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New Chapter Founding


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Hi guys i'm new on the site and i just wanted to run you down with a chapter i've been looking into creating and i'd appreciate your feedback :P

Name: Order of Dragons


Why were they created: They were created to reinforce and patrol the Goul Stars namely to repel any attacks from demon incursion on Shrik and the Chaos Fortress of Carsayon Vortex.

Reports of xenos activity over the years rose drastically dissaperances and stealer cults sprouting all over the sector resulting in a vanguard for Hive Fleet Jormungandr.

When: 26th Founding M41

Where are they established: Ultima Segmentum, Goul Stars, Planet Drakonis

Who are the key members: Captains notably called Dragon's after they are promoted.

Each dragon paints their armour baised on the colour of their company each company is individual to the chapter only taking orders from the company Captain or the Force Commander, each company often engages in competitions against one another selecting champions from the company ranks to fight for the title of Chapter Champion, each company champion is then formed into the Dragon Lords Bodyguard.

I.E. The Gold Dragon will have Golden armour exept for the hereldry and colour of his legion on the inset of his left shoulder.

Chapter Master only ever refered to as the Dragon Lord.

Friendly Chapters: Salamanders (Founding Chapter) Dark Angels (Brotherhood of Knightly Orders)

What Major engagements have they participated in: The Battle of the Black Nebula

Home World: Feudal world - Drakonis

Combat Doctrine: (Combat/ Shooting) The Order of Dragons opperate as 10 seperate cells taking command only from their respective Captains or the Force Commander himself one Company will garrison the Fortress Monestery on Drakonis and replenish their numbers with new recruits every 25 years, each company has the same training regiment template with only slight differences depending on their speciality.

Belief's: Esoteric Warrior Cult/ Knightly Order.

Gene-Seed: Salamanders

Battle Cry: Burn in the Emperors Flame, Puge the Unclean, Through fire be forged.

Special Rules:

And They Shall Know No Fear

Combat Tactics

(if there are any other rules which i can play with don't hesitate to shout at me!)

Traits: (Taken from an Earlier Edition of the Space Marine Codex looked fun)

Minor Divergence - (Advantage) Dutiful - No Mercy No Respite / (Drawback) Death Before Dishonor

Notable Divergence - (Advantage) Stern - Cleanse and Purify, No Mercy No Respite / (Drawback) Aspire to Glory

Significant Divergence - (Advantage) Stern - Cleanse and Purify. Fierce - Take the Fighting to Them / (Drawback) Death Before Dishonor, Aspire to Glory

And finally the colours

Typical Marine (No company colours)


Chapter Master - Dragon Lord


5th Captain - The Blue Dragon


6th Company Captain - The Black Dragon


5th Company Seargent (Blue Dragons Company)


6th Company Marine - (Black Dragons Company)


Ye get the general idea

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Couple of little points: firstly, the first contact with the Tyranids was after the 26th Founding so unfortunately you can't have your Chapter created to defend against them. Secondly, the colur scheme appears to be more or less identical to their parent Salamanders, perhaps it would be worth changing it up a bit otherwise you might as well just have a Company of Sallies?

My chapter is also a Salamanders successor, so you are (hopefully) well met, Brother. ;) (My chapter doesn't really get along with the Sallies anymore, but perhaps beside the point.)


I'm a little iffy on "mostly shared beliefs with Dark Angels" as the majority of the DA's motivations come from their obsessive hunt for their so-called "Fallen". You might want to expound upon that. :) Does your chapter have a similar issue, i.e. a schism which didn't involve exclusively chaos-influenced marines which you now hunt down to kill, prioritizing this over everything else? Or are they all chaos-infected? I guess the question is, what beliefs of the DA are you referring to?


If you just want to throw some hoods and cloaks on your marines, you can safely do that sans-DA tie-in and explain it however you want. ;)


I agree with Lysimachus regarding the color scheme; you'll definitely want to shake that up, or just go with straight-up Salamanders.


Finally, if your intention is to play with lots of other people, you will definitely want to select a marine codex and use it exclusively for your chapter. Don't go into other codecies, especially older ones, and cherry-pick rules you like in an effort to make your boys unique. You can make your chapter unique using any modern codex by itself with unit selection, how you play your army, and what colors you paint them. ;)

Cheers for the feedback guys i wasn't too sure on the working of the tyranid fleet in the sector at the time, perhaps they could have been founded as a means for patroling and cleansing the area of the remainder of the hive fleet?


As for the belifs with the dark angels its just in a sence of they share and admire cahpters with the knights code of dicipline, if that makes any sence o.o


And finally as for the colours i had an idea for making them less like salamanders but we'll see, Right shoulder base colour will be changed baised on the marines company.. 5th will be the Red Dragons company there for the marines will have a red base colour on the right shoulder pad.. and the seargents will have matching helms, good idea or pants? :huh:

Hmm where would you suggest them being situated looking over the map in the codex isn't much to go by, perhaps they could ahve been founded to replace the Dragon Lords.. since contact with them was lost on Erwynn's World they may have needed another chapter in the area
Hi, just a quick point. The tyranids were not discovered until after the most recent founding of Space Marine Chapters. You could have them patroling the area and meeting them during the incursion, but they could not have been created with fighting the 'Nids in mind. Looks good though! <_<
  Chaplain Rourke The Fanged said:
Your general marine still looks like the sallies. Unless you are dead set on that I'd change it up otherwise people will just think you have a sallies army.



For example, my chapter (as noted, a Salamander successor like your own) has black armor, white shoulder plates, red trim, and a red right leg. The left leg has their squad markings on it (sort of the way Space Wolves do pack markings). The only thing that artistically ties them to Salamanders is that some of the vets have black-skinned faces (those who have been to Nocturne and had their gene seed defects kick-in). There's not a lick of green in the force.


Consider color schemes that differentiate you not only from your parent chapter, but from other chapters as well. :HQ: All of the solid colors (except like brown) have been taken, I think. <3

numero uno.


Tenth Company Marine


Tenth Company Marine 2


Tenth Company Marine 3


Tenth Company Marine 4

Last one is gold btw :D


Either way i've nine other colours to choose from.. the ruling dragon will depend on the chapter colours 'nodsnods'


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