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Havocs and Land Raiders

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So i've just finished searching around the forum and while I did find many threads on the most optimal Havoc builds, most of these came to the conclusion that the best means of havoc usage are in 4x autocannon.

I agree with this decision, but I'm wondering if there is anyway to tailor a havoc squad to take out a landraider while still keeping it cost-efficient.

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Best way to take out a land raider = meltaguns

Havocs can take meltaguns, up to 6 if you count 2 combi meltas on champion and rhino.

The biggest problem is that terminators, chosen, raptors and most importantly CSMs and plague marines can all take meltaguns.


In short, I think taking short range special weapon havocs is a waste, as the same capabilities can be gotten elsewhere. What Chaos needs and havocs provide is long range firepower. Sadly, the type of long range firepower available is either incapable or inadequate of stopping a land raider in a cost effective manner.

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Best way to take out a land raider = meltaguns

Havocs can take meltaguns, up to 6 if you count 2 combi meltas on champion and rhino.

The biggest problem is that terminators, chosen, raptors and most importantly CSMs and plague marines can all take meltaguns.


In short, I think taking short range special weapon havocs is a waste, as the same capabilities can be gotten elsewhere. What Chaos needs and havocs provide is long range firepower. Sadly, the type of long range firepower available is either incapable or inadequate of stopping a land raider in a cost effective manner.


That makes sense. I think I'll just stick with my melta toting CSM to take down landraiders then.

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In short, I think taking short range special weapon havocs is a waste, as the same capabilities can be gotten elsewhere. What Chaos needs and havocs provide is long range firepower. Sadly, the type of long range firepower available is either incapable or inadequate of stopping a land raider in a cost effective manner.

The old Plague Marine havocs weren't bad, but then again they were limited to plasma rifles, flamers, or meltaguns because of how the Mark of Nurgle worked. Under the current rule set with Kill Points instead of Victory Points they're a bad choice because they need a Rhino or a defensive scenario to do anything meaninful.


I've usually gone with missile launchers or a mix of missile launchers and lascannons and done ok, although I haven't faced a lot of LRs because of their expense. If they show up in a smaller game your opponent is going for the monolith effect; try to ignore or trap the LR and kill everything else. He knows the LR is going to be a big target and draw a lot of fire because its so tough, so he's probably counting on it being a distraction. Remember Jack's main role from TSOALR?

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Because a land raider can be virtually immune to S8 weapons and even lascannons need to be spammed to actually hurt it at range, most players compensate by using some sort of fast moving melta platform because most armies can't kill them at range reliably.


Chaos is no different, we're even worse off because our overall long range firepower is moderate at best.

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