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why isn't abbadon a deamon prince?

Regem Nox

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voldorius is/was a deamon prince as he was elevated by the gods for killing billions of people, I'm sure Abbadon has killed way more with the black crusades and all so why isn't he a daemon? or is he and did I miss something?
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The old fluff said that he had turned it down on several occasions, preferring to stay as he is in order to lead his forces more ably as he couldn't then be banished. In return, he was bestowed marks and favours by all 4 gods. (as i remember)
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I would suggest that Abe isn't a daemon prince because he still adheres to his original motivations. Overthrowing the Emperor and claiming the Imperium is the domain of a human (albeit proto human) and not a daemon prince who's concerns are significantly more tied to the warp / eye of terror.


Abe might be a douche but he's still a douche with a foot firmly anchored in mankinds interests and I'd suggest this is why he hasn't accepted ascension

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Abbadons objective resides in the material plane.


If he accepted to become a Daemon Prince he would no longer be a being of the material plane, but rather a creature of the immaterial plane.


And as such he wold no longer be able to carry out his objective.


It's as simple as that.



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+ demon even more then marked people are devoided of free will . A DP only does the stuff his maker lets him do .
Not necessarily. A DP with the MoCU has a lot of leeway since their mark comes from all four Powers.


The best I can figure is that you have to have a certain desire for spiritual power to become a DP. Abbadon only wants temporal power- although he's powerful enough to command demons as the Eye of Terror and Necron Codex both show.

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So he can still fit into Terminator armor. How else is he supposed to get a 2+ Save? :P
As if he needs one? The fluff from a late 3.0-era battle report shows him taking Eldrad's spear in the throat only to dissolve in a cloud of black vapor. Eldrad mentions that while it was the only future in which he and his Eldar could claim victory, it was also one in which Abbadon would return to cause even greater havoc. I wouldn't be surprised if he had all four of the Powers watching over him, plus whoever it is that's keeping an eye on Cypher. That having been said, there must be penalties for dying in combat because a later one from the Eye of Terror campaign mentions how Typhus would rather explain to Abbadon how he got overrun than explain to Nurgle why he got killed.


Yeah, I know battle reports aren't that reliable for rules, but it did strike me as somewhat interesting and the fluff didn't expressly contradict anything I've seen to date.

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A DP with the MoCU has a lot of leeway since their mark comes from all four Powers.

nope it means he was either made a DP by an unknown/unnamed entity or he isnt a DP just a hvy mutated dude. The fluff tells us about two dudes that had the special mark from all 4 gods at the same time . It was horus and abadon .

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A DP with the MoCU has a lot of leeway since their mark comes from all four Powers.

nope it means he was either made a DP by an unknown/unnamed entity or he isnt a DP just a hvy mutated dude. The fluff tells us about two dudes that had the special mark from all 4 gods at the same time . It was horus and abadon .

Ok, explanation time. I was more under the impression that the MoCU came from something like a joint resolution of congress; where champions get their name put on the equivalent of a list, and the four powers at some point approve everyone on the list at once. They aren't being given each mark in turn, they're simply giving a hand wave and saying "Eh, don't have a problem with that guy, give him the MoCU."
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