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Sons of Malice?

Waka Waka

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I know about the fifth god Malal, or Malice now, and I was painting up a squad of the Sons of Malice, the followers of Malice. I really like the color scheme and I wanted to know if I could feasibly fit them into a differently aligned army fluff-wise. Could the Sons of Malice ever follow a different god, like Khorne, or does being a Son mean that they worship Malice?
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Brother Nihm was kind enough to link the SoM Thread, it feels like free Advertising :Troops:, but I will post a response for your question here. However, don't hesitate to stop by the Labyrinth thread, we show up once in awhile.


I wanted to know if I could feasibly fit them into a differently aligned army fluff-wise.


Yes you can! Currently the Sons of Malice are fighting in the 13th Black Crusade along with every other traitor taking part. Truthfully I think the Sons would simply butcher anything that isn't from their chapter, but to have them fight alongside many traitors who follow gods they abhor...that shows some serious cunning and restraint. *we all know they are going to totally screw over Abbadon's forces... :HQ:


Could the Sons of Malice ever follow a different god, like Khorne, or does being a Son mean that they worship Malice?


My immediate answer is there is no god but Malal when you are a Son of Malice. This of course is my opinion and my own thoughts on it. I think that before they were betrayed and branded renegades, they hated the Big 4, and after the betrayal they also Emperor-loyal forces. For them, there is only Malal. Plus, I just like the idea that the Sons are that devoted to him.


You could however come up with a SoM character if you wish that could follow Khorne. There are plenty of ways one or two could have fallen through the cracks. Just be careful when you tell this to a Malal Fanatic.

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I'd agree with hushrong and say there isn't really any reason why a bunch of sons of malice couldn't worship someone else. The big legions fractured into warbands and can't see why the same wouldn't happen on a smaller scale to them.

I expect there are Emperor's Children marines out there that worship Khorne or World Eaters that splintered off to worship Slannesh.

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