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Company command squad markings?


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I'm fairly new to BA but I like to be accurate with my markings. I'm making a 5th company all jump pack army. There are 3 squads but only 2 will have the yellow helmets, the other is a tac squad that is just using the packs for the mission. Those markings are pretty easy.


I'm doing a honour guard for the captain (I've seen both full gold and only gold helmet in the book but it makes more sense to do just the helmets) Now what are the correct markings for this squad. The codex shows a skull on the shoulder pad but that is 1st company makings. As well for the knee markings there is only 1-10 and nothing for the honour guard. Or is the first squad the defacto honour guard (this doesn't make sense though as they are codex when it comes to company organization)


Anyways thanks for the help

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In our old codex, Honour Guard had the 1st company skull on their left shoulder, but it was black. The Chapter symbol is placed as usual.


I found it always very fitting that a Honour Guard that...well, guards a Captain or other Character, uses his heraldy on their kneepads, as they are quite a bit out of the Chapter Organisation chart.

So, I'd say, come up with some heraldy for your Cap'n and paint it on the kneepads. Should look great imo.




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I think the answer is that there is no squad marking for the Honour Guard. I can't find my old codex but I did dig out my Honour guard box. There are no knee markings. The shoulder pad is red with a black skull on troopers and black with white on the VSGT. I also referenced the Insignium Astartes command squad that shows a white skull or a wreathed white skull for troopers. It also mentions using a crux terminatus (simplified) on the knee to denote terminator honors. Since the HG does in fact have terminator honors that would be appropriate and not confusing.

I hope that helps.

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Black Skull. No evidence the HG have always have terminator honours. Those from the first company would but those of other captains seem to come from their own companies. They are never deployed in Terminator armour. BA honour Guard is not a Codex formation so does not have any standard codex insignia. It isn't exactly the same as a command squad.
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You are absolutely right Chris there is no indication that all Honour Guard have terminator honours; however terminator honors are not in fact only in the 1st company. The implication of TH in the HG is based on its stat line. once upon a time purchasing TH for a model added +1 A and raised that models leadership to 9, it also used to make them Veteran SGTs. In the latest editions of both C:SM and C:BA ALL SM SGTs have +1A and 9 L and TH are no longer an purchase option. That is why I suggested that the current HG can be displayed with TH. You can certainly argue that they don't have them or do, I simply stray to the latter.
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