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One thing Codex: Chaos Space Marines got right in theory...


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Gentlemen, I think there may be some hope. I've come across a Fan Codex over at Dakka Dakka created by the user Just Dave. While my experience is limited with Chaos Space Marines, it seems pretty good, and relatively balanced.

...man, you are my friggin' hero for posting this up here. Gonna start using this thing immediately. Many thanks.

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Gentlemen, I think there may be some hope. I've come across a Fan Codex over at Dakka Dakka created by the user Just Dave. While my experience is limited with Chaos Space Marines, it seems pretty good, and relatively balanced.

...man, you are my friggin' hero for posting this up here. Gonna start using this thing immediately. Many thanks.



Ditto. Until something else comes along, that's definitely my codex of choice. It ain't perfect, but it's so, so far beyond what GW have produced it exists on an entirely other spectrum.

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The only thing I didn't like about that fan-book was the "Night Lords get Raptors as Troops" thing. Still, as far as complaints go, that's pretty damned minor, and I think this has a far, far better way of representing warbands and their interconnections and 'alliances' than the current "just take whatever you want!" idea.
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The only thing I didn't like about that fan-book was the "Night Lords get Raptors as Troops" thing. Still, as far as complaints go, that's pretty damned minor, and I think this has a far, far better way of representing warbands and their interconnections and 'alliances' than the current "just take whatever you want!" idea.

Definitely. I'm on record as being a fan of the 'anything goes' philosophy that the current C:CSM holds to, but this list really does hit a satisfying middle ground between that kind of flexibility and a specialized army. For people with my own proclivities, the Black Legion army list is perfect to run just about anything, and loses out on very little. Those who want to be Legion/Chaos god purists get a few perks for the price of heavy restriction, but the overall list is varied enough to keep such armies from getting boring.


Really, the only potential problem I can see here is that it would be really easy for one to gain a lot of the benefits of a mono-deity list, then get around the restrictions by taking a BL Lord as a secondary. However, since no combinations stick out as having game-breaking synergy, I doubt this would really be so terrible.

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To be honest, I don't mind if a Chaos Codex gives option for basing a list on the Legions, or if it is based on mixed warbands.


If it's about choice, then I just want a Codex that makes every unit a viable and useful choice, regardless of how each Chaos Lord wants to shape their force - which at the moment is the current Chaos Codex's biggest and most annoying flaw.

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The guy that made that Fan-Dex get a big internet hug from me, simply because he fit Cypher in there. Very cool, indeed!


The neat thing is, I now can (with that Fan-Dex) play my Chaos Space Marines exactly how I envisioned them, and I'm actually justified in having two separate paint jobs for my units. I had a unit of Chosen that I made as Fallen (all plasma Guns and Bathrobed) that has killed a couple Space Wolves here and there. With this fan codex, I can distinguish them further.


To be honest, I don't mind if a Chaos Codex gives option for basing a list on the Legions, or if it is based on mixed warbands.


If it's about choice, then I just want a Codex that makes every unit a viable and useful choice, regardless of how each Chaos Lord wants to shape their force - which at the moment is the current Chaos Codex's biggest and most annoying flaw.


I've not seen anything in the fan codex that screams "unviable"-he even made Spawn more useful.


Gentlemen, I think there may be some hope. I've come across a Fan Codex over at Dakka Dakka created by the user Just Dave. While my experience is limited with Chaos Space Marines, it seems pretty good, and relatively balanced.

...man, you are my friggin' hero for posting this up here. Gonna start using this thing immediately. Many thanks.


No problem, when I stumbled upon it, I was shocked by it, and I'm pushing people in my area to let me try it. I've only used Combat Patrol sized lists and played myself (Tau) so far, the regular guys I play with aren't very keen on anything "Unofficial" (yet they dislike tournaments...) so its going to be an uphill battle for me to get to play against someone.


If I can get it accepted around here...I might be able to bring some Chaos Players back into the fold (there are two who play using the Space Wolf codex).

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