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Mixed weapons units and assaulting


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Hi all,


I think the answer to this is yes but I'm not sure,




Squad of marines fires bolt pistols at a unit they want to charge.


The sergeant however has a combiweapon that has fired it's alternate shot already and a powerfist.


I think the sergeant HAS to shoot as well using his combiweapon as a standard bolter which being rapid fire means the squad as a whole is unable to charge,


Is that right?


Cheers in advance and sorry for two simple questions in one day!



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Not at all. You choose fire (or not fire) any weapons they have. You simply choose to not fire with your sergeant and presto, you can assault. This is covered in the shooting rules section.
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If the sergeant fires a rapid-fire weapon this will prevent the whole unit from charging. However, the sergeant is not required to fire simply because some of the models in the unit fired their pistols (BRB, Pg.16, last paragraph).
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when you shoot with a unit, you should declare "before hand" if you are shooting all of their weapons, or some, or just 1.


My friend usually does this with his leman russ with 3 heavy bolter sponsons, if fighting my marines, if his battle cannon hits, he doesn't want to cause wounds via heavy bolters as this will let me wound allocation some of the ap3 hits away. but if the battle cannon scatters he will want to shoot the bolters to try and kill some. So before he shoots it he declares that he will fire everything, or just the battle cannon.

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but if the battle cannon scatters he will want to shoot the bolters to try and kill some. So before he shoots it he declares that he will fire everything, or just the battle cannon.

This is actually against the rules. You need to declare before firing anything what in a unit will and will not fire. This is so your opponent can't avoid wound allocation...which is precisely what he's doing. B)

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Declaring beforehand is actually what the friend does, if I read nurglez' post correctly. It's just worded a bit poorly :)

Ah, there we are then.


BTW Gurth...your avatar has always creeped me out.

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Declaring beforehand is actually what the friend does, if I read nurglez' post correctly. It's just worded a bit poorly ;)

Ah, there we are then.


BTW Gurth...your avatar has always creeped me out.


What are you a communist?

Do not say such slanderous things about freind computer!

Please report to the nearest exicution chamber.

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Yes, sorry for the poor wording, was in a rush as I had to get back to work heh.


My point is, I normally shoot with everything, unless I specify. With wound allocation shenanigans, sometimes it is better to shoot less weapons. My friend does usually declare, and also usually shoots everything if he hasn't declared that he wont.


Sometimes in the heat of the moment you just rush to shooting, and maybe you fully intended to only shoot the battle cannon (in my friend's situation), but if you don't declare that you are only shooting 1 weapon, we play that you shoot all.

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