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What do we hope for in the Chaos Codex?


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With specific regards to Nurgle:


- Distinct Nurgle Chaos Lords, Daemon Princes and characters in general achieved by providing a LIMITED number of Nurgle-specific chaos rewards/daemonic gifts to all characters based on what tier they occupy (for example, Independent Characters can take a maximum of three Chaos Rewards, non-ICs can take a maximum of two). Amongst those Chaos Rewards I would like to see:


1. Plague Swords/Plague Knives: Poisoned weapons of varying degrees of potency.

2. Nurgle's Rot: Not a psychic power. Never been a psychic power, doesn't make sense as a psychic power; it's a disease, carried by the followers of Nurgle regardless of whether or not they have psychic capability.

3. Nurgling Infestation.


- Maintennance of the ability to take both cult AND non-cult Nurgle marines, in essence, a "mark" system that allows for the bog basic stat upgrades by applying the appropriate mark (e.g. +1T for MoN), which then allows models to purchase cult-specific upgrades that make them cult-marines (for example, with regards to Nurgle, one could take the Plague Marine upgrade which provides the models FnP, Fearlessness and Blight Grenades for a suitable points cost). Alongside these traditional upgrades would be a finite number of new ones, allowing for the creation of God specific cults with different abilities so that players can customise to their heart's content (for example, maybe we could have Charnel Gases, in which the marked marines are bloated and swollen with corpse-gasses, exploding spectacularly when they are slain, or something to that effect).


- God specific vehicle upgrades.

- A Lore of Decay with three psychic powers of Nurgle (the same for all of the other chaos Gods, except Khorne, obviously).

- Proper Nurgle Daemons. My extensively converted Great Unclean One whom I made specifically for my Death Guard army is a Great UNclean One. That's why I bought and modelled a Great Unclean One. He IS NOT some pointless, generic "Greater Daemon." Same goes for my extensively converted Plague Bearers.

- A Typhus with some clout.

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How about a change of image?


Before you shoot me, aren't you bored with the bloated bellies and innards hanging out? I liked them for a time but now they look increasingly non-threatening to me - and kind of funny... How about DG with a more WWI German zombies kind of image? Spiked helmets (this bit i like a lot), walking cadavers with gas masks. But no bellies - actually thin DG!!! Not as in "athletic thin" but as "this-looks-dead-to-me thin".


That will look ominous and threatening in my view. Currently they are unconvincing... and old.

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How about a change of image?.


For my Purge army, I have some CSM and Plague marines, but for variety, I have begun a couple of units of counts-as khorne berzerkers. I am using the plastic berzerker bodies, with all khorne symbols filed off, and for the chest/ belt buckle symbols, I'm using vampire counts skulls. They will have a mix of CSM and Mk5 helmets, with some aftermarket "plague warrior" heads too.


The fluff I'm going with (and again, this is The Purge, not Death Guard, so they aren't as strict about Mortarion's precepts) is that these warriors are exposed to nerve agents and warp-tainted viruses that alter them into hyperactive, gleeful maniacs that never stop moving, falling into mild seizures when at "rest". When faced with an enemy, they rush to snuff out any life that has not already been given over to Nurgle, much like their non-berzerker brethren.


After all, we have rabies to inspire us.

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  • 2 months later...

Well. The sad thing (for me) is the trend to rely on special characters. I would expect FW to do a Garro model for all those who are collecting pre heresy (especially as he has a book) and no doubt a Typhus model, perhaps even with an additional 'taking Typhus unlocks x,y,z'


What do I hope for?


Fixing the busted bits in the old dex, which are not many but include limited HQ options, possessed rule fail and lack of grenades...MOST especially though would be getting rid of the 'lose the Icon you lose the upgrades' rule. Which just annoys the hell out of me.


What I would like to see.


Plague marines with more options, especially bolt options. I.E. Heavy bolters become assault 2 or 3 in a PM squad due to them being experts and bulky sods. But perhaps also the option of using plague marines for every unit, so instead of chosen needing icons you can equip PM's as chosen instead, or give them bikes or jump packs etc. With a basic PM cost and added wargear to taste. Expensive yes, but cool.


Also Plague Terminators with FNP etc


Land raiders that can transport fluffy squad numbers, so 7 termies.


Lesser Daemons being Plague bearers and or Nurglings.


I could go on and on.


I am just looking forward to it, gonna be cool B)

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first of all i want to see some equalising rule changes..

by that i mean bring us into line with newer dexes wargear, Ics to have 4+inv, access to storm shield equivalents maybe.. some of our ICs especially Typhus need EW, especially considering how 'special' they are compared to a 400 year old captain from some loyalist faction.


i hope icons go to be replaced by unit wide marks, be much better.. oh and a potms equivalent for our own vehicles.


tbh it wouldnt be a bad idea to have fearless as an army wide special, when you bow to chaos gods, why would you be scared of anything else.. (except cultists tho)

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Not to burst bubbles and troll the hope page, but after playtesting nurgle cult terminaters, they really dont need fnp, for gamebalance's sake. they need a couple of upgradeable invul saves and some cool weapon options. But just having T5 and Fearless was pretty epic. Just my 2 cents
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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm "dittoing" Mr. Esty. I have two and they are not overpowered. I would make the cannon upgradeable, Just for variety.


I'd also go back to limited "cult units" again for the EC, DG, WE and TS. Let the non traditional armies have their all over the place mess, and let the originals have their doctrines. And finally, none of this "counts as" stuff. Stop being Mini/Maxers.

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  • 2 months later...

Nurgling Infestation


Lesser Daemons as summonable allies from the Daemons codex (so I can have my Plaguebearers and Nurglings back).


More HQ options.


Make Typhus T5, EW. Matter of fact, if a model is blessed by nurgle, why is he toughness 4 for some things, and toughness 5 for others... makes no sense and is quite frankly infuriating. Get rid of the T4(5) crap all together... or keep it for Icons and lose it if the squad has a Mark. I mean, it makes sense that if a member of a unit has some talisman (Icon) that blesses his unit, that it be somewhat limited, but if an entire squad is blessed (Marked) by the patron god itself, it should be an innate characteristic from that point on.


Blight Drones. They're fun.

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Lots of good ideas percolating in this thread.


In some ways, I would like us to return to older editions of the Codex, bringing us more into line with the current edition Codicies, but retaining elements of personalisation and "fluff". Things like Nurgle's Rot etc., as well as themed Daemon Weapons, were brilliant - and that unique wargear really gave each distinct legion a flavour.


And, Nurglings & Blight Drones please.

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The only thing I don't want to see is a return to the days of 3.5 where the only way to play a Marked force was to play the Legion. Yes, the Death Guard don't use much FA, but the codex is supposed to represent all of Nurgle-marked forces, not just Death Guard. It was even worse for the Tzeentch players who didn't want to be Thousand Sons, because they literally couldn't be anything else. So yeah, I agree with most of the suggestions here, I just don't want to see Nurgle losing Marked/Iconed Raptors and Bikes just because the Death Guard don't use them.
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Lord_Caerolion, while I get what your saying, remember that if the rumours are true then this book is called Legions for a reason; being that it's going to focus on the traitor legions themselves, whereas Renegades who suit the description in your post, are supposedly going to be simply updated with a WD, much akin to the Cities of Death update a while back, or the Sisters of Battle "codex".


Not to say I don't agree with you; a Nurgle-worshipping cult should be able to take a FA choice, and Thousand Sons should be able to do something else other than walk forwards shooting; but again, all the rumours point to this codex being about one thing -


The Legions, not traitors like the Red Corsairs.

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Bring back the Gifts of Mortarion and the Diseased Flagellants, just for fun. And blight drones btw.


But also I'd like to see in the codex generic things like Decimators, Dreadclaws and Contemptor dreads. Plague zombies would be nasty, I think, but very fluffy. But that is dreaming too much I'm afraid.

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I'd really like Plague Zombies to be featured - I am a devotee of Nurgle, after all.

I don't think it'd be much to hope for considering that GW have made two sets of rules for them in the past that I'm aware of; they were a Troops choice in Codex: Eye of Terror and you can take them in a formation for Apocalypse.


I do however think that it probably won't happen. I think GW are much more likely to release rules/models for something specifically CSM related; for example, plastic Havocs.

Releasing plastic Plague Zombies would be too niche of a product to really sell - but if they released Cultists, then you could bet that the majority of Chaos players would get some of them to shield their more precious squads.


It won't stop me from getting zombies though, I'll be making a big order with Mantic Games before long to build the above-mentioned formation.


By the way, have you guys seen the latest rumours posted in the News section?

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Lord_Caerolion, while I get what your saying, remember that if the rumours are true then this book is called Legions for a reason; being that it's going to focus on the traitor legions themselves, whereas Renegades who suit the description in your post, are supposedly going to be simply updated with a WD, much akin to the Cities of Death update a while back, or the Sisters of Battle "codex".


Not to say I don't agree with you; a Nurgle-worshipping cult should be able to take a FA choice, and Thousand Sons should be able to do something else other than walk forwards shooting; but again, all the rumours point to this codex being about one thing -


The Legions, not traitors like the Red Corsairs.


That's exactly what you're missing though. The Legions no longer exist like that. Chaos is just warbands. Many might still be organised primarily of members of the same Legion, but they're not as coherent as the Chapters are. One Death Guard warband will be radically different from another Death Guard warband, which will be radically different from a Death Guard warband that calls itself the Pestilent Brotherhood, and this other Death Guard warband is almost entirely made up of recent converts wearing Death Guard colours, and so on.


People keep dividing Chaos into Legions and Renegades, as if Chaos Marines are one of two stereotypes. They aren't. It's a sliding scale. Yes, there are stereotypical Legion forces out there, but they're the minority. They're all warbands, subject to the whims of their leader.


Secondly, last I heard it was just Codex Chaos Space Marines for the next book. They're bringing more focus onto the Legions, true, but that doesn't mean that those are the only Cult forces in the galaxy. What, every Marine who worships Tzeentch suddenly becomes affected by the Rubric and vaporises inside his armour? Every Nurglite Marine suddenly gets infected by the Destroyer Plague?

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What, every Marine who worships Tzeentch suddenly becomes affected by the Rubric and vaporises inside his armour? Every Nurglite Marine suddenly gets infected by the Destroyer Plague?

If eeryone on the New Chaos Rumors thread gets their way, yes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Like others here i feel Deathguard were handled better in 3.5. So for a Pure Deathguard force i would hope:



Plague Marines reduced in points to around 20pts, we are supposed to be a mass infantry army with some support, 23pts is too expensive to achieve this


A return of True Grit


Stubborn instead of fearless would be fluffy, plague marines aren’t mindless maniacs


Some incentive to take units in the favoured 7 number


No heavy weapons apart from Heavy bolters, make them assault weapons on plague marines. Deathguard are supposed to love bolter based weapons and be highly skilled when wielding them


Some return of plague Knives/ Plague swords - Possibly only on chosen/champions/terminators.


Only units with the mark of Nurgle allowed to be taken




Balanced HQ choices (Please no more Daemon prince no brainer)


Deathguard Vehicles are supposed to be in a state of disrepair so i would like to see a rule to represent this, i think our vehicles being immobilized by difficult terrain on a 1 AND 2 would make sense.


Blight Drones in the Codex


A return of Nurgles rot as an upgrade and not a phyic power


Typhus with eternal warrior




Poisoned flamer weapons would be cool



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