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Interceptor Squads question

Lord Morgrim

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Interceptors count as jump infantry,jump infantry can move like jump infantry. They also have a special rule saying they can make a one time shunt move of 30".


The shunt is a "normal move", ignoring intervening terrain, not all terrain. A normal jump infantry move takes a difficult terrain test if it starts or ends its movement in difficult terrain, and ignores intervening terrain.

My personal "best" build for Interceptors is:


10 Knights, 1 Hammer, 2 Psycannons, Psybolts = 310 points


8 Stormbolters with Psybolts is a lot of dakka that puts the hurt on almost everything- Psycannons can handle anything else. The Hammer is there as a can opener for vehicles and porcupine quills against Monostrous Creatures and Walkers.


However, your best build may not be the same as mine. Think about how you want to use them and what they might have to handle against your likely opponents and kit them out appropriately. :lol:

  Something Wycked said:
My personal "best" build for Interceptors is:


10 Knights, 1 Hammer, 2 Psycannons, Psybolts = 310 points


8 Stormbolters with Psybolts is a lot of dakka that puts the hurt on almost everything- Psycannons can handle anything else. The Hammer is there as a can opener for vehicles and porcupine quills against Monostrous Creatures and Walkers.


However, your best build may not be the same as mine. Think about how you want to use them and what they might have to handle against your likely opponents and kit them out appropriately. :)


I 100% agree with this and the post regarding them being mobile fire support. Interceptors require a good general to keep them in cover and use their shunt effectively but are devistating when used correctly, I liken them more to an eldar type unit.





I run mine like Something Wycked, putting the hammer on the Justicar (which I'm fairly certain he does too). I also master-craft it whenever I have the points to spare. On models that don't have many attacks, even one re-roll can help out a lot.


I pretty much use mine in one of two ways. If my army is spread out, I'll put the Interceptors near the middle so that they are within one turn's move to re-enforce any part of my lines that starts to fold. When my army is more concentrated, or when it's deep-striking, I'll run the Interceptors up a flank and fire on targets of opportunity. They are first-and-foremost a shooty squad, but don't be afraid to charge into close combat to finish off a unit or to contest an objective. And speaking of contesting objectives, Shunt is your very best friend in the fifth turn, to make sure you deny your enemy an objective they would otherwise be holding.

I run mine much the same way as has been mentioned, except that I take 2 Daemonhammers instead of only one. This allows me to combat squad and have a hammer in each team, increasing the options available to me in any given game. Most of the time I end up running them as 2 separate 5-man squads with a hammer and cannon in each, while in Kill Point games I keep them together as a single 10-man unit.


That said, I use them as mobile firebases that can take last minute objectives or tank-hunting if necessary. Once in a blue moon, I get to place them behind an enemy unit is close combat, where they get to break the fleeing bad guys that blow their moral check from a failed round of combat. What I almost never do is intentionally seek out close combat, outside of vehicle killing.




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