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Solitary Sorceror


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Fluffwise, would Tzeentch grant a sorceror the ability to essentially materialize his imagination?


What i'm thinking is of a renegade who travels alone, but wherever he is encountered a spectral force of space marines materializes and creates havoc. Think something like that GK special character.


What are your thoughts?

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Absolutely! Had a similar idea a while back, but never went through with it. Would give you a chance to do some truly bizarre mutations and conversions.


Alternately, you could have his "ghost marines" made up of enemies that he has killed (ala Larfleeze the Orange Lantern) so your marine squad has some dark angels in robes, black templars with tabards, but they are all painted in a ghostly green color scheme.

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Definitely! He might have found a way of capturing the souls of fallen marines (friend or foe), summoning them or unleashing them when he needs protecting. Would be very cool to have them materialize showing the wounds they suffered in combat and how they died.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Agree with all. Good idea! And, by the way, so the souls of the fallen Sons're returned to their bodies in order to resurrect them as they can't replace their losses as usual marines.

And it can be our version of the Legion of the Damned :)

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I really love this idea except for one thing............... I didnt think of it first. It will allow you to use whatever you wanted and paint them however you want.


I also love the idea that Ashrog had about ghost warriors. It would give chaos players access to the cooler loyalist models. Wouldnt even need to worry about mixing chapters such as Space Wolves and Dark Angels minis in the same squad. A ghost is a ghost is a ghost. You could even count them as Thousand Sons Rubrics. Take the idea and run with it. Post pics of your army as you build it, I would love to see.

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If Ahriman can do this to an entire Legion at once I think one of Magnus's other students could easily be able to do this over time; a marine here, a combat squad there. Slowly building a soulless army.


Cool idea.


I think I'll steal it ^.^

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kinda like mortal combats Ermak - We are many, the more souls he uses to create soldiers the weaker he becomes but when they die or when he commands they come back to him :P sounds bad ass


Wrong character, it is actually Shang Tsung who does that. Unless they changed it in the newer games.... Ermak is one of the ninjas (red one).


On topic my guy works the same up until he manages to steal a group of loyal Space Marines and convert them to his cause. Then it starts working like the Davey Jones thing from Pirates of the Caribbean were survivors are given the choice and they slowly mutate into fish like peoples.

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Ghost warriors with Nights Lords is a cool concept, works with the fear angle. :D



I'm sorely tempted to borrow your idea for my Thousand Sons though, I like the idea of modelling some "ghosts" as pre-heresy Thousand Sons - kind of visually showing the Sorcerer wanting to reimagine the glory days of the Legion before it fell into darkness...

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I am absolutely stealing the Ghost Warrior idea. No doubt about it. Now I just have to decide if I want to have all my Rhubric Marines as Ghosts Counts As or if I want to have both Ghosts and actuall Thousand Sons models.
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I am absolutely stealing the Ghost Warrior idea. No doubt about it. Now I just have to decide if I want to have all my Rhubric Marines as Ghosts Counts As or if I want to have both Ghosts and actuall Thousand Sons models.


You cheap bastard :P


That aside, yeah i guess my darkside is Night Lords, i like their colour scheme, fluff, style... Had the old chaos codex still been around, i would be playing Night Lords right now. Thanks for all the feedback guys. When i start creating my Night Lords, you'll hear about it. ;)

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  • 1 month later...
Planning to wait for the C:Legions and make a Night Lords sorceror.

It's interesting. Your dark side of the moon soul is Night Lords and the other - Raven Guard? :D

They go hand in hand. :D


I've been meaning to finish this guy for ages. While he isn't a Ghost warrior, he is a soul eating heartless creature nevertheless.

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Planning to wait for the C:Legions and make a Night Lords sorceror.

It's interesting. Your dark side of the moon soul is Night Lords and the other - Raven Guard? :P

They go hand in hand. ;)


I've been meaning to finish this guy for ages. While he isn't a Ghost warrior, he is a soul eating heartless creature nevertheless.


They go hand in hand? I don't know about that. I'm still thinking about whether to really defect to the Night Lords.


I've seen your sorc on the Nightlords forums, absolutely wicked stuff.

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  • 2 months later...


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