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Lucius fluff build


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I am contemplating just a Lucius led build. Mostly for painting, the rest because I liked his descent into madness in Fulgrim.


I don't see Lucius particularly leading a force as I think his ego and own desires would outweigh most if not all tactical acumen. So just thinking some Noise Marines numbering 6 in Rhinos. Lucius joins a 5 man pack tomake it 6. Maybe a couple of Defilers as heavy support.


What is the fluff build seen for Lucius and EC?

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Oh I think he'd relish being a commander, since it's a form of power and stature and would lend itself to his ego. Whether he would be good at it or not is is a different question and I'm sure he'd blame his lackies for any failures that occured, completely ignoring his part in them.


I would say a couple of ten-man CSM squads with a proper tactical load-out would be fluffy, fitted in rhinos. I wouldn't see hundreds of Noise-Marines happening, I mean in Fulgrim they didn't ALL grab instruments and start blasting holes in peoples eardrums, only a few whom it appealed to.


I would also see them using Raptors as in the fluff they are portrayed as being very vain and thinking of themselves superiour in comparison to other marines. Plus the articulated and defiled armour lends itself to Slaanesh. Another group that lends itself to being vain are the Chosen or Terminators, after all you'd need the very best and the very perfect in an Emperors Children warband!


I could also see Vindicators used as I could see the Emperors Children mantaining thier armoury quite well, even if it was modified in numerous ways and defiled.


Anyway, that's my two cents, I hoped it helped in some kinda way ;) :HQ:



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Good point on the Noise Marine numbers.


10 man CSM squads done up as EC would be a nice base. I was thinking Raptors too and Chosen would be a good representation of some of the other named captains that went a little bonkers ala Fulgrim but didn't go Noise Marines.

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Well seeing as Lucius betrayed the loyalists on Istvaan by deceiving Demeter and allowed the loyalist's position to be compromised I reckon it would be quite fun to build a list with outflanking encirclement tactics in mind. Perhaps 3 squads of chosen chaos marines with special weapons coming in from board edges while the rest of the army fires heavy weapons from range and the noise marines provide a distraction/cover fire from mid-table.


Or you could do away with the noise marines entirely and have a couple of 20-man blocks of marines instead with the mark of slaanesh. It would deter most people from becoming embroiled in combat with 40 marines (I don't care who you are that's going to take some time getting through), and all the while they would know that a lot will be outflanking soon enough with deadly special weapons.


The one thing that is key to remember is Lucius is not a very survivable HQ choice. There are a ton of enemy characters out there that will be able to go toe-to-toe with him, survive and then drop him instantly. He is at best a damn good squad sergeant / aspiring champion - don't expect too much from him.

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I love it when you read about characters in the Heresy novels and they are still about in 40k fluff. I painted up Lucius to lead my Emperors Children army , but hes not all that. Still use him sometimes just coz i love his fluff, but I have to admit I more often than not take a Deamon Prince with wings and mark of Slaanesh, just kicks butt on the battle field. I like to think of him as Eidelon, having reached the status of DP.

I started with fluffy 6 man units of noise marines but they dont have survivability. Also every unit had a sonic blaster and blastmaster, i found there was often a temptation to stay put and use the higher strength and blast on the blastmaster, but they cant out shoot many armies, so dont try it. The tactic I now use has slowly evolved over many games. The core of the army is two ten man units, sonic blaster or two depending on the points available for the game, champion with power sword and doom siren - both units in rhinos. I also use terminators, and chosen all with mark of Slaanesh, and heavy support from a predator with LCs and a landraider. Noise marines are expensive for what they are , so my next project is to paint up two 10 man marine units with mark of Slaanesh. The emperors Childrens prominant trait is the desire to be the best, to reach perfection, but they are an extremely cruel Legion. Its noted at the seige of the Emperors palace during the heresy, they chose to torture the civilian populace instead of joining the main assault. So I feel my army would always close with the enemy,hence Rhinos and LR, where they can really show their superiority in the art of combat, (high initiative) and indulge their cruel torturous nature.


Brother Ramses why is it so many Wolf players have an affinity/ interest with the Emperors Children / Slaanesh.??

Good luck with your force and fluff.

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I love it when you read about characters in the Heresy novels and they are still about in 40k fluff. I painted up Lucius to lead my Emperors Children army , but hes not all that. Still use him sometimes just coz i love his fluff, but I have to admit I more often than not take a Deamon Prince with wings and mark of Slaanesh, just kicks butt on the battle field. I like to think of him as Eidelon, having reached the status of DP.

I started with fluffy 6 man units of noise marines but they dont have survivability. Also every unit had a sonic blaster and blastmaster, i found there was often a temptation to stay put and use the higher strength and blast on the blastmaster, but they cant out shoot many armies, so dont try it. The tactic I now use has slowly evolved over many games. The core of the army is two ten man units, sonic blaster or two depending on the points available for the game, champion with power sword and doom siren - both units in rhinos. I also use terminators, and chosen all with mark of Slaanesh, and heavy support from a predator with LCs and a landraider. Noise marines are expensive for what they are , so my next project is to paint up two 10 man marine units with mark of Slaanesh. The emperors Childrens prominant trait is the desire to be the best, to reach perfection, but they are an extremely cruel Legion. Its noted at the seige of the Emperors palace during the heresy, they chose to torture the civilian populace instead of joining the main assault. So I feel my army would always close with the enemy,hence Rhinos and LR, where they can really show their superiority in the art of combat, (high initiative) and indulge their cruel torturous nature.


Brother Ramses why is it so many Wolf players have an affinity/ interest with the Emperors Children / Slaanesh.??

Good luck with your force and fluff.


I actually have a lot of interest in all of the Chaos armies with the exception of Daemon armies. This has only happened due to what has been portrayed in the HH series. Before that, not too much of a desire for anything but Wolves.


For example, I read, The First Heretic and thought of a SW counts-as Word Bearers list with one Wolf Priest as a Dark Apostle, Wolfguard as aspiring Dark Apostles to lead Grey Hunter as Word Bearers. Then I was going to load up with Fenrisian Wolves as summoned lesser demons.

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I have come accross many Wolf players that play Slaanesh, even though Slaanesh is one of the lesser played Chaos gods.


For example, I read, The First Heretic and thought of a SW counts-as Word Bearers list with one Wolf Priest as a Dark Apostle, Wolfguard as aspiring Dark Apostles to lead Grey Hunter as Word Bearers. Then I was going to load up with Fenrisian Wolves as summoned lesser demons


Sounds like an interesting idea, would def work, though im not usually a fan of counts as armies myself. I can totally understand where your coming from with regards to the HH novels making the Chaos armies so much more interesting. Though some of the other non HH novels have has had the same effect for me . Soul Hunter by ADB has got me hooked on Nightlords. mmm is there a codex out there that would make a good Nightlords counts as list?? Have to have a hunt round B&C. The next project - after more Chaos marines - and more Grey Hunters - its just never ending.lol

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My Space Wolves is my best and most competitive army. Anything built by me other then Space Wolves is pure fun/fluff with zero plans for going competitive.


Right now my secondary armies are;


Sisters of Battle (if they release a nice plastics range)

Blood Angles Pure Death Company

Lucius Fluff Build

GK Pure Strike Build

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My first thought was using a list with multiple noise marine squads with doom siren & power fist/weapon champions, in essence multiple marines attempting to match or surpass Lucius. It would be an army built around the principle that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery".
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