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New BA player


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Hello all fellow BA players.


Me and a friend recently started with 40K and bought a AOBR box together, i got the orks and i found out quickly that they were not just for me.

I like that they good in assault, but they cant shoot and are not very versatile.


After reading up on the different armies, i found out that BA can basicly do most of the thing that orks can do, but they are much more versatile and i feel i have much more to choose from in the BA codex.


I have now bought the space marine part of AOBR from another friend of mine and I have also bought a Baal Predator and a box of assault marines for the start of my BA army.


So onto my questions:


#1 What would be a good buy next?


#2 Is there something i should know about any of these models before gluing/painting them? Conversions etc.


#3 I have not recived my models yet so I havent had time to experiment with painting yet. What do you think about mechrite red basecoat and blood red over that? Do i have to use black or white undercoat before applying mechrite?


Az0g :P

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1: DC boxes are very versatile. They can be used for anything like honor guard, assault marines, vanguard veterans and DC. And amazing amounts of bits. Perhaps buying extra Melta guns / plasma guns / flamers.


2: Don't glue backpack / jump packs. Magnetise is the key.


My Melta / plasma / Flamer marines have "loose" guns lying in their hands. That way I can have 15 painted guns in a box and only 8 marines designated for "weapons" duty.


3: Don't ask me. I primed mine red and added colours to a gaming standard only. And it shows. Long term plan is improvement, short term is/was a painted army. :D



My thoughts are with you and Norway in these terrible days.

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At least one dc box and an SG box to mix and match with the assault box.

For 2 it's up to you a BA army can go from vanilla painted red to highly customized forces.

Mechrite and all the other foundation paints are essentially primers. So the color under them tends not to matter. If you prime black getting a good red is tough and tends to be dark. White yields a very bright red, almost painfully.


I like to prime grey, I used to spray Mechrite and then blood red, but my last batch I just went blood red over grey, they match perfectly. Try a nice even coat of blood or flat red over grey and wash with devlen mud and apply blood red to the high points.

if you roll your own washes a 1:3 red to burnt sienna wash looks good and leaves a warm red.

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Thanks for the answers guys, much appreaciated.


I think a DC box will be the next buy then, extra bits is always good to have.


Anyone else with input is welcome to post, i can use all the help i can get :P

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I think my problem is that he's not got a jump pack. Now, I know he can fly around like a dafty due to his psychic powers, but for some reason that's not good enough for me in my head.


I'll definitely look to try him out at some point even if it's only so I can say I don't like him. I suspect I'll like him as much as everyone else does, though!



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I think my problem is that he's not got a jump pack. Now, I know he can fly around like a dafty due to his psychic powers, but for some reason that's not good enough for me in my head.


I'll definitely look to try him out at some point even if it's only so I can say I don't like him. I suspect I'll like him as much as everyone else does, though!




Glad to hear, he's definitely fun to play with. Obviously wrecking half an army single handedly can be fun, but he can also fail on such a catastrophic level sometimes that you can't help but laugh at the bugger. I once had a game where he took off 4 of his own damn wounds. Perils twiced, plasma overheat and dangerous terrain...

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I'd also like to chime in for Mephiston. Dude is a BEAST. Sure, he can get killed pretty easily, but when he hits enemy units, he really is a wrecking ball. Just plows through everything. He is a ton of fun to use. I personally like Herohammer.


Am I right in thinking he only has a maximum of six attacks?


What makes him so powerful? I get that if all of his psychic powers come off, he's rerolling to hit with six attacks that wound on 2s... but we're still only talking about killing six models, no?


I guess it's a question of who you're charging. And I guess you have to be pretty careful to bring other units along to make sure stuff gets dead.


Actually, I was going to say that for fewer points you could get Sanguinary Guard who not only have more attacks but also have more wounds... but that's not actually true. Mephiston is harder to kill than a full unit of Sanguinary Guard: he's harder to hit, he's harder to wound and he has just as many wounds. Interesting.


I'll see if my friend will let me proxy him in a game next week and see how it goes.

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I'd also like to chime in for Mephiston. Dude is a BEAST. Sure, he can get killed pretty easily, but when he hits enemy units, he really is a wrecking ball. Just plows through everything. He is a ton of fun to use. I personally like Herohammer.


Am I right in thinking he only has a maximum of six attacks?


What makes him so powerful? I get that if all of his psychic powers come off, he's rerolling to hit with six attacks that wound on 2s... but we're still only talking about killing six models, no?


I guess it's a question of who you're charging. And I guess you have to be pretty careful to bring other units along to make sure stuff gets dead.


Actually, I was going to say that for fewer points you could get Sanguinary Guard who not only have more attacks but also have more wounds... but that's not actually true. Mephiston is harder to kill than a full unit of Sanguinary Guard: he's harder to hit, he's harder to wound and he has just as many wounds. Interesting.


I'll see if my friend will let me proxy him in a game next week and see how it goes.


He also fulfills the psychic hood role, is one of the most mobile units around because of fleet (possible 24 inch charge range), and demolishes even armor 14 if needed.

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