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Adding a Noise Marines to my army

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I did a search and couldn't find what I was looking for. It's probably here somewhere...


But anyway, I've been thinking about adding the last cult troop I don't have into my inventory. I've got two Berserker squads in my regular forces in Assault Marine roles, Plague Marines as an optional objective holder, and some Rubric Marines just because I wanted to do a conversion I had an idea for (I use them for fire support roles when I do play with them). Adding cult troops as auxiliaries lets me have fun with conversions and different paint jobs, so now that I've finally finished painting my Rubric Marines and am moving on to my Plague Marines, I got to thinking: should I get a squad of Noise Marines?


I don't know if I should, but I'm the kind of player GW likes: I want them now.


My army is built around mechanization. I like assaulting things, but everyone else in the Galaxy, or at least my FLGS, having lots invulnerable saves and power weapons has caused me to spend more time shooting the big guns lately.


What role do Noise Marines play, and how can I integrate them into my "chain-axes and tanks" themed army, bearing in mind I only want a single squad of them?

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What role do Noise Marines play, and how can I integrate them into my "chain-axes and tanks" themed army, bearing in mind I only want a single squad of them?


There are 3 major roles that noise marines can fill.


1) assault

2) mobile anti infantry shooting

3) static long range fire support


For #1, you take 7+ guys, a champion with doom siren and power weapon or fist and put them in a rhino. In essence this squad works the same as 2x flamers CSMs with a champion but it specalizes in anti-MEQ.

For #2, you take 6+ guys and give them all sonic blasters. To save points I'd leave the champion at home but rhino is optional. Camp an objective and provide 3x bolter shots or provide mobile firepower with 2x shots. Should be fairly obvious that it works best against foot sloggers.

For #3, take 5 guys and a blastmaster and hide in cover. Works well alongside obliterators, they use lascannons to open up transports and you hit the exposed infantry with a krak cupcake.


For me, I think the #3 is the best overall option as it helps provide some extra long range shooting that Chaos tends to suffer at. #1 isn't bad and makes the best use of I5 but it competes with berserkers who are better against non-MEQ targets. #2 suffers because everyone is meched up and S4 isn't that scary to a rhino or chimera. Might be better if you fight a lot of dark eldar or tyranids.

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Thanks for the detailed response, minigun762!


Looking over your suggestions I think I'm going to go with the static long range fire support. Thinking over the last few battles I've fought, I really like your suggestion of pairing them with my Obliterators. I can do up one guy with a Blastmaster and magnetize the others if I want to add in Sonicblasters later for whatever reason.


Thanks again!

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Option 3 also makes them able to assist the Obliterators in a pinch in CC (not always viable, but sometimes worth doing) and if placed well, they can also provide the Oblits with a cover save in case they need to move to get side-shots at enemy armour.
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