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Where did the Atramentar go?

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***Blood Reaver spoilers ahead***


After finishing ADB's "Blood Reaver" (which I enjoyed and found interesting on many levels) I was left with the feeling that something is going on with the Antramentar in the end. While the Covenant is burning the Exalted/Vandred is alone on the bridge save of a few servitors. On the other hand he has already given the order "abandon ship" so all Claws have scrambled to board the "Echo of Damnation". But the Antramentar are not with them. They are not with their Lord in his final moments - so where are they? Did they leave the bridge go to another room of the Covenant to die? I don't buy that!


Talos seems to think they went down with the Covenant but Uzas says it's not like them to do so and in fact Talos agrees... Obviously they are not on the Echo or they would have made themselves known (why wouldn't they?) and Ruven wouldn't have considered raising 1st Claw to Atramentar status if they were (like he had a chance ;) )


So what happened to them? Is their dissapearence linked to Malek's order to Deltrian to preserve the War Sage's sarcophagus?


The Antramentar characters worked very well in the novel as catalysts but never led any particular plot line. So basing one on them in the future would be a real surprise - especially next to much more developed characters...


So what have I missed? Anybody?

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Well, we did only see the initial few confused and anarchic moments of the refugees boarding the Echo so it's entirely possible that they made it, but that Talos just didn't see them. After all, a ship is a big place, and they have more than one launch bay.
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Maybe... But unlikely. If they were to actually board the "Echo" they'd be the most senior Night Lords on board and they'd assume command right away. Plot wise it make sense for them NOT to be on board so Talos' leadership would go unchallenged (initially at least).


So logically they are not on the Echo and I don't see them staying in the Covenant to die for no reason. So the question still stands. Where are they?

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I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the Atramentar.


A D-B does nothing without a reason. We've even got that Titan Princeps kicking around in a glass jar at the end of "Blood Reaver." :teehee:


Yeah... really want to say things...


If you've read his other stuff you should definitely give it a read, it goes hand in hand with another short story from the book Prometheus Requiem written from a different point of view.

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It seems "Fear the Alien" is a must read. I hope it sheds some light on the Atramentar. The princeps is a lose end but I'd expect some plot lone coming out of it... No mystery per se. The fate of the Atramentar is a bit of, well, a mystery after Blood Reaver.


I'll revert after I read the Fear the Alien.

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