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Unit with Fearless and attached IC


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During a game last weekend with Necrons we were unsure if the Scarab Swam with attached Necron Lord (with destroyer body) still counted as fearless or not. The rules in our German rulebook did not sound very clear to us (reminder to self: never buy German rulebook ever again!) so I would like to ask you about this.


The Scarabs are fearless, the Lord is not. What happens when they are joined and in close combat. The unit looses and must make a morale test. Are they now fearless or not? We know that some special rules are transfered to the attached IC and the other way around to the unit but is this one of them?


Thanks in advance!

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The english rules for 'Fearless' on page 75 of the big rulebook are not really ambiguous at all about it.


"This special rule is gained by any independent character joining a fearless unit. However, as long as a fearless character stays with a unit that is not fearless, he loses this special rule."


Was that part really not translated in the german rulebook?

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The english rules for 'Fearless' on page 75 of the big rulebook are not really ambiguous at all about it.


"This special rule is gained by any independent character joining a fearless unit. However, as long as a fearless character stays with a unit that is not fearless, he loses this special rule."


Was that part really not translated in the german rulebook?


I just checked my book. The German translation keeps the part about an IC loosing it when it joins a non fearless unit but does not contain the part that an IC joining a fearless unit gains it... Crappy translations...

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I just checked my book. The German translation keeps the part about an IC loosing it when it joins a non fearless unit but does not contain the part that an IC joining a fearless unit gains it... Crappy translations...


hmmm that's very odd.

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The german translation of the rulebook and the codexes (sp?) is really awful. I am so glad I ordered the english versions since whenever a rules discussion comes up and my mates pick up their german books I can cross-check the english/original version against it.


AyanamiKun: I am not sure if you know the forum tabletopwelt.de, however there is a nice big thread about translation errors in the german translation of the rulebook and codexes. You can find it here: http://www.tabletopwelt.de/forum/showthread.php?t=105198

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