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psyhic defense proposal

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Since csm has no form of defense against psychic powers I propose this idea.


When ever a model in opponent army suffers a perils of the warp effect within 12 inches of a chaos icon he is turned into a chaos spawn instead of taken a wound. You control the chaos spawn. Victory points, kill points etc.


Not broken but very chaosy.

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Not as an automatic, Army Special Rule thing, but maybe a piece of Wargear or a Chaos Gift, would be good.


To be honest, each God would handle it differently.


One amusing thought is that the Special Blood Thirster actually emerges from the Warp to smack the Psyker who though he could cast spells around a Khorne worshiper.

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In Storm of Magic (the latest Fantasy expansion) if you miscast (same idea as Perils of the Warp) while using any of the Chaos lores, you suffer the regular effects of a miscast (in Fantasy these range from all wizards taking a strength 6 hit, to a large strength 10 template centered on the wizard and him being removed on a 4+, to every model in base contact takes a strength 10 hit and your wizard is unscathed). Plus, Khorne is so angry at you, he throws a bronze skull and you get hit by a large strength 10 blast template centered on the wizard.
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