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Librarian GoI question


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Hello there. I have this quick question.


1. If you use GoI librarian psychic ability in shooting phase (if he is in sternguard unit). Can you after that shoot with sternguard in the position they newly teleport? Or before using GoI?


Thats it =)


I have been wondering also what is the fair way to play can u teleport from combat or inside rhino/razorback? Im planning i should talk to my opponents how they feel about it.. or roll for it. How do they allow these in tournaments?

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Doesn't GoI go off in the Movement Phase?


In any event, you can definitely shoot after using GoI. There are a lot of old, very popular builds that center on it.

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Yes, indeed. GoI is used at the start the movement phase.

You are free to shoot, counting as moved, so no heavy weapons.

If the Librarian and his squad is embarked they may GoI out.

Using GoI to get out of combat is debated, but I feel there are stronger arguments against it.

Check the Grey Area thread (top of the page) for the basic points for and against.

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