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How to equip and what role.

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Hi there guys. New to the game and really new to blood angels. I was just wanting afew tips on the sanguinary guard really. These guys i suppose you can say lore wise ,aswell as the sanguinor, are center to my army so dont really want to see them fail or get taken apart. So just wondering how you guys equip them, use them on the table top and generaly how you go about geting the best from them.


Thanks a million.


ps if you's have storys to share about your own guard then feel free or any pics of your shiny angels then again knock yourself out.

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Welcome to the game brother. Your name is great.


I'll sometimes run two squads of gold guys in a Dante DoA list. Both squads get one powerfist and one fusion pistol, and one squad gets the banner. I've heard plenty of solid arguments for not packing the fist, but I like having it there just in case I need them to punch anything particularly scary. The banner is a must though.


Attach a priest to a squad and 2+ with FnP makes them all but invulnerable to small arms fire (I have no doubt that I just jinxed myself for my next game). They can drop into the thick of things and shrug off a lot of shooting before being able to assault the following turn. Their 2+ even makes me comfortable dropping them behind some Devs or Long Fangs knowing that they can even do OK against missiles, krak or frag.


The best use I ever got out of them was in a game against another DoA list with a lot of Sanguinary Guard in it. I wish I could say that it was all about maneuvering units knowing that whoever got the charge would win, but my opponent walked everybody into my assault range and my Sang Guard sliced through two units of their colleagues as well as a unit of terminators taking one loss along the way.

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Hi there guys. New to the game and really new to blood angels. I was just wanting afew tips on the sanguinary guard really. These guys i suppose you can say lore wise ,aswell as the sanguinor, are center to my army so dont really want to see them fail or get taken apart. So just wondering how you guys equip them, use them on the table top and generaly how you go about geting the best from them.


Thanks a million.


ps if you's have storys to share about your own guard then feel free or any pics of your shiny angels then again knock yourself out.


Welcome, brother! I hope you enjoy your time on the boards. It's always good to have new members!


Sanguinary Guard are an interesting unit. Of our elite infantry, I think they're probably the most choppy. (I count "elite infantry" as being Honour Guard, Sanguinary Guard and Vanguard Veterans. Terminators count as "heavy infantry".)


So far as how to equip them, sadly I need more information from you. Are we talking about running Dante-wing? Is this Commander Dante and nothing but Sanguinary Guard? Are you running one unit to support your Assault Squads? Is it two or three units to provide an assault element to your largely Scout-based army?


I can give you an idea of how I've used them, but I don't know how useful it would be to you. What's probably more useful is if you give us an idea of how you plan to run your army and we can then give you the various options for Sanguinary Guard based on what you've told us.


Let us know!



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Welcome to the game brother. Your name is great.


I'll sometimes run two squads of gold guys in a Dante DoA list. Both squads get one powerfist and one fusion pistol, and one squads gets the banner. I've heard plenty of solid arguments for not packing the fist, but I like having it there just in case I need them to punch anything particularly scary. The banner is a must though.


Mhm. My 2,000 Dante list only includes one Sanguinary Guard, but that's because I fell head-over-heels in love with my Assault Squads. I'd like an excuse to take more. The list as stands doesn't have power fists, but I do take two infernus pistols and the chapter banner. The unit is intended to drop with Dante just behind the nastiest tank the enemy has and slag it. If the enemy doesn't have a particularly nasty tank, I'll start on the table, work my way up the board and slice'n'dice anything I come across.


We're talking about an extremely mobile, fast-moving, close-combat focused unit than can deal a world of hurt to Space Marines as easily as it can to Orks without worrying too much about taking damage back unless you're facing off against a power weapon. I've had two thirty-strong units or Ork Boyz shooting either two-shot or three-shot guns at me - that's either 120 or 180 shots from Orks aimed at my five-man Sanguinary Guard squad (who were backed up by an Honour Guard providing Feel No Pain). I lost not one single model. I passed either every single save I had to make or every single Feel No Pain roll that made it through my armour saves. Then I absolutely obliterated the Orks the next turn in combat!

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Im going for a mainly infantry based force running with the sanguinor and i was thinking mephiston aswell. But it seems you guys are suggesting Dante instead. Winning really isnt a big deal for me but i would atleast like to put up a fight. The fellas i will be gaiming against if ever, play space marine, death guard, necron, IG, tau dark eldar, orc and sometimes nid. lol big selection.
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I love Sanguinary Guard to the point that I've been using them even without Dante making them Troops. They've become my favorite of the veteran types in our codex.


Keep them cheap, chapter banner is about the only upgrade I use. I like to attach priests (obvious benefit) and a librarian (for shield and sword). Rarely do I attach larger characters like Astorath or Dante, preferring to use them to beef up Assault squads.

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Welcome brother.


With regards to the lovely SG I give them death masks and the chapter banner. I run then with (actually right next to) Sanguinor and sometimes even assault the same unit though I don't usually have to. Those two in combination have absolutely ripped through everything. The SG will take out any heavy or threatening infantry of any type to anything else and then Sanguinor will come through like the wind of vengeance and murder the opponents HQ in one round of combat. The SG get an extra attack from Sanguinor which really boosts them.


Thats my luck with them but I don't know how well anyone else faired. I will say however, do NOT put them against genestealers even with death masks. I made that mistake. The combat lasted three turns and I got obliterated. I lost all of them and then Sanguinor just came through and slaughtered the genestealers the next turn.

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Welcome brother!


As the others have already said, Sanguinary Guard are really elite, not certainly heavy as terminators and work really good if they're kept cheap.


I echo JamesI's loadout, the Banner is the most important upgrade you can equip them with. I like to add an Infernus Pistol on top of that, so they can wreck a tank or wound a monstrous creature.


I would advise you to stay away from the powerfist unless you are planning to field a complete Sanguinary Guard army. It means that you lose high initiative attacks when you charge, and probably get some powerfist/weapon attacks back which is the last thing you want with these guys.


I know, I might have said it before and I do not want to appear self-important in any way, but I've put some work in a tactica article for the Sanguinary Guard, it might help you with your questions about this unit. The link is in my signature.




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I'm reading your analysis and although I'm only two paragraphs in, I'm hooked. Just saying. Consider this another plug for your article!


I'm currently working on a brief run-down of all the models I've used in games so far and your article puts what I've written absolutely to shame. I'll print out a copy to study properly and will then change my approach to the stuff I'm writing accordingly.


Hopefully we can eventually put up an extremely comprehensive Tactica for Blood Angels. Out of curiosity, I notice that you posted that entry six months ago. Do you have any plans to write a similar article for other units?

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When I use them I keep it simple with just 1 infernus pistol bought as an upgrade. I always add a priest as well.


Dante is a really nice character for them. He has a death mask, saving buying them for that unit. His hit and run has also proved useful, allowing me to get out of tough combats and get another charge, or to regroup and gang up else where. Not scattering on the drop means your infernus pistols and 1 priest can be put exactly where you want them, helping to support other units already down without a priest themselves.


Didn't see your guide Snorri, so I'll give that a look as well ;)

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Thanks guys! Glad you like it!



Hopefully we can eventually put up an extremely comprehensive Tactica for Blood Angels. Out of curiosity, I notice that you posted that entry six months ago. Do you have any plans to write a similar article for other units?



Well, not yet, no. I wrote that article in a short timeframe of three evenings or so because I had the impression that the SG is extremely underestimated in the community, and because it is my favourite unit in the codex.


Oh, and it took more time to get all those banners and headers done than it took to write the whole article! ;)



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Thanks guys! Glad you like it!



Hopefully we can eventually put up an extremely comprehensive Tactica for Blood Angels. Out of curiosity, I notice that you posted that entry six months ago. Do you have any plans to write a similar article for other units?



Well, not yet, no. I wrote that article in a short timeframe of three evenings or so because I had the impression that the SG is extremely underestimated in the community, and because it is my favourite unit in the codex.


Oh, and it took more time to get all those banners and headers done than it took to write the whole article! ;)





Haha, I can imagine! I went through the source for the article trying to work out how you'd done all the banners and headings and came away with a basic understanding of drop caps! Haha! I've started work on a tactica which so far only has information on Dante and the Librarian. There's too much writing, though - it needs to be reduced a little bit. Perhaps I need to impose a word-limit on myself for each entry!


Are you up for working on a comprehensive tactica with me? It would be awesome to have some help with it. ;)

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Haha, I can imagine! I went through the source for the article trying to work out how you'd done all the banners and headings and came away with a basic understanding of drop caps! Haha! I've started work on a tactica which so far only has information on Dante and the Librarian. There's too much writing, though - it needs to be reduced a little bit. Perhaps I need to impose a word-limit on myself for each entry!


Are you up for working on a comprehensive tactica with me? It would be awesome to have some help with it. :P


Well, technically, sure! Gotta find some time between work and workout, though :P

What kind of tactica would that be, btw? For all Blood Angels units, or just one or two plus some characters? Then, I'd like to join^^




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Haha, I can imagine! I went through the source for the article trying to work out how you'd done all the banners and headings and came away with a basic understanding of drop caps! Haha! I've started work on a tactica which so far only has information on Dante and the Librarian. There's too much writing, though - it needs to be reduced a little bit. Perhaps I need to impose a word-limit on myself for each entry!


Are you up for working on a comprehensive tactica with me? It would be awesome to have some help with it. ;)


Well, technically, sure! Gotta find some time between work and workout, though :)

What kind of tactica would that be, btw? For all Blood Angels units, or just one or two plus some characters? Then, I'd like to join^^





I'd like it to be comprehensive. The OCD in me wouldn't be happy with only doing a few units. Gotta do them ALL!



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Well, that might take some time, but I think the result will be worth it if our brethren can benefit from the gathered knowledge and experience.


That would also mean we'd need some of the links of the BA Ressources thread, as I am not familiar with any aspect of every unit in our codex, I admit. :huh:



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Whow I'm actualy taken back by how much intrest my first two posts have goten, especially my post about BA special characters. I think I know the roll of my sg now and thanks to the replys on both posts I know I'll be running two squads of sg, one with Dante, banner and a Melta pistol Thingy and my second bare bones and the Sanguinor. I'm still not 100% if I can attach a priest to either squad but if not I'll be sure to keep on close by to either squad.


And snorri I do t want any more shameless promotions on my posts! Lol joking bud thanks for the amazing article It helped me slot as I'm sure it has others I'm also sure my page wouldn't have received any where near the attention it had if it wasn't for it.

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Sanguinary Guard were my best army up until I made my Throne Of Skulls list which became unbeatable in my local store.


They are possibly the one of the best units in the BA codex, if used correctly but fielding an army of them is fun but not very competitive hence why I'm not taking them to GT in October.


If you look at my signature you will see my W L D and will notice my win margin is alot higher than my losses, I will also mention that the guys I play against aren't bad players. What I love about them is the element of surprise that this army holds.

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Ive only just started using Sang Guard, took em to my first tourney a few weeks back, did exceptionally well. And taking to another tomorrow.


Id also go cheap and cheerful. Only a pistol upgrade! Alternatively, only a banner upgrade. I run with banner and pistol where I can. Helps me stack PW and Ap2+ shots on the one guy. Theyre an incredible counter strike unit. Really hard hitting, but super fragile thanks to their size. Any AP2+ hits will see that squad suffer. Keep em secret, keep em safe - until you can jump out and destroy whatever it is you need to !

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You can attach priests to Sanguinary Guard. You can not attach the Sanguinor to any squad.



Hmm this probably works out better then. Just try my hardest to keep the sang guard and sanguinor within bubble range. How do you guys think the unit with dante and the melta pistol would fare against tau battle suits?


The other bare bone unit with banner im thinking of using as a line breaker against the likes of my mates death guard crimson fists.


Should the priests be given minimum equipment to or add a power weapon into the already fearsome arsenal?

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Isn't a single lightning claw the same as a power weapon?


And I've fought tau battle suits with SG once before. The guy I fought took missiles pods and burst cannon, which weren't too much of a problem. Almost every shot plinked harmlessly off the artificer armor. I'd hazard to guess if they were sporting plasma rifles or rail guns, it would have been much harder. It follows the general rule with SG + priest: If it's not AP 2 or 1, it's inconsequential. If it is, you're in deep trouble.


This is why vanguard veterans with storm shields and/or the Sanguinor are pretty useful support for SG. The invuln save lets them take hits from units with armor penetration or power weapons.

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