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It would be fun, thematic, most likely awesome to look at. The army would also die in flames due to countless issues with our Terminators, first among them - their cost.



My 2 Kraks

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For some reason, i was under the impression that summoned daemons didn't count for your compulsory hq and troops choices. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


You have two choices:


1) Start all the terminators on the board in land raiders. Daemon princes and defilers will help to spread out the opponent's anti-tank weapons.


2) If you are going for the "teleport assault" style army, take a greater daemon as your hq, and oblits instead of defilers. Anything that starts on the table will die first turn. You could model the oblits as terminator sorcerers with fire, lightning and other spell effects in tgeir hands. Search for it, it's been done a few times.

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For some reason, i was under the impression that summoned daemons didn't count for your compulsory hq and troops choices. Can anyone confirm or deny this?


That's what army builder thinks.... the Greater deamon doesn't count, as it states so in the codex... the lessers i'm not so sure about.

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