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Making my own techmarine..

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I'll build my ownn BA techmarine with jumppack and meltagun, would someone advise on which head, torso, legs, arms bits would look cool? Predator gunner pads sort of seem to be a must. I also like the land raider gunner head, and the ravenwing techmarine head.. But what else? Torso? Legs? Etc..
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If you have one of the old BA Honor Guard boxes, there was a techmarine and a mechanicus power axe in it. Good luck, though; those are the only Techmarine bitz that I can remember off the top of my head other than the ones on the tank hatch sprue. The one from the BA Honor Guard actually used standard assault marine legs.


You might end up having to do some GS work, since most of the bitz you'd need are unavailable.

Ravenwing sprue has a very nice techy helmet and shoulderpad. The Devastor box has a nice large helmet, too. In the Devastor box you can also find a Rocket launcher backpack that can be easily cut and rearranged to form a single servo arm, like below:



EDIT: Just read jumppack, so forget the above XD

Apart from that, search the WiP area for scratchbuilt or kitbashed Techmarines, you'll find plenty of inspiration there.

For Mechanicus specific bits heres what I've found:

Vehicle Sprues - Torso and shoulder pad

Ravenwing sprues - Mechanicus Helm with cog targeter

Storm Raven driver - Torso, shoulder pad, and targeter helmet, and knee pad for a nice press mold


For Mechanicus looking bits:

Assault Sprue - power axe that can easily be converted into a cog axe with a small bit of plasticard

Tactical sprue - Tubed torso

Chaos Marines box - Ornate plasma pistol (no specific chaos markings) and servo skull

Devastator sprues - missle launcher backpack can go towards a good servo arm and at least one targeter helm

Commander Box - Bionic arm with chainsword


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