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Did the 'Rumour' Motivate you?


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If I missed this topic, I apologize, but I can't find it.


Ever since the rumoured announcement of Chaos coming out in March, I've been spinning like Homer Simpson on his kitchen floor (I don't know if anyone watches Simpsons anymore.)


I can't decide to go back to my old Iron Warriors and unearth them.... continue with them and inspire the army with more bitz. Stuff like all my old bionics from the Iron Hands sets... stuff like that. And an update to the paint job (I've shown you guys my updated version.)



This would be an opportunity to go an entirely different direction. I always wanted to give Black Legion a real try but sold them twice.... They've always been like crappy Ultramarines. I keep thinking of just how much they COULD do with them.


Also I have a lot of World Eaters (Forgeworld) that I'd love to have reason to continue.....


Obviously my half finished Huron army is going to die a painful death. I actually loved painting them but they are going to remain Space Pirates it appears.


SO is anyone else kind of chomping at the bit? Anyone dive into a project anticipating this release?

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Just painting stuff I already have... so it did motivate me, but not in the way they would like. :)

Same for me. I still have several thousand points to paint up, might as well do that rather than buy anything new. When the new book comes out, then I'll worry about buying new stuff.

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SO is anyone else kind of chomping at the bit? Anyone dive into a project anticipating this release?
I am painting Xenos and doing commission work (Red Corsairs) at the moment. I just can't seem to find any motivation for the boys in blue.
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SO is anyone else kind of chomping at the bit? Anyone dive into a project anticipating this release?


Yes I'll be making a brand new version of my Iron Warriors, a 6th version, reason being


- I use old GW Inks, so going to move over to the current wash which are great. Just end of the day I am limited on the inks so if I run out I am screw or if I order stuff I am having to rely on post which is not alway relyible. While with Wash if I run out I can happily get on the train, get to local GW & pick it up there & then. Just for going to tournament like, I might run out the day before attending & not notice until then.


- Nov time going to mark 10 year of collecting Iron Warriors for me. Like wise I was aim my Iron Warriors for April Throne of Skulls tournament as this would mark ten year of attending.


- Games Workshop release a lot of cool bits for further conversion. Grey Knights you hace diffrent hands which add more pose & then so much more like Dark Eldar for further trophies.


I was thinking about re-doing my Iron Warriors anyway, but was told to go ahead & get ready for the "future" <_<


On that note if the codex is really good like Space Wolves, Orks, Nids, etc... in term you can get so much out of it in term of army list. Then I will be aim to collect each Chaos Legion & possible make up a Fallen Angel army as it'll look cool.


Like wise my painting being going up a leval since 2008 when I started Mk5 IW force, just right now my Space Wolves been getting a lot of nominee in GW tournaments. So right now I got a lot of idea I want to try out painting wise, try get a fair bit of free hand painting done. IW are my main force, I want to go all out on this new version in conversion & painting side.



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I'm finishing up my remaining World Eaters contingent for Lord Zhufor's use and abuse, then putting the final paint on my Black Legion. Beyond that, I remain in standby mode until I see the meat of what will become of us. I made the error of overspending between Chaos 3.5 and Chaos 4.0, and paid dearly for my assumptions. The gun is no longer jumped in this office. <_<
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Well, the rumours have helped motivate me I suppose. After all I've finally started to get an actual army painted up. If I do buy anything before the new Codex is out it would be more standard marines to fill out troop choices, and a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch because I really want one for painting no matter what. :D



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Even with the actual dex,and all the ahte i have for it, i still stick to them...


I still play them,i did try to make another army...,but the minis always end up into something Chaosy...


For now i would like to finish painting my 9kpts World Etaers...,did some progresses lately because of a tourney,and had a few things to repaint/finish painting.


But all in all i decided to go a bit slower into the buy for sole conversion purpose.


Well i say that but...i did make 2 Blood Slaugtherer count as conversion and there is a 3rd waiting...


Also did buy a Dark Eldar Reaver units with cheap Chaos bikes on ebay to make more Chaos Reaver Bikes...,and a DE Razoewing,who might be used on a stormraven kit or two to make a custom TH...


Ooh and a Armorcast Reaver still waiting!!


Yeaah... i'm not even close to be cured isn't it?...

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Well, rumors are lingering for almost a year now. Even if they weren't believable, they drained our hopes.

A year later, I still hope for a good codex, but I don't have any faith standing by.


Now, our whole gaming group is waiting for something. One is waiting Tau, I'm hoping for CSM (about a year more to wait), one is waiting for Sister. while the DE finally got something after 6 years overdue. The DE player were pushed above thanks to his codex that the group nearly faded. I'm still hoping for the codex, but I fear it would only be useful to my dreams.


The politic "I know Y codex is crappy during the last 3 years, but wait another year, then you'll be very good." never worked.

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Ok I did not expect that response. lol


I thought more of the old chaos guard would come out of the woodwork, and those that did respond seemed almost.... turned off or disbelieving the rumour. I have no reason to believe it's true or false.


But I think it makes sense to make Chaos a very respectable army and release them in the new year.


After reading the responses, I think part of why I have floundered so much with Chaos with this codex is we all felt they deserved much better, but we never had a light at the end of the tunnel. Now I think we do.


In my case I have tons of Iron Warriors, a lot of Red Corsairs, and tons of World Eaters. I also have a good pile of chaos I can slap together. So for me it's more about having that light at the end of the tunnel.


The release of the Iron Warrior omnibus seals the deal for me. I really 'believe' this time! <_<

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I've had a Night Lords army, with tons of Forge World Stuff, sitting in cases since 2004. I've slowly, slowly been trying to sell it because it doesn't fit how I see the Night Lords now. I'll be finally coming to the Dark Side come March (I hope). Was this spurred by the rumours? Partly, but it was mostly spurred by re-reading "Soul Hunter" and "Blood Reaver."


For now, I'll be painting up individual miniatures and things I KNOW will be good in the new Codex. I'm excited.

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Ok I did not expect that response. lol


I thought more of the old chaos guard would come out of the woodwork, and those that did respond seemed almost.... turned off or disbelieving the rumour. I have no reason to believe it's true or false.


But I think it makes sense to make Chaos a very respectable army and release them in the new year.


After reading the responses, I think part of why I have floundered so much with Chaos with this codex is we all felt they deserved much better, but we never had a light at the end of the tunnel. Now I think we do.


In my case I have tons of Iron Warriors, a lot of Red Corsairs, and tons of World Eaters. I also have a good pile of chaos I can slap together. So for me it's more about having that light at the end of the tunnel.


The release of the Iron Warrior omnibus seals the deal for me. I really 'believe' this time! :)



I'm excited. I don't currently have an iron warriors army, but I'll for sure buy another one when the book comes out (as long as it's interesting). It'll be nice to frequently play a power armored army again.


I have a lot of FW World Eater stuff that I'm not sure what I want do with - I was in the slow process of converting it to a Loganwing army (complete with thundercrushers and lots of terminators), but if I can play that army they way they're intended...it'd be a definite plus.

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I'll be honest, it didn't catch my attention. I'm still waiting on the economy before trying to get back into the swing of things.


That having been said, I wouldn't mind having a go at another Word Bearers army like I did in '02 or so before I went to a straight-out Zerker army. The distribution of bitz in the plastic kits is a hella lot better than it was back in those days- we'd just gone from the two-piece CSMs to the "old new" box which introduced the command sprue- but even then there weren't any icons and in fact the concept of icons in squads other than a retinue was somewhat new. Most chaos players didn't even carry them the way they do now.


We also have the DA box to kitbash for robes, because the only DA robes you could get in the day were metal and somewhat hard to convert.

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I thought more of the old chaos guard would come out of the woodwork, and those that did respond seemed almost.... turned off or disbelieving the rumour. I have no reason to believe it's true or false


The future bright.... the future is chaos :)



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I'd love to say that I was motivated but as it stands, my guys are shelved.

To be perfectly honest, if they decide to redo the codex and I like what I see, I'll probably just restart my army all over again as I'm expecting them to have some new plastic models being released.

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"The proof of the pudding..." as they say. No new models 'til I've read the book a couple of times. And personally, I don't care how good it might potentially be, if I cannot use my extensively converted daemonettes and Keeper of Secrets with my Emperor's Children, my PLague Bearers and MASSIVELY converted Great Unclean One with my Death Guard as what they and what they're meant to be, I'm not interested.
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