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New player, what to get next?


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I have just made off like a bandit due to one of my freinds selling me his collection of Space Marines to start his new Imp Guard army. I in return got the following marines for 60 bucks:


5 Terminators, one with Power sword, one w/Heavy flamer, and one with Assault Cannon (Terminators are likely to not be fielded often)


13 Bolter Marines.


1 Heavy Bolter Marine


1 Plasma Gun Marine


5 Assault Marines


1 Whirlwind


1 Twin Linked Lascannon Razorback


1 broken HB/Assault Cannon Land Speeder (base broke off, I am going to chop some stuff up in order to make it functional again)


1 Captain figure armed with a Thunder Hammer (On foot)


After I bought these guys, I proceeded to the LGS and bought a Librarian as well as a Death Company squad. I have toyed with the Death COmpany, and instead of going for the usual DC, I made them into Vanguard Veterans. I don't really plan on specifically running a DoA list or a Mechanized Assault list, but rather a list of models that I prefer to use on the field. I prefer the Blood Angels codex due to the faster tanks and Assault Marines as troops, I feel that they suit my gamestyle better (I used to run 1500 points of Dark Elves where I lived beforehand) with fast, devastating melee attacks, while still being capable of providing some shooty goodness.


What would you fellas suggest that I purchase next for my army?

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5 Terminators, one with Power sword, one w/Heavy flamer, and one with Assault Cannon (Terminators are likely to not be fielded often)
If you want to field them at all, you need 5 more. The Terminators can only have a Flamer or an Assault cannon in a 5 man squad. Also the Tactical Termies are not a popular choice for BA.
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