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Dreadnought close combat weapon

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ok this is an example from my game against Eldar on Tuesday, my dreadnought with a DCCW got into combat and I had a (friendly) disagreement with my opponent over what initiative my dreadnought was,

he maintained that as it was armed with a powerfist it should be initiative 1, (I admit it looks like a powerfist)

i had always played it as initative 4 because, it is listed as init 4 in the profile


the combat ended as a pillow fight so real no difference to the battle but something to know for next time,


In the rulebook p.73 it states that a DCCW doubles the strength up to a maximum of 10 and is a power weapon. Therefore it should be init 4 as per the codex,


Can anyone give a definate answer on this,



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In the rulebook p.73 it states that a DCCW doubles the strength up to a maximum of 10 and is a power weapon. Therefore it should be init 4 as per the codex,

A DCCW doubles the strength of the hit, up to a maximum of 10.

A DCCW is a Power weapon.

That is all. Neither point reduces the models I.

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In the rulebook p.73 it states that a DCCW doubles the strength up to a maximum of 10 and is a power weapon. Therefore it should be init 4 as per the codex,

A DCCW doubles the strength of the hit, up to a maximum of 10.

A DCCW is a Power weapon.

That is all. Neither point reduces the models I.




And also I believe they just FAQd it that an Ironclad with a Chainfist also strikes at I4

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aye, a dread close combat weapon is a power weapon that doubles the strength (up to 10), it doesn't reduce the initiative because its not a power fist, its a dread close combat weapon.


By RAW the chainfist on an ironclad did reduce the initiative, but they faq'ed it as mentioned above.

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he maintained that as it was armed with a powerfist it should be initiative 1, (I admit it looks like a powerfist)


Don't let Eldar play the "looks like so it is" mind games on you. Just turn the tables with "it looks like your falcons are not flying, but instead have been stranded on a single spike of what I believe might be ice, or perhaps some translucent alien growth... therefore it is clearly immobilized. And the fact that it bores into the bottom of the falcon suggests that it has done damage, so I'm going to be rolling a penetrating hit against you now [sound of dice tumbling]".





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dreadnoughts strike at initative as all models do.. models with powerfist strike at I1 becuase the rules state thats the case.

dreadnoughts dont have powerfist they have dreadnought close combat weapons, nothing in those rules says they have thier initiative reduced

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And if he keeps arguing his point tell him that power fists cause you to strike at Int. 1 to represent it being extremely heavy and cumbersome, I cannot however picture a 15 foot metal warmachine struggling to lift anything short of a battle tank, let alone a relatively small lump of metal aka a dreadnought close combat weapon.
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A Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon is similar to a Power Fist in that it doubles the strength of the wielder (provided the wielder is a walker), however a DCCW is not a Power Fist. It is a DCCW, and has its own section.
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