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Khan and Dedicated Transports


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The question came up during a doubles tournament.


The way that Khan White Scars Combat Tactics reads is that all troops with combat tactics gains Outflank. If this is choosen all dedicated transports gain outflank. So does this overlap with other armies and there dedicated transports? This is not verbatom I do not have a rule book near by.

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There is no OR (Official Rules) for Doubles Tournaments in the BRB. It's all by player consent and house rules. Generally, most Tournament Organizers do not allow cross army benefits.
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Well there is a cross benefit of Blood Angels saying that all friendly units gain FNP. The astropath in IG saying all friendly gain +1 to reserve rolls. This does not specifiy friend or only me. So does it cross over?
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A few pieces of wargear do say "friendly" models gain the benefits, but the rules are written with 1v1 games in mind- the RAI is only one player's army gets the benefits.


There is a question about this in one of the recent GW FAQ updates, and GW states fairly plainly that they intend for wargear and special rules to only benefit the army that paid the points for them.

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I believe it was in relation to some pieces of wargear that (for example) said "all tyranids", or "all Space Marines" - which became a problem when you had Nid on Nid or Marines vs Marines, so they ruled it as only affecting the army that bought that piece of kit.


Interestingly - I belive that Astorath's special Red thirst rule might actually still affect both/any/all armies - but I'd have to double check.

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Well there is a cross benefit of Blood Angels saying that all friendly units gain FNP. The astropath in IG saying all friendly gain +1 to reserve rolls. This does not specifiy friend or only me. So does it cross over?

Every tournie I've yet seen or heard of holds the mandate I put forward: your army is your army and its benefits are not shared with your partners(s). Otherwise two marine armies vs. an Eldar/Dark Eldar force would be even more lop-sided than it would have to be.


So, the short answer is, no: it does not cross over.

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all the doubles i plaved had this rule to.

you only benefit from own army rules and wargear.


quite logic imho, the risk of the most cheezy team's is just to

big, thinking about rules that make the whole army fearless, FnP

gain fleet(srike).


i think that it would screw up the fun of doubbles

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IMO and how my local store does this... is it falls down to exact wording. NOW for codex marines they have to have the Chapter tactic rules to trade to get outflank... IT does suck but in what ever combo you put up you can't have it so that it breaks the rules. FOR example WAHHH is only for ork models... but if you teamed up with another ork player this would work with each other.... but you can't give Guard models the plus bonus's of this just because you tag teamed up.


We have had some funny combo's but because of wording it really controls the cheesier to a reasonable level.


Plus to be direct for Khan or Strike they and any captain from the codex only buffs if you play another codex marine player as your team mate...but even so this cuts away his options if you choice to do this. Players in my store actually just pick up and use the USR for the captains like... Khans Furious Charge and Hit and Run or Strikes Sneak team... to an ally army ... those are legal because of how IC can join ally squads... ( only 1 hq can do this in our store as we promote him to collective General of the armies)

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FOR example WAHHH is only for ork models... but if you teamed up with another ork player this would work with each other....

I have never seen it played this way. Your army does not benefit from your teammate's rules. The only time you get effects from your teammate is when the rules specifically state "affects friend and foe alike."


But hey, if your buddies want to allow it, sure. Play how you like. Just be aware that if you are off somewhere else for a weekend or tournament that you will most likely not get to share WAAAGH, teleport homers, auras, angelic visage or almost any other effect even if you both have the same army.

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The rules pack for Warhammer World's 40K Doubles Tournament states:


"You can only benefit from your ally's wargear, psychic powers, transports and special rules if both Forces use the same Codex (eg Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest cannot confer their abilities to any non-Blood Angels allies; Space Marines cannot ride in a Valkyrie etc"

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