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What do we hope for in the Chaos Codex?


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Hey all :D

Well, I thought I'd post the question as I forsee a lot of the other sub-forums doing it as well.


What do you guys hope for?

Do you simply hope they don't nerd us completely or do you hope for new and exciting units to be included?

What about fluff? I know I'd like to find out more how Mortarian had a Grey Knights named carved into him, there must have been extrenuating circumstances surely!



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I really hope they don't nerf bat daemon princes- currently, they are some of the strongest HQ choices availible, and I love them so.


In terms of what I want, I desire dreads, LRs and termies that are at least on par with their loyalist counterparts. Oh, and cultists would be fun too. Also, spawn that wouldn't suck. So I guess really I just want everything that sucks now to be amazing. :D


Cult chosen, possessed and havocs would be awesome too.

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I'd like the next codex to be as flexible as the current one in term of units that you can take.


I'd mainly like to have a Mark of Nurgle system that can be applied to any units giving them blight grenades, +1 Toughness and Feel No Pain but with the -1 Initiative penalty. It would just give that character to your whole army in a more meaningful way. It also should be based on a points per model basis not a blanket 50 point squad upgrade (as it is with the current icon system).


I'd also like to see the Mark of Nurgle as a vehicle upgrade again. I'm not sure in what fashion this would work but I think perhaps +1 armour all round would be appropriate.


Finally, how about skills like Tank Hunter and Infiltrate?

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Damn, Verbal Underbelly you beat me to the punch about the mark of Nurgle (+1 T, -1 I, FNP and blight grenades) applicable to all appropriate Nurgle dedicated units. HQ, Terminators included here.


Very quickly (off the top of my head),


As Mortarion favoured Infantry advancing on foot towards the enemy (a tactic that does not work so well in the current version of the rules) I would like to see a "Cloud of Pestilent Plague Flies" available to cover foot units and grant them a +5 cover save even if they move/run in shooting phase. Also a Chaos Lieutenant/Captain as an intermediary between Aspiring champion and Warlord.


Mark of Nurgle on Daemonically Possessed vehicles either as Daemonically Possessed and +1 Armour save vs shooting attacks or Vehicle covered in Nurglings re-roll damage result on penetrating/glancing hits.


Cultists with Mark of Nurgle (+1 T only) lead by a Plague marine/ Plague Cultist/Sorcerer/Aspiring Champion.


Best of all, actual Plague Zombies! (+1 T, Slow and Purposeful, Brain dead I 1, FNP) possibility of infecting close combatants.


Better Nurgle dedicated weapons, Plague shells. Fired by Defiler, ignores cover, ignores none fully encased armour (could be hard to rule write this one).


Plague Marine squads get heavy bolters which can be fired as Slow and Purposeful.


Cost savings to units who have the dedicated number of 3 or 7 in their ranks. (Aspiring champion upgrade free as per previous edition?).

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Ooh heavy bolter with slow and purposeful - I like it! I've seen illustrations of Death Guard guys with heavy bolters. That would really suit both the background and play style of the Death Guard! Great idea! I'm tempted to do that as a conversion project!


Also, I do miss the lieutenant HQ option. And the Kai gun. And unit upgrades that don't arbitrarily cost multiple of five points. We're not thick - we can add up numbers other than 5, 10 and 15 points.

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And unit upgrades that don't arbitrarily cost multiple of five points.
Unless they decide to do away with the design philosophy behind 5th ed. Codices I do not see that happenning, unfortunately.
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Plagueswords, I really miss Plague Champions with Plagueswords. Wounds on 4+ no armour saves! Though some powerfists do well in current version of the game.


General Chaos theme - spiky bits, by having extra spikes on armour +1 attack or one re-roll to hit (similar to previous addition).


Psychic abilities - "Bog" - affected unit moves as if going through difficult terrain, a roll of 6 on a die = each member of unit must take a T test or succumb to bog and dies/sucked into bog/swamp.


Nurgles Flies = Raptors with MoN (+1 T, Blight grenades, FNP, -1 I and Nurgles Rot, 2 attacks + extra CCW, options 2 x special weapons and champion, spreading the plague 1 X large blast S 4 AP6 template placed within 7" upon unit deep striking onto battlefield).

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And unit upgrades that don't arbitrarily cost multiple of five points.
Unless they decide to do away with the design philosophy behind 5th ed. Codices I do not see that happenning, unfortunately.


Ah I see, a shame then. Our war gear is horribly over priced. Particularly the Sorcerer's...

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I would like a representation of the Purge! With special rules for raptors and bikes. Nurgle needs more fast attack! I mean come on, how fast did the black death spread.
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You do know that using Fast Attack is the direct opposite of Mortarion's doctrine? ;)


For the Purge alone it might work (not for DG), what I really would like to see though is Blight/Contaminator Drones.

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On the one hand I really just hope we don't get nerfed without compensation.


However, if we're going to hope for a better tomorrow (choke choke cough), then for Nurgle-aligned forces in general, I would want offensive variants of blight grenades that lowered initiative or weaponskill (like stench of Nurgle in the good ol' days), a purchaseable "cloud of flies" wargear that worked like reuseable smoke for vehicles (maybe a die roll each turn to see if the cloud is in effect or has moved on?), and/or some sort of way to create patches of difficult & dangerous ground to bring new depths of "Tarpitting".


For The Purge, I think giving them some attractive fast attack options would be best. After all, they split off from the Death Guard, so Mortarion's combat doctrine might not be as influential. The top of my list here (as has been mentioned in the thread) is distinctly Nurglesque Raptors, perhaps with poison gas and/ or chem-burners as wargear options?




<edit: re-read fluff, corrected a sentence>

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You do know that using Fast Attack is the direct opposite of Mortarion's doctrine? ;)


For the Purge alone it might work (not for DG), what I really would like to see though is Blight/Contaminator Drones.


Yes, I am aware of that. This is the reason that I went with the Purge. I love the DG and Mort, but the Purge allows for a different style of playing. Plus, with the lack of fluff from the Purge, it gives the player the ability to create how the army is set up.

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Hey all ;),

I'm liking how the thread is progressing with units and such.

As I've only really played with this codex (I know shame on my young, beardless self), what really grabbed me about the legions were the Horus Heresy novels and particularly "Flight if the Eisenstien" (sp?). The tragic story of betrayal through misunderstanding is so rich and awesome it made me want an army.... That's what I hope the new Codex builds on, not just the legions now-a-days but how we got to be here! Also I want it cleared up that Mortarian didn't just get whoop-assed by some young whelp from the Grey-Knights :P


If new units were to be introduced, I'd like them to have a throw-back glance at the pre-heresy and heresy era Death Guard. In my opinion, that's when they were most awesome... Not to say that I don't love Nurgle and the Nurgle-fied Death Guard we have now :P.



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There are few things I want. Granted I don't have a single Chaos Space Marine let alone a death guard so take it with a grain of salt if needed. I want Chaos to have it's mojo back! I want Chaos to be feared the way it should be. Still beatable of course because then it wouldn't be fun but I think they need something wether it be just a boost or a rework of the way they are kitted out. I suppose if we're going to go Nurgle specific though I would like to have the option of having Mortarion as my HQ I don't care what he costs as long as it's appropriate. Now THAT would cause fear!
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I want to see some new stuff for Possessed Marines. Here are some examples -


Mark of Nurgle (Possessed) - Feel no Pain, T5 and Poisoned Attacks (+4)

Mark of Khorne (Possessed) - Furious Charge, +1 Attack and Strength of the Blood God (+1S and makes their close combat attacks count as AP4, just like the old Chain Axes from the older CSM books.)

Mark of Slaanesh (Possessed) - Counter-Attack, +2I and Glory of Slaanesh (Will automatically hit will all close combat attacks)

Mark of Tzeentch (Possessed) - Daemonic Flames (S4/AP4/Template), +5 Invl Save and Favour of Tzeentch (Count as power weapons)


These are just some suggestions and some of the might even be overpowered, but I hope you guys gets my idea. Would make Possessed Marines a lot more fun to play.


Edit; These are the stats I believe Possessed Marines should have without the marks -

WS4 BS4 S5 T4(5) W1 I4 A2 LD9 Sv3+


Also should be noted that they would be able to buy Wings. :devil:

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I would like to have the option of having Mortarion as my HQ I don't care what he costs as long as it's appropriate.


No primarchs in a codex ... just won't happen.


I mainly look to the previous 'dex for what I want in the next one, but I do hope they avoid the excessive choices with so many underpowered options, and only a few worth taking.


For Nurgle and Death Guard, I want to see the following:


Marked Tanks - This would help make Chaos vehicles more than bland versions of their Loyalist counter-parts. Nurgle tanks having Nurgle's Rot again would be great, since a pure Plague Marine force generally can use more anti-horde.


The Possessed Spirit (previous 'dex) back on our Land Raiders.


At least 3 Nurgle specific psychic powers to choose from. We need HQ customization back. Obviously, we'd keep Nurgle's Rot. And as Death Guard should be a foot slogging army for the most part, something like Njal Stormcaller's Living Hurricane effect would be nice--take it down to 12", since it could be on multiple things. Not sure on a third.


Some representation of Nurglings! I'll let Plague Bearers stay in the Daemon codex, but I really miss my little friends crawling all over. Nurgling Infestation (previous 'dex) as an HQ, and vehicle upgrade would be great.


Typhus as T 5 ... no more of this 4(5) nonsense for our big time leader. As he is now with that single change (and Nurgling Infestation), and I'd be very, very happy.


Havocs and Chosen that can be marked. And on the note, Chosen that actually feel like they were ... chosen. Give them access to lots of ranged weapon options (as they have now), plus special melee stuff (making them the equivalent of Wolf Guard). Toss Plague Swords on them, or some kinda great weapon that isn't the Manreaper.


Zombies!!! Same rules as the Apoc template, and I'm fine.


Nurgle Possessed - just as Plague Marines sans grenades and bolters. They'd have two close combat weapons, and an aura ability for -1 attack, or something similarly representing a 'cloud of flies'.


I think that about covers it. Obviously, we'll be limited from fast attack choices and Oblits, but if they really focus on making the rest of a Death Guard army work with those limitations, it'll be nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think I'd mainly like to see the Plague Marine benefits be available to more squads like Terminators, Possessed etc (the +1T, Feel No Pain, Blight Grenades etc). I'm a big fan of the Plague Zombie image and I think a new unit such as Cultists would be really cool.
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Plague Marine kit available for HQ, Terminators, Chosen & Havocs. (T5, FNP, Fearless)


Slight decrease in cost for basic Plague Marines.


Heavy Bolters available in PM troop units.


PM troops can count as Fast Attack if mounted in a Rhino.


Bring heavy weapon points cost in line with newer codices.


Dreadnoughts no longer have 'Crazed'.


Nurgle Sorceror spell that gives cover save.


Dreadclaw assault pods!


Machine Spirit back for traitor Land Raiders.


Plague Swords as a Plague Champ option (powered poisoned).


EW for Typhus.


Veteran skills for Chosen & Terminators.


Thunder hammers & Storm Shields available to terminators & lords.


Cheap Zombies!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love to see:

-Dreadnoughts without crazed

-Marks have the same effects as god specific unit (in example MoN would give FNP, +1 toughness, Blight grenades -1 Initiative)

-All of our special HQ choices such as Typhus EW.

-1+ toughness for Typhus

-Marks for Tanks

-Points reduction for basic Plague Marines

-Point reduction for Mark of Nurgle (at it's current state it's way too expensive)

-Possibly option for the whole army to follow one god. Would cost points, but would let you get some special equipment/weapons/ammunition.

-Dreadclaw drop pods

I think that is all I would like to see. I have not played the older codex so I really do not know much about it and/or bout it's greatness.

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My visions for the new dex are fairly simple yet imho enough to get the feeling of the Deathguard Legion across:




Nurgle Lord - Blight Granades, T(4)5, FNP, Upgrade Options, Sorcerer Upgrade, Weapon Options


Nurgle Lieutenant - Blight Granades, T(4)5, FNP, Upgrade Options, Sorcerer Upgrade, Weapon Options


Nurgle Daemonprince - Cloud of Flies, T6, FNP, Upgrade Options, Sorcerer Upgrade, Weapon Options


Great Unclean One - as in Codex: Daemons, cheaper




Possessed Plaguemarines - Blight Granades, S5, T(4)5, FNP, I3, 5+ inv, Upgrade Options (not random)


Terminators - T(4)5, FNP, I3


Dreadnought - either cheaper or not crazy


Contemptor Dreadnought




Plaguemarines - as now but for 20p/marine


Plaguebearers - as in Codex: Daemons, cheaper


Nurglings - as in Codex: Daemons, cheaper


Fast Attack


Blight Drone


Heavy Support


Plaguemarine Havocs - special weapons only






Land Raider





Apart from inluding new units or expanding existing ones as above, I'd of course welcome some upgrade options like: Plagueswords, Noxious Touch, Nurgles' Rot, Unholy Might, Demonic Mutation, etc.

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