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lord or sorc question


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Ok, I know that The DP is the best choice of our HQs. But i want to model one of the others on a Disc and use it. Which of these 2 builds would i get the best use out of.


Lord w/ MoT, PoLClaws, Disc, Melta bomb, Icon 175 (in the book it says that the claws replace the CCW, so in theory he could still shoot his Bolt Pistol while not in close combat right?)

idea is to hide behind the armour/ terrain, use the icon to DS some demons on, jump into some combat to help out the ruberics




Sorc w/ MoT, BoChange, Disc, Icon 190

idea is to "sneak" around flinging Bolts, and then jump into combat to help ruberics or kill MCs with the force weapon


Like i said i know the DP is better but i want to expand my force by another 500pts and would like to model one of these.

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I used to use Lord, disk, daemon weapon, combi-melta.


I currently use Sorcerer, disk, warp time, wind of chaos, yes he's expensive but its for fun.


Neither should ever run around on their own, as lacking Eternal Warrior they are a s8 shot from death.

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but if he is on a disk i either have to run him alone or w/ some raptors. cant put him in a rhino.


as far as the insta death, a DP not hidden well will die just as fast in all reality especially with all of the anti tank running around. lets face it the MOT will at least give us some kinda save.

its not as good as the loyalists but its what we got (and should get better with the new codex).


on a related question anyone have any idea on how to model some havoks all tzeentchified?

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