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Hello fellow followers of chaos.


Ok, so a standard termicide unit is set up like this (with maybe another melta/pw termie):


Chaos Terminators X3

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 w/ Power Weapons X2

*Heavy Flamer


So the chainfist and the Heavy flamer is on the same model correct? Why is this? I see peoples termicide run like this all the time and the reason i'm asking is my terminators were put together with a HF/PW on one termie and a melta/chainfist on the other.


The way i see things are:


Pros to Heavy flamer and chainfist on same model:

* Saving the two best weapons on one model so he is the last to be alocated a wound (combi-melta would have fired by this point, thus Heavy Flamer>Bolter)


Pros to have both weapons on seperate models:

* Having a spread of special weapons


Comments are welcome. Should i tear both arms off and swap them in a frenzy? Or is it 'who cares we get a new codex next year, you'll most likely be swapping arms all over again' ?



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In my experience, you'll be fine. They call it termicide for a reason, and in my experience that reason is because their life cycle is approximately, deep strike- > shoot the combi meltas, or possibly the heavy flamer, depending upon available targets -> die during your opponent's next shooting phase. If you're really lucky, one of them makes it into your next turn, but that's often not the case.


When I run termicide, I run it with three terminators, three combi-meltas and that's it. Cheap as it's possible to get with that concept. They are there solely to drop in, crack something with an av value, and from that point, they're pure distraction.


I see value in the heavy flamer, possibly a power fist for the extra "you must deal with this rather than shoot at the rest of my army," factor, but cheaper is better as they're, generally, only going to indulge in a single one of their potential roles.

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Ok, so a standard termicide unit is set up like this
That must be locally, because the standard is 3-5 with combi-meltas.


I also don't see much need to run Flamercide over Meltacide. It is not like CSM lack in infantry killing power, but we do struggle with Anti-tank being a short-range army and all. Do you have a lot of issues with enemies (hordes?) in cover?

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in deed. flamers are very hard to use with deep striking units even agains targets weak against them and against meq a single one just doesnt work . the same goes for the chain fist. unless your opponent does something wrong the weapon is a wasted upgrade.
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