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Shrouding question


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  Guardian11 said:
I just need to clarify if using the shrouding power on a vehicle gives it a 6+ or 4+ cover save. I always get different answers on the matter.

If the vehicles was not in cover shrounding grants it a 6++ save, if the vehicles was already in cover the power gives it the "stealth" rules boosting his cover save to 3++

  jeffersonian000 said:
Or a 2++, depending on if the attck is against a side that is not the one facing the attacker due to LoS (per the BRB).

Um...what? Where is this coming from?


If a vehicle is visually Obscurred or Smoked, it can get a 4+. Under Shrouding, it gets a 3+.


The firing unit can only fire at the side of the tank that it's in the arc of...it can't choose what side it's shooting at beyond moving. Is this the confusion?


Otherwise, whatever side the firing unit is shooting at only determines what AV they roll against to pen. If you see only a tiny bit of the tank, you can still shoot at it and it's at best getting a 4+ cover (3+ with Shrouding).


Beyond that, how else can a vehicle get a 2+ cover, even in the GK codex? I don't believe they can.

If you cannot LoS the side that is facing you, but you can LoS a side that is not directly facing you, the vehicle gets a 3+ cover save (2+ with Shrouding), bottom of pg62 of the BRB. Use to park my Land Raiders behind barriers so that my sponsons had clear LoS, but main body was 100% obscured, for a 3+ cover save.



  thade said:
  jeffersonian000 said:
...bottom of pg62 of the BRB...

This...has not come up for me since I started playing. I'd completely forgotten about it. @_@


Well, this is fantastic!

I have forgotten about it, too. I re-discovered it as soon as I started to re-read the BRB to solve other "rule disputes" :P

At my local store only few players know this rule :P

Yeah you are. The rule says it grants 'Stealth' to units with a cover save, OR a 6+ cover save if they don't have a cover save. So no, your tanks get a 6+ in the open, not a 5+. Still pretty good IMO, especially when you pop smoke (3+ cover ftw).


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