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Feast Of Blades Qualifier


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Soooooo I just got back from participating in the FoB qualifier tourney here in Dallas. I had never been to a tourney, so I figured this was a good way to get my feet wet (with the blood of my enemies). 2000 points was a bit higher than what I usually play at, but I nontheless conspired to field lots of zombies and monsterous daemon lords. Since it was only a qualifier, there were a lot of unusual (some might say sub-standard) armies about . . . including mine:



Barabbas - Daemon Prince w/ Wings, MoN, Warptime: 175


Marrow Eater - Daemon Prince w/ Wings, MoN, Warptime: 175






Squad Anemia - 7 Plague Marines w/ Rhino, Champion, Personal Icon, 2x Plasma Guns: 246


Squad Giardia - 7 Plague Marines w/ Rhino, Champion w/ powerfist, Personal Icon, Melta Gun, Flamer: 256


Squad Fasciitis - 7 Plague Marines w/ Rhino, Champion w/ power weapon, 2x Melta Guns: 241


The Ascendant - 3 squads of 7 Summoned Daemons: 273


Fast Attack



Heavy Support

Styxswimmer - Chaos Defiler w/ 2 close combat weapons: 150


Paroxys - Chaos Defiler w/ 2 close combat weapons: 150


The Transcendent - 3 Chaos Obliterators: 225


Tamnnis The Dreamer - Summoned Greater Daemon: 100


Total: 1991


In my first fight I was randomly assigned to do battle with Brian Busey and his Dark Angels. His force consisted of a pair of landraiders with Belial and a couple squads of storm sheild termies. He also had a few Land speeders and a vindicator to back up a pair of tac squads in rhinos. Game was primarily objective based, and my army perfomed exactly as I wanted it to. Rhinos 'tanked' for the daemon princes, defilers blasted away and charged when required, and my powerful gribbblies tore apart his termie squads without a problem. Poor Brian also had some of the worst luck I have ever seen, and constantly whiffed roll after roll. At the end of the day, I controlled three of four objectives and had surrendered no kill points.


I was happy with my army, but the slaughter had catapulted me into competition with the top-tier generals. After lunch I faced Nick Villacci, the embattled owner of Chapterhouse Studios, and his beautiful Salamanders. This game was primarily table quarter control, with secondary being kill points. In contrast to the first game, nothing seemed to work right- my defilers were both dead or maimed by the end of turn one and by turn three my daemon princes had been murdered. Twin-linked meltas and flamers with master-crafted thunder hammers made light work of my heavy hitters, so the rest of the battle was fought by troops . . . who perfomed admirably. In the end, massed zombies tore apart Vulkan and I was able to consolidate and then scurry over the line into the right table quarter and squeak out a draw, but in KPs I lost, 8 to 9. It was great close fought-game.


In the final game I was pitted against Neil Junco and his spiffy Dark Eldar. I had never faced the new and improved DE, so I was excited about seeing what they could do. Two turns in I was not excited . . . I was terrified. The mission was KPs, with secondary objectives to capture. Neil was as cunning as he was damnably hard to kill. He shot my daemons to pieces and then in assault beeat me at my own game, as he stubbornly refused to fail his FnP saves time and again. His witches lithely dodged around everything I tossed at them, and I made the rather daft choice of reserving my obliterators. It was a blood-bath, and I killed a witch squad, a raider, and a pack or wracks before I was finally eradicated at the end of turn 5.


All in all, I wound up coming in 7th out of 14. Fitting, I think, for a champion of Nurgle. :HQ:

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Thanks minigun, yeah, I would make some changes . . . the plague marine squad loadout needs to be better defined, and I think I will drop the summoned daemons, even though I like how cheap they are. One massive problem with them is how fearless works in 5th ed- in game three, wyches killed six or seven of the blasted things, and thanks to the way fearless combat res rules work, every squad in the combat took 6 fearless wounds to save. Long story short, a DP died as well as all the remaining lesser daemons. 'Twas sad.


Needless to say, more plague marines will be the order of the day . . . those guys are the only troops I can depend in almost any situation.


My defilers seem to be a good investment, although I am sad that my three oblits all have to shoot the same target all the time.

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I think your assessment is right on target.


The lack of daemons means you can drop the icons as well, saving you a little bit extra. I would also replace the champion's power sword with a power fist, since you are already striking @ I3.


Going troop heavy is one of the strongest tactics for Chaos, as our troops are pretty awesome. Don't forget that you can take an extra combi weapon on either the champion or rhino if you have spare points floating around.

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