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Hi guys,


I'm new here and have a couple of questions regarding BA DoA lists.


1. Most lists I've viewed have included at least two Sanguinary Priests. Why are these guys so awesome and are they really a must?


2. I can't decide if I want to take Mephiston or Astorath as my HQ choice. What's the general opinion of you, more experienced guys?


Thanks in advance!

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To respond to point #1 above:


The Sanguinary Priest has an ability that gives any unit within 6 inches the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain universal special rules. Having 1 priest sitting on the edge of an Assault squad can give these abilities to 2 or possibly 3 squads when they assault which makes for some tasty killing sprees. Having 2 priests means you can split your forces if the need arises and still provide the FC/FNP "bubble" to most of your units (not to mention you have a spare if one accidentally gets killed).


I'll leave #2 open to others as I run neither Mephiston nor Astorath.

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I prefer Mephiston, I find that he tends to be a bigger threat. I've had him run around the board, chewing up squads, tanks, dreadnoughts, monstrous creatures, etc. In many games, I've had him wipe out half an army or more. Sadly, while Mephiston is a combat beast, he doesn't modify the army in any way.


I've also played Astorath in a number of games, and have found his Red Thirst bonuses to be decent, but his Executioner's Axe to be quite nasty. Against enemies like Asdrubael Vect, having that invul. reroll is very nice.


Frankly, you can't go wrong with either. Indeed, I sometimes use both (in larger armies).

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+1 to what sparky said, SPs are essential in pretty much any BA list.


For an HQ Mephiston is the greater of the two; Astorath can sort of make up for a lack of SPs but neither is preferable in a DoA list you need bodies.

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Librarians are cheap, flexible, and bring lots of neat tricks to the party no matter what you do with them. They are sort of the default BA HQ these days. Dante can be useful if you want to build a resilient "elite" army for comparatively little money using all/mostly Sanguinary Guard. Reclusiarchs, while not ideal, are still pretty playable.
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Another stupid question - Reclusiarchs are basically Chaplains, right?


Yes with a +1 to Wounds, Attack and Ballistic Skill.

They are also a HQ choice where as a normal Chaplain is an Elites choice.


However, if you are planning to run Death Company then you might wish to consider Lemartes. He is a Death Company Chaplain who can only be taken as part of the Death Company. He's a Death Company upgrade character.

"The Death Company can include Lemartes."

So the smallest Death Company unit of 3 models can include Lemartes as well the 5 model limit to unlock the Death Compny Dreadnought.

A Stormraven is a good way to deliver units of Death Company without jump packs that include Lemartes as his jump pack is non-removable.

Lemartes has his own special rules and therefore is more expensive then a regular Chaplain or Reclusiarch.

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ive been playing BA for close to 2 years i think (lost track of time)


sanguinary priests are one of the best units in the book (i take one for each troop choice i use) they are always worth it.


as for a HQ choice i use dante in EVERY battle even 500 point games. i also love the sanguinary guard so dante making them troops is a nice touch. also dante has an ability that when he deepstrikes with a squad they dont scatter.


P.S. do you have the codex?

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ive been playing BA for close to 2 years i think (lost track of time)


sanguinary priests are one of the best units in the book (i take one for each troop choice i use) they are always worth it.


as for a HQ choice i use dante in EVERY battle even 500 point games. i also love the sanguinary guard so dante making them troops is a nice touch. also dante has an ability that when he deepstrikes with a squad they dont scatter.


P.S. do you have the codex?


Yeh I have the codex.


Been playing BA for a short time myself. I got into it years ago and played a few games but was a massive noob and didn't really know what I was doing.


Went off and learned WHFB and have since been to several GW run tournaments for that but have recently regained my love for 40k and my Angels but the last time I played with them was on the old book.


I do have Dante but I didn't know he made SG a troops choice - pretty cool!

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ive been playing BA for close to 2 years i think (lost track of time)


sanguinary priests are one of the best units in the book (i take one for each troop choice i use) they are always worth it.


as for a HQ choice i use dante in EVERY battle even 500 point games. i also love the sanguinary guard so dante making them troops is a nice touch. also dante has an ability that when he deepstrikes with a squad they dont scatter.


P.S. do you have the codex?


Yeh I have the codex.


Been playing BA for a short time myself. I got into it years ago and played a few games but was a massive noob and didn't really know what I was doing.


Went off and learned WHFB and have since been to several GW run tournaments for that but have recently regained my love for 40k and my Angels but the last time I played with them was on the old book.


I do have Dante but I didn't know he made SG a troops choice - pretty cool!


whenever i play DOA i never deploy anything, it's all deep striking.

also if your going for a DOA list might i make a suggestion.




sanguinor (if you have the points)



3X sanguinary priest w/ power weapon jump pack



2-3X assault squads kitted out for preference

1-2 sanguinary guard (in each squad i recomend an infernus pistol, and in one them a chapter banner)


this is the base of what i always use and it rarely lets me down. but it's your army and your choice.

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whenever i play DOA i never deploy anything, it's all deep striking.

also if your going for a DOA list might i make a suggestion.




sanguinor (if you have the points)



3X sanguinary priest w/ power weapon jump pack



2-3X assault squads kitted out for preference

1-2 sanguinary guard (in each squad i recomend an infernus pistol, and in one them a chapter banner)


this is the base of what i always use and it rarely lets me down. but it's your army and your choice.



I'd like to run a list like this. How do you deal with armored targets?

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whenever i play DOA i never deploy anything, it's all deep striking.

also if your going for a DOA list might i make a suggestion.




sanguinor (if you have the points)



3X sanguinary priest w/ power weapon jump pack



2-3X assault squads kitted out for preference

1-2 sanguinary guard (in each squad i recomend an infernus pistol, and in one them a chapter banner)


this is the base of what i always use and it rarely lets me down. but it's your army and your choice.



I'd like to run a list like this. How do you deal with armored targets?


well i have a few ways

1. dante and sanguinary guard deepstrike together behind a troublesome LR or vindicator.

2. i have two different assault squad builds.

10 man, 2 flamers, sarge w/ powerfist, melta bombs. (infantry killers)

10 man, 2 meltas, sarge w/ powerfist, melta bombs. (tank killers)

3. both sanguinary guard squads have an infernus pistol

4. storm raven or land raider


for death company i put them in my redeemer or my stormraven. heres my build

10 death company, 8 w/ power swords, 2 w/ hand flamers. put them in a redeemer and watch all infantry models die a horrible death. i typically give them a chaplainw/ a hand flamer. i would like to give them jump packs but i don't know about the points cost for it all. it would be the cost of 2 land raiders minus the cost of 2 melta bombs.

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If you are playing a DoA style list then Dante is $$$. I like to run both Dante and the Sanguinor but note I typically play 2k points. I feel that Librarians in a DoA list are a bit overrated... For instance Shield of Sanguinius versus the pretty much universal 4++ cover save - Blood Lance versus an abundance of melter weapons. Their best psychic power is Fear of the Darkness but it can be highly situational. I prefer an army of straight up killers versus dirty tricks and Blood Angels just so happen to fit the bill perfectly.


G :P

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while i'm at it heres how i deploy

hold everything except LR and non deep strike squads in reserve. Raiders are to valuable for a mishap.

if my entire army is in reserve i like to take second turn. because my army wont show up until turn 2. so they waste 2 turns not shooting anything. you only waste one.


dante joins a sanguinary guard unit with an infernus pistol and a chapter banner (this is basically the armies center. typically only dante survives the game.


each priest is attached to an assault squad. if i have a spare priest they join dante.


deep strike behind cover ~18 inches away. use shooting phase to run just to spread the unit a bit, less vulnerable to vindy's.


with death company i use the redeemer and deploy that on the table. i choose a unit that i want dead. move the raider close enough. throw forth 32 power weapon attacks at S5 I5 (chaplain not included). weaken with the hand flamers first though.


vanguard vets are another case of choosing a unit you want dead. target. deep strike with DOA. assault if lucky enough (wont take much luck). watch opponent cry as he sees the sudden and massive slaughter of his infantry.


very agressive, very strong.

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Get some tiny magnets! Magnetize the arms for instant build- changes without having to buy a truckload of minis!


You speak like someone who uses plastic glue instead of super glue. :cuss


The great thing about DoA is it's a relatively flexible army build. Just add stuff with jump packs, and you have a DoA army.


I would use astortah over mephiston, as I prefer my wrecking ball in a DoA list to be Vet Vanguard, so buying a SR for mephiston's pimp ride gets to be a little redonkulus. Besides who can argue with these new fangled thingamabobs when you have Dante. Plop him in with an Honor Guard, armed with plasma and flamers, and you have an instant, do-it-yourself, kill everything in 6-12" unit. plus the built in preist, which is untargetable, is icing on the cake (or the whole reason to take HG. But who doesn't want 2 special weapons?).

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