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Mephy stats for sucessor chapters high libbys?

Brother Nathan

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as by now many of you will know i play a succesor chapter of my own devising. anyway i have my own mephy painted in my own colours etc. anyway im working on fluff to which you may have noticed but anyway. how do other chapters justify using mephy. now i dont mean can we. of course we can. i want more than that. mephy is supposed to be the only one to over come the rage, and im trying t come up witha good reason as to why i can use the same stas in my chapter. i know one prson uses a broodlord and theres some connection between it and the chapter which is fine but im obviously not going to do that. any way id like to hear how you do it and ideas from others as to how they could justify the deamon prince like stats... thanks in advance!
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Bionics. That's how Cassius gets T6. An experimental mechanicus rebuild, an unreliable jump pack that only works on a 2d6 roll of 10 or less, suitable bad rolls backfire and cause an injury.


You get the idea.

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I think Xenith hit the nail on the head. The most powerful libby the chapter has ever seen is struck down in battle. I think they would work on his body trying to save him. You could even go down the route that they where preparing him for a dreadnoughts sarcophagus when they realised with a bit more work they could rebuild him a man once more.
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Well he is a psyker after all... You could go with the super mental strength grants super physical strength. I'm not very creative when it comes to the why, but hopefully I can spark a thought for you :D
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How about your Libby being so mentally strong he is able to embrace the black rage when needed and use it to his advantage and when the battle is done he has the ability to overcome it's effects though his mental fortitude. Kind of like "hulking out" Libby style and when the jobs done it's Bruce Banner again.
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Alternatively, much like Astorath (and the Sanguinor) travels from place to place, you could work it in that Mephiston is there to help !

This seems sound to me. :D


My chapter isn't a BA successor, but I use the dex. The only BA-specific things I use are Apothecaries as Elites (Priests) and a Mephiston counts-as. I don't need to sweat the Black Rage (my guys are "overly zealous" Sallie successors who would rather die than commit the "sin of retreat") so he's just a bamf. My chapter's chief librarian, of course. :) I picture the Str 10 stuff as melee-range warp lightning and the Wings as a teleport. Just a fluff-wrapper.

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I run my Soul Drinkers as BA. Mephiston is a good counts-as Sarpedon. He's a mutant psyker with 8 arachnid legs that make him super fast (wings) and super strong (sword). It works pretty good. I also run him as a jump pack librarian with Fear the Darkness and Unleash Rage.
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Easy to justify, the head librarian of any chapter is a centuries old certified badass that calls on the power of the immaterium. One does not get to that point without a significant amount of physical and mental toughness and the ability to whoop serious buttocks. All of good old Meph's fluff about overcoming the red thirst and black rage is a carryover that is not reflected in his rules. What is reflected in his rules according to his entry is a reawakening of his geneseed. That much is easily explained by the abnormally good genestock received by said random chief librarian.
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I dont. I just say he is my Chief Librarian and a counts as Mephiston


If I HAD to justify it, I would say that because he is so old, his psychic powers have manifested to incredibly high levels due to his ability to hold off the Black Rage for so long, which plagues the Flesh Tearers. So in battle he is a nimbus of energy and terrible psychic power.


And my model looks cool as hell so no one really complains.

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I just do not I do have the Mephy Model I just do not use him with my Flesh Tearers I find my SS Termie Libby has been better suited for what my army does The only thing I do counts as is Lemmy as High Chaplain Carnarvon because he makes more sense than to try claim I have a High Libby of Mephy sized abilities.
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This actually brought up a funny idea in my head. Given the similar statline to the Nemesis Dreadknight from the Grek Knights codex I wonder if for one of the more "daring" chapters could have salvaged a fallen Dreadknight, refused to give it back to the Grey Knights (which I'm sure would cause some problems but its not like it would be the first time Blood Angels refused to give something important to somebody), and repaired it most of the way back to working order... Could make for a fun conversion.

Though I'd use the Contemptor pattern dreadnought as a base.



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