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Alternate Daemon Prince?

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I need a Daemon Prince for my CSMs, and last time I checked, my local shop didn't have one. Thought about just ordering it, but they do have this:




It's the recently released Storm of Magic black dragon. What would you think about someone using this model as a prince? Would you have a problem with it? Of course, the rider would be changed to a Chaos Lord instead of an elf.


Also, do you think it would fit (and balance) on a Daemon-Prince-sized base?

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If it could be mounted on the same base as the Daemon Prince, and if you converted the rider to be a Chaos Space Marine of some kind, then I would say that was awesome. I couldn't say without knowing the feasibility of these things. But I am a firm believer in the diversity of Chaos, and like to see different things and bizarre conversions. Some people might not like it, though, so you never know.

Don't know how fluffy this is, or even if it's correct, but in the third Grey Knight book (Daemonhammer), wasn't there a Daemon Prince that had taken the form of a dragon? Or was that just the form a daemon chose... ;)

I don't know, my first thought was that it would be more suitable as a Greater Daemon or something, but it could work with some effort.

That looks maybe twice as tall as a regular Daemon Prince, too. It's a big enough unit that it's hard to hide already, and as awesome as that model is, the height of it would make any kind of LOS blocking almost impossible. Just something to think about.


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