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Word Bearers in the next codex


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For Word Bearers, I'd rather see Kol Badar or the Warmonger from Dark Apostle. I'm not a big fan of the series overall, but those two were pretty great.


^ This....or maybe a Burias-Drak'shal possessed type character for the Word Bearers. Might be fun to see a possessed that is actually more use than just a cool looking model. (First post btw *waves* Hi)

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Keep the current characters for the Renegade book, as they're not good examples of the actual Legions. They're either exiles or lead groups so diverse to not be a true "Legionnaire" force (Abaddon and his Black "Legion"). I just really don't want to see "to play Night Lords, you have to take Acerbus, who gives your models X, Y and Z, in exchange for A, B and C." Keep characters who do that, in addition to upgrades for normal HQ choices which do the same.
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I'll be honest, I think the "old guard" exactly needs to be kicked out. I'm tired of seeing lists based around whatever special character, with no attention paid to developing your warband's story. Special characters are always stronger, faster, tougher, et cetera; and you can't tell your force's story as long as its in their shadow.


The exception is when a special character massively changes a list, like how the Master of the Deathwing or Dante can do. But if that's the case, then you should be taking them as part of their special list instead of just fielding them as part of a normal list.


Then you miss my point. My point was that we should be able get our characters up to or at least NEAR an SC's power.


Add to that, any new SC (and there WILL be new ones, even if many or all of the old ones stay) will be even more powerful or obnoxious than what we currently have.


So again, the Old Guard doesn't need to be kicked out in order for us to use and create our own characters, if the rules will just let us.

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Talos would be the best choice if we really had to have a unique character I'm sure his prophetic ability could be worked in some way along with Night Lords standard fear jazz - reduce enemy leadership in combat and allow additional unit movement or altered placement before battle.


...personally I wouldn't like it


Talos, the guy who wants to be anything but in command, as our special character? Doesn't really work either. Why would Talos magically be appearing in Night Lord forces across the galaxy?


He is in command, he may not like it, but he is. Read The Core it's set after Blood Reaver, has a great ending that leaves you thinking ... :) oh yeah!


As for characters if you read what I put you'd see that I ended with 'personally I wouldn't like it' I wouldn't like any single character to 'represent' the legions as few if any really can.

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I don't want to see anybody from the books, as they're too cliched already for my tastes. I honestly don't even want any special characters; I want special rules to better represent the army!
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He is in command, he may not like it, but he is. Read The Core it's set after Blood Reaver, has a great ending that leaves you thinking ... ^_^ oh yeah!


As for characters if you read what I put you'd see that I ended with 'personally I wouldn't like it' I wouldn't like any single character to 'represent' the legions as few if any really can.


Yes, he's in command, of his own single little splinter of the Legion, and he doesn't even want that. Should he be turning up in Night Lord forces across the galaxy? No. Khârn/Abaddon/Lucius etc work because they fight alongside/at the head of a wide variety of forces. Khârn fights for anyone Khorne wants him to. Ahriman fights for anyone with valuable relics. Abaddon leads the largest coalition of Chaos warbands ever. Talos... reluctantly leads a shattered force of around 40 men. He simply doesn't work as a generic special character.


A special character works if they lead a very large force, comparative to its groups overall size (Chapter Masters/Captains, Eldrad, Abaddon, any IG character, etc), if they're mercenaries or "wandering heroes" (Khârn, Nork, Duke Sliscus, Phoenix Lords etc), or if they're famous historical figures (Tycho, Eldrad again, etc). Talos matches none of these. There is no reason why he would be turning up in other Night Lord warbands. He doesn't hire himself out, he doesn't lead a large coalition of Night Lord warbands, he just leads his tiny fragment as best he can.

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Basically no-one from any of the Black Library novels is a suitable character for a special character to unlock legion traits. And that's how it should be. The best solution would be something like the old 3.5 lord options, although to simplify it we could have something like: 0-1 Chaos Lords (generic, although bikes, terminator armour and marks effect force organisation), 0-1 of the following: Dark Apostles (gain access to crozius wargear, special access to mark of chaos ascendant, terminator armour, bikes jumppack options *that don't effect foc* maybe allow generic daemons to be scoring or possessed as troops or something similar), Iron Warriors Warsmith (again armour bikes, jump packs don't affect foc but are options, gain access to servo arms, some kind of extra iron warrior options, preferrably not the old HS spam but even that would do), Alpharian Lord (same effects with armour bikes etc as above, give access to special tactical options, vows or verteran skills style thing - martial pride/hubris challenge thing) you get the idea... seperating them from each other and avoiding rolling them into one uber-choice like before, but providing more options than we have now... These choices might even have to be mutually exclusive to avoid abuse from power-players or if taken together they gain the wargear options but lose the army-wide special rules.
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More than that something like the vows for the Emperors Champion.


But obviously more tailored for the Chaos Legions and something to be taken as an upgrade pack.



I've always thought a similar system to SW vows/sagas, only with a Legion instead of a saga and army wide benefits, would work pretty well with a Chaos codex.

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I'd rather get rid of different characters entirely, and just have Legion Lords, which can pick a single trait from a list (for a certain amount of points), which is vague enough in name to not result in "what? You play Iron Warriors, but chose the Lords of the Night trait? How unfluffy!"


Instead, it should be stuff like "Annihilator" for the 'Iron Warriors' trait, giving benefits to defending or attacking terrain/buildings, or the "Mouthpiece of the Gods" for the 'Word Bearers' trait, etc.

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Much as you'd like it otherwise, Special/Unique Characters are here to stay. If anything, the proliferation of them since Space Marine's 5th says that they will actually be MORE in the next codex rather than less.
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I've always thought a similar system to SW vows/sagas, only with a Legion instead of a saga and army wide benefits, would work pretty well with a Chaos codex.


I'm down for something like this.


As long as we get away from the idea in rules form that Night Lords = Raptors... Sigh.


I'd also really like it if Ahriman's official paint scheme were a little more red, and less Tzeentch, since he's not really down with him, just using him. (At least he thinks so)

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I think I'd just love to see a dex or a mini-dex with rules and fluff for the various chaos legions.


With, for example, things like the rules for Dark Apostles and Coryphaus' for the Word Bearers.


That way those of us that want to play based on the old legions can still be able to do it (hopefully) effectively. While those who want to play renegades or 'space pirates' can do so as well.

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He is in command, he may not like it, but he is. Read The Core it's set after Blood Reaver, has a great ending that leaves you thinking ... ^_^ oh yeah!


As for characters if you read what I put you'd see that I ended with 'personally I wouldn't like it' I wouldn't like any single character to 'represent' the legions as few if any really can.


Yes, he's in command, of his own single little splinter of the Legion, and he doesn't even want that. Should he be turning up in Night Lord forces across the galaxy? No. Khârn/Abaddon/Lucius etc work because they fight alongside/at the head of a wide variety of forces. Khârn fights for anyone Khorne wants him to. Ahriman fights for anyone with valuable relics. Abaddon leads the largest coalition of Chaos warbands ever. Talos... reluctantly leads a shattered force of around 40 men. He simply doesn't work as a generic special character.


A special character works if they lead a very large force, comparative to its groups overall size (Chapter Masters/Captains, Eldrad, Abaddon, any IG character, etc), if they're mercenaries or "wandering heroes" (Khârn, Nork, Duke Sliscus, Phoenix Lords etc), or if they're famous historical figures (Tycho, Eldrad again, etc). Talos matches none of these. There is no reason why he would be turning up in other Night Lord warbands. He doesn't hire himself out, he doesn't lead a large coalition of Night Lord warbands, he just leads his tiny fragment as best he can.


...again... I know who wouldn't work as a legion hero/character I've said this twice now, he is however one of only three contenders for such a position again as I've already said I would prefer legion rules that could be applied to lords or squads.

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I think I'd just love to see a dex or a mini-dex with rules and fluff for the various chaos legions.


With, for example, things like the rules for Dark Apostles and Coryphaus' for the Word Bearers.


That way those of us that want to play based on the old legions can still be able to do it (hopefully) effectively. While those who want to play renegades or 'space pirates' can do so as well.

A Coryphaeus is basically just a Lord with a fancy name. No real need for specific rules for something we already rules for.


Now I know this has been said before, but more Daemon engines would be nice to see.



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I think I'd just love to see a dex or a mini-dex with rules and fluff for the various chaos legions.


With, for example, things like the rules for Dark Apostles and Coryphaus' for the Word Bearers.


That way those of us that want to play based on the old legions can still be able to do it (hopefully) effectively. While those who want to play renegades or 'space pirates' can do so as well.

A Coryphaeus is basically just a Lord with a fancy name. No real need for specific rules for something we already rules for.


Now I know this has been said before, but more Daemon engines would be nice to see.




Your right about the Coryphaus. If I had been wide awake when I posted this, instead of fresh outta bed I'd have left it off, lol...Only reason, I think, it was there was that I was trying to list things that are unique to the Word Bearers by name.....So a Dark Apostle and other unique attributes of the legion would be great to see.


And yes some more varied Daemon engines would be cool... (and fix, or go back to the older, dreadnaught rules.)

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Keep the current characters for the Renegade book, as they're not good examples of the actual Legions. They're either exiles or lead groups so diverse to not be a true "Legionnaire" force (Abaddon and his Black "Legion"). I just really don't want to see "to play Night Lords, you have to take Acerbus, who gives your models X, Y and Z, in exchange for A, B and C." Keep characters who do that, in addition to upgrades for normal HQ choices which do the same.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. In the Space Marines' Codex, it's resulted in "you're playing green Ultramarines unless you play Vulkan Hestan and only then is it Salamanders."


Either give an optional character model or, better still, an anonymous unit. (Because I hate named special characters, it goes counter to the DIY nature of the 40k hobby; if I want nothing but special characters, I'll play Warma-Hordes.)


For the Word Bearers, a Dark Apostle or a Coryphaus or an Icon Bearer would be ideal. Even if they don't bring any uber special rules with them, the flavor they provide would be worth it.

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I'm greedy I want both.


I want some special characters who have cool fluff, good rules, don't suck and don't necessarily pigeon hole the army into certain roles.


I also want cheap generic Chaos HQs, with lots of possibilities for variation (wargear AND rules) to make my own warband/cell etc...


It's weird there's quite a bit of hate for special characters in NZ hardly anyone plays them, I've recently started a GK army and I'm using Coteaz... he's a really good model but there's nothing stopping me converting up my own "Coteaz". Currently I'm using the Cypher model and still trying to think of a different Inquisitor name/fluff... Do people really hate doing things like that?


I'd want to be able to make an all terminator chaos army, maybe Abbadon unlocks termies as troops (yes major copy paste) but I'd be ok with it, Khârn making Zerkers troops (say if they were changed into elites in the new codex).


Tying special characters into the BL books, I'm undecided on this... I'd love to see Talos in the book - I kinda understand about him not leading a large army, but I think he fits in quite well in terms of a warband. Marketing strategy it makes good sense... who's this new special character in the codex who sounds kinda cool (for new players...say)... well guess you gotta go buy some books to find out how cool he REALLY is.


Would be keen hearing other people's ideas for Alpha Legion special characters and more about Word Bearers too (Chaos legion I know least about)

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Outside of the characters already included, I don't really want new ones in the next codex. I don't like the idea of unlocking FOC abilities with special characters, but I would like to be able to buy them outright like Apocalypse formations, only scaled down for regular play. Maybe have a couple of "free" variations, and then have some you pay for because they're more powerful. That would be way cooler than getting Terminators as troops because you fielded Abaddon. What if I don't want to field Abaddon? It wouldn't take much to enable a wide variety, chaotic even, of different army types, and would suit both the Legions and whatever wacky Renegade from the Eye a player might want.


Also I would like to see the return of Chaos Lieutenants.

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More than anything else, i foresee this legions codex as a testing ground for army "traits" which aren't connected to a special character. Someone mentioned sagas, and i think that is a step in the right direction. I'd like to stop fielding Shrike but he gives my army more RG feel than a vanilla captain...i would like to see legions not stuck that way.
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