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Things to think about for Ard Boyz


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Well it's that time of the year again, so I figured I type out a few things that have helped me in the past and will hopefully help again this year:


1) HAVE FUN!!! When you go to a tournament like an Ard Boyz, expect to face some of the craziest, potentially broken and otherwise just plain nasty armies you will ever face off against. If you can not deal with all the standard netlists (or occasionally the "paper" to your "rock") you are NOT going to win all your games. That is why it is best to go in and come out with a smile on your face. Just enjoy the fact that you get to game all day in the shop for free :) Always remember you aren't just representing yourself, but all BA and 40K players as a whole.


2) Know your army rules. This seems obvious, but there is nothing more embarrassing than having Dante DS with your VV and having your opponent inform you that they can not charge the turn they land.


3) Know your opponents armies rules. Again nothing would be worse than putting all of your army on the board in the open only to find out after setup that Vect steals the initiative on a 4+ versus the normal 6+.


4) Know the missions BEFORE you arrive at the tournament. http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...m_Scenarios.pdf


5) Try to fit at least 4 (survivable) troops in your list. One of the three rounds this year involve scoring units controlling objectives in which you will effectively have to control three objectives across the board to win.


6) Play to win big. Ard Boyz punishes people who play cautiously.


7) Get the bonus objectives. If you get all 13 bonus points, that is just the same as playing a fourth match and being guaranteed a minor victory. Free is GOOD :)


8) Playing quickly (more turns) rewards armies with staying power and reserves. Playing quick gives more opportunities to turn minor victories into massacres.


9) Know the BRB and have a copy of it with you as well as all recent FAQs. Every event should have at least one judge that knows the rules, but it still saves a massive amount of time (which gives more opportunities for massacres) if you can show your opponent the ruling in black and white. As an aside, I would also assume that the majority of good players have the BRB dog-eared, highlighted, post-it noted and in general almost worn out :)


10) Stay for all three rounds. PLEASE, PLEASE, I can not emphasize this one enough. A lot of people take a lot of time and money to go to this tournament and there is nothing worse than getting a bye because <insert person here> lost in the first round and decided to go home for the day.


As with any tournament setting the standard rules apply (Priority Targeting, Killing to the last fig, etc....). And above all else, support your FLGS. They are providing the space for you to play for FREE, so be nice and pick up something while you are there (newest WD, glue, etc...). Thanks for reading and good luck to all.

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