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Did the 'Rumour' Motivate you?


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It sure did. I'm still working on expanding my Chaos army, and I was really psyched when the rumors came out. I had originally planned to work hard on my loyalist forces next year, but we'll see what happens with my plans now hehe.
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I remain sceptic, GW hs been producing failure after failure for me with both chaos and nids, the next better be damn good, otherwise I won't a penny on those greedy goats.

Chaos needs a major update when it comes to models, we still have a lot of hybrid kits, outdated kits and many kits that just need the plastic threatment.

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It doesn't motivate me in the sense that I'm going to do something right now... it does the opposite: I'm not going to start any new projects untill the new codex/codices come out because I hope it will let me do something I really like. What that would be? Hmm...basicly an awesome army of one of the Legions I'm interested in. (Alpha Legion or Emperors Children)
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Obviously my half finished Huron army is going to die a painful death. I actually loved painting them but they are going to remain Space Pirates it appears.


Sorry but it almost sounds like you're disappointed. What exactly were you expecting? That the Red Corsairs would be front and center in a codex called Chaos: Traitor Legions? That they would become an honorary Traitor Legion? I know a lot of Traitor Legion players were off put by the focus on Renegades and the Red Corsairs in the current dex. Let's not make the same mistake twice, OK? Thank you. :D


And who knows, they just might... :)

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Obviously my half finished Huron army is going to die a painful death. I actually loved painting them but they are going to remain Space Pirates it appears.


Sorry but it almost sounds like you're disappointed. What exactly were you expecting? That the Red Corsairs would be front and center in a codex called Chaos: Traitor Legions? That they would become an honorary Traitor Legion? I know a lot of Traitor Legion players were off put by the focus on Renegades and the Red Corsairs in the current dex. Let's not make the same mistake twice, OK? Thank you. ;)


Well I don't think they had to push aside the current Chaos codex to make a new one... but by the rumour that's how it's going. This will infuriate a large portion of the chaos fanbase that have TRIED to accept the current codex and have perhaps TRIED to embrace Huron and the funky bunch. But instead those people (myself included) are going to end up with a box full of crap no one is going to use. (or repaint it... yay!)


Instead they should have just redone it.... included them as another Chaos army. I was severely put off by the complete lack of focus on the legions (I've had Iron Warriors for over 10 years... over night they became pointy marines) But they're doing the same thing to Red Corsairs now. Good luck selling that wonderful Finecast Huron model.


And who knows, they just might... :o


They won't. I don't need them to be THE poster child of Chaos, it was just done so damn poorly I think they deserve another shot. But according to the rumour they'll get a little PDF treatment upgrading some unit I'm sure they need to sell (I'm assuming there is a massive warehouse of plastic Chaos Spawn kits with an inch of dust on them.)


For all intents and purposes, I do think Huron is a 'figure head' of the future of Chaos.... a slick ambassador of the dark gods that had access to current resources, and the ability to recruit. The Legions, as much as I love them.... you have to wonder what their future is sometimes.


Don't get me wrong, I've been wailing away for a redux ever since the last codex came out.... I just think it's a bad move to relegate all the other stuff to the back of the class where it is sure to sit and rot like a used Nurgling diaper.

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Prot from the sounds of the rumor they're buffing the current "renegade" dex. I mean I know its not a brand new dex but the new one is supposedly called codex "chaos legions" so I'm not suprised they're not including renegades. To me it makes more sense this way unless they went out and released another renegade dex.


In regards to Huron being the new chaos figurehead, I don't think we've really seen what Abaddon can do. So far most of the books have made him look like a failure but some of the authors have commented on this negative view and how they percieve him. I'm just saying don't give up on old abby yet.

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Back in the day I compared Abe to a failed 'Darth Vader'. I also compared him to the nothing more than the annoying uncle that came out of the warp once per year, to have Christmas dinner at your house. He'd come, he'd over eat, he'd probably fart on your couch and generally be annoying. But at the end of the day he'd just go home and you'd be happy to see him go even though you knew this was going to be a once per year occurrence.


This is how I saw the way GW decided to treat him... It's going to take a LOT to change that perception. IMHO GW have made him that way purely as a vehicle so they can make the 'good guys' more appealing, and a bit cooler.


To flip that it's going to take some real meaningful back ground overhaul in books, and short stories... not just a great statline in a codex.


I stand by my thoughts on the 'buff' to Renegage Chaos Chapters.... it will be something inconsequential. This is the way of GW now. Less about doing the right thing, more about selling plastic. I really hate even typing that out because it wasn't always quite that bad. But I still think they'll be trying to move new chaos plastics...so you can bet dollars to donuts that the 'buff' you speak of will be largely reserved for the new legion rules. (Like I said, I can see an exception to utter fail units they must have lots of stock on like: Spawns).


The bright side is... we may actually see real full rules for some legions, but how could they do them all? I don't think they can, and they'll end up using iconic characters with army wide rules like they have in the past. I'm looking very forward to it. (just a little saddened that Huron is taking a kick in the warp stones and being left on the short bus... again.)

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Sorta. The idea of having a competitively-viable Codex does wonders for the imagination, but the lack of details makes it hard to do anything about it.


Really, more than anything, Just Dave's fandex over at Dakka has motivated me to break out the ol' Lorgar gang and bring them up to snuff. It's a slick, clever thing, and I don't plan on using the current Chaos book ever again.

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I stand by my thoughts on the 'buff' to Renegage Chaos Chapters.... it will be something inconsequential. This is the way of GW now. Less about doing the right thing, more about selling plastic. I really hate even typing that out because it wasn't always quite that bad. But I still think they'll be trying to move new chaos plastics...so you can bet dollars to donuts that the 'buff' you speak of will be largely reserved for the new legion rules. (Like I said, I can see an exception to utter fail units they must have lots of stock on like: Spawns).


That's a loaded assessment about spawns, isn't it? They're accepted in many circles as literally the worse unit in the game. ANY progress would be enormous, and cause them to sell more. Frankly, I'm tempted to get a few because they look awesome, but that's an aside.

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That's a loaded assessment about spawns, isn't it? They're accepted in many circles as literally the worse unit in the game. ANY progress would be enormous, and cause them to sell more. Frankly, I'm tempted to get a few because they look awesome, but that's an aside.
As a unit, yes, but there's always something satisfying about being able to remove someone's special character or over-priced HQ and replace it with a spawn. That's a good enough reason to keep one or two on hand.
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I stand by my thoughts on the 'buff' to Renegage Chaos Chapters.... it will be something inconsequential. This is the way of GW now. Less about doing the right thing, more about selling plastic. I really hate even typing that out because it wasn't always quite that bad. But I still think they'll be trying to move new chaos plastics...so you can bet dollars to donuts that the 'buff' you speak of will be largely reserved for the new legion rules. (Like I said, I can see an exception to utter fail units they must have lots of stock on like: Spawns).


That's a loaded assessment about spawns, isn't it? They're accepted in many circles as literally the worse unit in the game. ANY progress would be enormous, and cause them to sell more. Frankly, I'm tempted to get a few because they look awesome, but that's an aside.


I probably worded it poorly but that's exactly what I meant.... Warehouses full of Spawns = better spawn rules. It was kind of a tongue in cheek reference to the way GW thinks... No I don't really think Spawns are going to be 'the' awesome 'buff' for Red Corsairs. ;)

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Chaos is my secondary army. I just striped and repainted about 5K points worth this spring so I don't see me changing much over rumors.


Considering my primary army is Witch Hunters, I am not all that anxious to see what they will do to Chaos.

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Friends are giving me the gears for getting all hot and bothered about the new potential chaos. Most think I'm wasting my time until I know more.... it would seem the Gav-dex left quite an impression that won't easily be shaken off.


I am still juggling whether to start a new legion, or go back to one I've done. When I think of this, I keep wondering how they will do the 'undivided legions'. The marked ones are easy enough but when you think about it, there are more undivided and they have a deep history. I'm wondering how they will cram this into one codex without it being too light. IE: Iron Warriors get an extra heavy slot. Night Lords get an extra fast attack... that would suck.


I would love to try something totally new, but we don't know what legions will get serious support and which will be abandoned.

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If it's true then they'd have to give us more than just a different force organization slot for each legion. I'd say they'd probably give us some different wargear for each legion.


I'm also changing my mind it did motivate me a little bit to work on my chaos lord, magnetizing, painting/building different arms etc.

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For me, it's done nothing... this has been a 15 year painting project that will just keep rolling. The only dex I really enjoyed and felt gave Chaos the best feel Chaos deserved, was 3.5 and this came right before I went to University and all of my models went in cupboards and boxes after 1 game where I didn't have enough painted up at that time to make an viable army.


In relation to other discussion on this threat, I'd hate to see Chaos Renegades die as I feel that they have a place and are as much of the Chaos landscape as the Legions do, I just wish they were better. I've seen people's home made Dex' for chapters such as the Soul Drinkers that amalgamates the rules for the loyalists and the traitors and allows for the lack of restocking they would suffer after being excommunicatus (or whatever the high Terran is for getting told to "hop it").


As for the rumours, in basic speak; Don't tell me, show me.


And I hope it means that we get rid of the awful metal models, especially the Havocs.

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I have no clue what rumors these are since I cant find them anywhere. I'm with all the price-grievers because I'm not paying the prices I've seen on the GW site for what I get. If I were to get 10 Chaos Space Marines for 15 bucks or 20 Chaos Space Marines for 30 bucks, yeah, I'd pay that but I didnt like paying 32 bucks a box last time I bought one... let alone 37 bucks...


Since the prices are only going to go up from here, nah, I'm not really excited at all. I'm excited to see what they come out with, but not excited for the actual release. In fact I'm not even excited to hear 6th edition's on the horizon... Why not solidify your game's system and stick with it for a decade or two so I dont have to worry about buying a new 80 dollar book and another edition of Codices for races just so they can make money... it aint right.


I just hope they release some more plastic ranges for it, let alone give me my Chaos Legions codex :lol:


(Ya know, the one where chaos actually uses units we've heard about in the books and games for years? Traitor Guard, Mutants, Legions, mixed forces and units, special rules akin to the glory days of 3.5?)

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I have no clue what rumors these are since I cant find them anywhere. I'm with all the price-grievers because I'm not paying the prices I've seen on the GW site for what I get. If I were to get 10 Chaos Space Marines for 15 bucks or 20 Chaos Space Marines for 30 bucks, yeah, I'd pay that but I didnt like paying 32 bucks a box last time I bought one... let alone 37 bucks...


Since the prices are only going to go up from here, nah, I'm not really excited at all. I'm excited to see what they come out with, but not excited for the actual release. In fact I'm not even excited to hear 6th edition's on the horizon... Why not solidify your game's system and stick with it for a decade or two so I dont have to worry about buying a new 80 dollar book and another edition of Codices for races just so they can make money... it aint right.


I just hope they release some more plastic ranges for it, let alone give me my Chaos Legions codex :)


(Ya know, the one where chaos actually uses units we've heard about in the books and games for years? Traitor Guard, Mutants, Legions, mixed forces and units, special rules akin to the glory days of 3.5?)


This forums been alive with rumors of the new Legion codex as well as alot of the other 40k forums so yeah..... As for the price thing, yeah GW is ridiculous. The new edition and codexes I understand that's how they make their money but the rise in prices on minis is just annoying. Hopefully with the new codex we'll be getting some new plastic minis ie raptors, special characters, dreads, zerkers etc.

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As i'm a beginner in the hobby i'm full of enthusiasm and energy. I collect my Renegade Chapter and wait for a new codex. But i hope it won't be Legions - their time has gone away, it's now time for another csm (besides the dreaded Black Legion, of course). And of course new plastic models as it was said - i want normal plastic Dreadnought, for example or Thousand Sons. And surely so will be it.


And i see that, as it was mentioned, old veterans don't believe in Chaos now. That's very sad. Rise up, brothers! Past will never return but new glory awaits! DEATH TO THE FALSE EMPEROR! ))

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I don't know what people have against the current codex, other than expecting to win every game they play. I think a lot of online 40K people are just lazy. They have time for forums, time to blog but no time to paint. I think realistic organic armies should be emphasized. Fantasy 8th seems to have gone away from tournament game play and preciseness. I wouldn't be surprised if that came back to 40K. There was a big 40K sixth edition rumor thread that sounded just like 2nd Edition and people bitched a lot during second edition, admittedly there were less people online doing the bitching but they bitched none the less. I think 3rd was probably the least bitched about edition.


I think people should just do the army they want, whatever is coolest. Damn the rules. Damn 'ard boyz. More painting of own miniatures, less mercenaries and clone builds. If I ever run a tournament, I would put in rules to encourage or eliminate certain things. I wouldn't make anything illegal I would just de-incentify certain things. This has been a long slow 12-15 months for me. If I ever recover and get back to the hobby in a big way I'll probably not be buying many new models. I own too many unpainted ones. In fact I'm going to liquidate unpainted minis at some point.


I'll continue to chip away at my pile of Chaos ideas, but I also plan to work on terrain, traitor guard using the Nurgle list in Imperial Armor and revitalize my orks. I even still plan to finish off 2000 points of fantasy goblins if it kills me or takes another decade...


So the rumors didn't change much. I come up with a list. I convert and paint. Then like a year or so later, sometimes never I get to field it. I still got Nurgling stands from my lets put a pile of Nurglings on the table and see what people do list, from like 2005...

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I'm actually finding myself in agreeance with Muskie. What he said is much the same mentality that I have always had playing the game and working the hobby. Though I will have to go about buying new models and such, as my collection has been liquidated for over a year now, I'll not be throwing down as hard as I once did, and as much as I love writing the story of the Angels of Apostasy, there are other ideas I have that the new model ranges have given me. Codices and rulebooks aside... I am getting to the point that I am not so much into it for the game, but for the hobby...


... the game has simply turned into a pretty version of RISK to me.

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I think that the only thing that can bring me back to the game right now is new Chaos codex ans stuff. Of course if done right.


If not I'll just stay with BL novels, PC games and expand my Trollbloods army for Hordes.

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Until I'm holding the codex in my hand and have read it a grand total of 7 (or 14, or 21, or some multiple of 7) times, Father Nurgle will not be pleased, and I shall not be slaughtering followers of the false emperor in His name, my legion shall be in a 'rot-induced coma. If the Death Guard are represented well, then my legion shall walk the tabletop once more, all the time being angry at rolling 6's when the dice should go to 7, SEVEN i tell you! I want to roll 7's to wound to please Grandfather Nurgle!
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