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Word Bearers in the next codex


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Also I would like to see the return of Chaos Lieutenants.
Amen to that.


To this day I do not understand why the option for a cheap HQ was removed.

Except for the lame excuse about 'less is more' that Gav and Alessio gave us.


Sure, the lieutenants of old were nearly as good as fully fledged Lords (but aren't they also that in the fluff?). Take a look at Tyranid Primes, they are almost as beastly as Tyrants in CC.


My point is,

there are many newer books out there who have that option - it makes no sense why LTs were removed.

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Because of their insane decision that "Lords are leaders, which is what the HQ selection is for. Lieutenants are not. Therefore, let's remove/nerf Lieutenants". It's what they did for Librarians/Chaplains in the Dark Angels book. Fortunately they let us keep our Sorcerors with 3 wounds, rather than keep the "they're not a Lord/DP/Captain, they're not the main leader" logic that got extended to the Space Marine books.
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Because of their insane decision that "Lords are leaders, which is what the HQ selection is for. Lieutenants are not. Therefore, let's remove/nerf Lieutenants". It's what they did for Librarians/Chaplains in the Dark Angels book. Fortunately they let us keep our Sorcerors with 3 wounds, rather than keep the "they're not a Lord/DP/Captain, they're not the main leader" logic that got extended to the Space Marine books.
At least they kept our Sorcerers at 3 wounds. They could've gone back to the old 1 wound sorcerers from the 3.0 codex. They were also limited to only one psychic power (specifically the one for their mark, which could be less than useless in the case of Tzeentch sorcerers), had no option for a force weapon, and no way to get an invulnerable save. I had countless sorcerers try to jump pack in to cast Fleshy Curse and end up getting killed because they failed their psychic test and lost their only wound.
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