hordes of infantry, 2 units of oblits on the table to pop tanks/ transports, a 17 to 20 strong unit of demons and 2 Oblits + Termi lord to summon in on your opponents. And depending on the oponents (like GK, i hate DSing against these guys) you still have the option to not deepstike the Termi Lord and Oblits.

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I'm gettin a game in against a IG list. i know he likes his Artillery but other than that i have no idea what hes going to bring. Ill post the results after the game sometime this weekend.




Good luck on your game and thanks for helping out! :P

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I'm gettin a game in against a IG list. i know he likes his Artillery but other than that i have no idea what hes going to bring. Ill post the results after the game sometime this weekend.


RedBeard: thought about dropping the Havocs for obliterators (as a side note, 2 man oblit units get cover saves easier than 20 man havoks)? While not part of the horde feel you would get more options on how best to use them. I've had some succes using 2 or 3 units of oblits and deepstiking one with a Terminator lord ( heavy flamers/ Plasma cannons/ TL meltas/ PFists dropping close to your opponents makes them not happy). 450 points would get you 3 units of 2. a basic lord w/ termi armour is 120ish points (from memory so i could be wrong) and if you want to upgrade him then you could by just dropping a few ( like 2 or 3 ) demons and still have a big blob of them to drop on someone.


that would give you 2 large hordes of infantry, 2 units of oblits on the table to pop tanks/ transports, a 17 to 20 strong unit of demons and 2 Oblits + Termi lord to summon in on your opponents. And depending on the oponents (like GK, i hate DSing against these guys) you still have the option to not deepstike the Termi Lord and Oblits.


Yeah, I do like the idea of using oblits for support, but I don't think oblit spam suits WBs very well. I'd be happy enough using 1 unit plus a large terminator unit (with combi-meltas/plasmas and heavy flamers, of course) though.


This could work for 1750:


Daemon Prince - wings, warptime - 155


10 Terminators - 2 heavy flamers, 4 combi-melta, 4 combi-plasma, 2 chainfists, IoCG - 390


20 CSM - melta, AC, IoCG, champ w/ fist, combi-melta - 380


20 CSM - melta, AC, IoCG, champ w/ fist, combi-melta - 380


11 Lesser daemons - 143


2 Obliterators - 150


2 Obliterators - 150


Oblits advance and pop transports while hordes dash forward. Prince hugs cover until he can go to town on something pretty. Terminators drop on troop icons and fry anything threatening the objective campers. The smaller daemon unit can either drop on a backfield objective, support the hordes, or drop and assault to tie up something threatening the hordes.


The list has 2 more KPs than the previous list, but still a lot less than any mech list, so the oblits can have a field day popping transports from cover while the hordes take forever to die. Lessers can terrorise small units, and the prince does his thing. Reapers on the terms might be worthwhile in a KP game, since they can deploy normally and have even more fun taking out the easy KPs early on.


Best of all, it still fits WB fluff, which makes me very happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fought the Guard list...... not good. Too much arty dropping on my head. dont know if it was the list or my less than steller rolling to try and stop the rain o death but i got slautered. 3 objectives and i only had 2 scoring units. My list is at the house so ill edit this tonight when i get home. but it was still a good game and it was still in the air until the last 2 turns of game. I think the chaos horde is is actually viable. If someone who is better at teh game than i used it in a tourniment i think they would suprise people.
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Don't put yourself down! I don't think that even the most optimistic of us would expect a Horde vs Guard match-up to be anything other than an uphill battle.


What did the lists look like, and what made it no longer "up in the air" in those last two turns?


Any experience, good or bad, helps when it comes to figuring out what works best.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been thinking about working together a F.bile personal army list, using the horde ideal.


something along the lines of:


greater daemon (for the OCRAP factor)

3 dreads (x2 dccw on 1, TLLC+ML, and PC+SB+DCCW)

2-3 squads of enhanced chaos troops of 13-20 models (2 with 13 and 20 was is my current thoughts)

melta guns, and power fists for these troop squads

as many chaos spawns i can field, (3 groups of x2 each)

and lastly 3 min squads of havoks with maxed out plasma guns + rhinos



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I've been thinking about working together a F.bile personal army list, using the horde ideal.


I've thought of the same, but currently lack the models to properly field it.



as many chaos spawns i can field, (3 groups of x2 each)


Just a quick reminder, that grouping won't work. Spawn are supposed to fielded in groups of 3 if you have them. If you field 6, they must be in 2 x3, if you field 5, you must have 1 x3 and 1 x2.

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  • 3 months later...

Commence thread-o-mancy!


The horde in 6th, anyone else trying it? So far it has worked well for me vs Orks and a Nurgle army.


new pluses:

1- Very difficult for opponent to get First Blood.

2 - Many re-rolls for Lords vs DPs in a challenge.

3 - Buffs from Warlord traits or psychic powers affect more bodies (as many seem to be one squad only)

4 - Easier to hide champs, icons, specials from incoming fire.


Thoughts? (constructive ones preferably :-)

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Commence thread-o-mancy!


The horde in 6th, anyone else trying it? So far it has worked well for me vs Orks and a Nurgle army.


new pluses:

1- Very difficult for opponent to get First Blood.

2 - Many re-rolls for Lords vs DPs in a challenge.

3 - Buffs from Warlord traits or psychic powers affect more bodies (as many seem to be one squad only)

4 - Easier to hide champs, icons, specials from incoming fire.


Thoughts? (constructive ones preferably :-)

I was actually thinking of this thread the other day when reading about the changes...

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Not to mention the other added advantages:


- Rapid fire within 12 inches, even while moving.

- Grenades can kill light vehicles and dreadnoughts.

- DPs with wings get hammer of the gods, smash attacks.

- You can tie up enemy commanders with the new challenge rules.


I personally love 6th edition. While I don't run a horde, I have been increasing squad sizes to maximize firepower.

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