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I'm working on a new space maqrine chapter, working title of The Night Watch, but will obviously be changed (damn other people getting ideas before me!) however, looking for some colour scheme advice.


The chapter is a very very deep purple, with darkened liche purple for edge highlights, and as i'm using predominantly Legion of the Damned models, there is a contrast with bone. However, what colour should I do for the flames? experimented with scorpion green, but they looked so chaos I may as well just turn renegade right now! Any ideas?

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It depends on what kind of look you're going for. Do you want the flames to stand out or blend in?


To me blue flames could blend in too much with the purple. Green also would look too out of place with the bone and purple. You could try semi-dark gray flames? I think they would work with the bone elements and stand out from the purple. Hel you could paint the flames dark gold! That would be interesting.



My 2 cents.

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