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Rules Clarification


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On page 134 of the C:SM it says that the Space Marine Sergeant may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with: ......


My question is can I replace both weapons and if so can I give him a combi-melta and power weapon?

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Recently I've seen at least one instance where someone confused this rule to mean "you can either ditch one or both weapons and receive just one of these upgrades, regardless." Not only is this a misreading...it's also silly. ;) If you trade out a weapon, you get a weapon. There are few upgrades that require you to give up everything you've got (e.g. Terminator armor).


As bannus said, you can replace each of those weapons with a weapon from the list as you see fit. So a combi-flamer/power weapon is a perfectly legit sergeant load out.

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