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Crusader model proxies?


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I am looking to put together a large squad of crusaders together. I would prefer to use gw models because of some tournament regulations, but will consider other manufacturers. I like the gw crusader figs, there just aren't enough sculpts and I lack the conversion talent to make 13 of them look different. Any ideas on good proxies?
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Bizarre as it might seem, have you considered the Gondorian troops from LoTR range? They can be armed with sword and shield, have a crusaderish look to them and also, being a slight different scale from 40k, look suitably...human, especially next to power/terminator armour models.
Possibly not important but it may bear mentioning: if you ever intend to play in a GW-sanctioned/sponsored tournament, you won't be able to use LotR models in your W40k force, as it's against their rules. :\ Local tournaments and friendly games it's a non-issue.
  thade said:
Possibly not important but it may bear mentioning: if you ever intend to play in a GW-sanctioned/sponsored tournament, you won't be able to use LotR models in your W40k force, as it's against their rules. :\ Local tournaments and friendly games it's a non-issue.


I just checked the Warhammer World event guide and I couldn't see anything about that.


 All your models should be on the appropriate base size (ie- the base supplied with the model).

 If Games Workshop produce a model for a unit entry, we expect you to use it. For example, plastic Ork Boyz painted slightly differently cannot be used for Kommandos. Similarly, you cannot use plastic Moria Goblins to represent Gundabad Blackshields. The exception to this is any conversions you may have done for thematic reasons.

 All models must clearly show all the correct weapon options on them.

 Any conversions should be clearly obvious as to what they are, and be the same size as the Citadel miniature sold.

 All models and their components must be produced by Citadel Miniatures, Forgeworld or Warhammer Forge.


As GW do not, AFAIK, make a specific model for a Crusader, I think that using LoTR figures would be legal, although I understand that the OP doesn't wish to do so because of the scale issues.

  Morollan said:
As GW do not, AFAIK, make a specific model for a Crusader, I think that using LoTR figures would be legal, although I understand that the OP doesn't wish to do so because of the scale issues.

They actually do make an official crusader model, and it looks awesome. Actually...there are two:




As for the ability to use LOTR models in GW tournies...that's a welcome change. Possibly I was mistaken and it was relative to some other convention's rule set...but I'm sure this came up before and someone cited me a GW page to prevent it. :HQ: So...good!

  thade said:
  Morollan said:
As GW do not, AFAIK, make a specific model for a Crusader, I think that using LoTR figures would be legal, although I understand that the OP doesn't wish to do so because of the scale issues.

They actually do make an official crusader model, and it looks awesome. Actually...there are two:




Ah, right. I've seen those models before but they've renamed them. Hadn't realised that. Oh well, in that case the OP is pretty screwed.

both brentonian men at arms or grail pilgrims could be used, as they have large shields and swords. If you ask me, the current crusader model looks like he's wearing poweramor, not flak armor.






Gw, of course has the right to set standards of accepability for what you may and may not use in "their" tournaments etc..., Honestly though, I play few tournaments, and have enough "legal models" that one squad of off brand figures isn't going to ruin my fun. I appreciate everyones input, but what I'm looking for is acceptable alternatives. I hate with a passion having

2 models look exactly the same. I'll probably buy the gw crusader models, but it leaves me lacking inspiration on how to fill out the rest of the squad. I've considered Cadians with space marine swords and shields, but that's really time consuming. Removing them from SM arms and fixing them to cadian arms will be tedious and delicate. I'm just not familiar enough with other companies to know what other models might be sculpted with a reasonable equivalent of flak armor, shield and power weapon.

I will obviously entertain any thoughts or ideas. I liked the Gondor idea a lot, and something to closer scale would be perfect.

Thanks for all the thoughts so far.

Oh, make no mistake; I'm a huge fan of non-GW models for WH armies. They add variety and lend very well to conversions. For example, I hate the temple assassin models, so I'm using models from other companies to do my assassins.


I don't play in GW tournaments. While I don't mind going against a meta'd list now and again, I don't really see an entire day of it as a good time.

Has anyone found the most economical AND "least-conversion work needed" solution to a crusader model?


$17 (Australian) for 1 x of the OFFICIAL model is wayyy too much for me imo. Considering that I plan on at acquiring at least 5. That's $85! ($11 MORE than the GK Termie/Pally pack!!!).


Is there not a one single plastic 5 man squad pack of sword and shield bearers in the Fantasy or LOTR range, which would undoubtedly be much cheaper???


Many thanks in advance,



Basically any medieval warrior figure with sword and shield can be made to look like a crusader. Reaper minis have some great warrior models:




Here's one I made by slapping a storm shield on him:





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