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When is outflanking done and can I pick any side to come out on? The reason I am asking is because I am going to try and White Scars army and I am thinking of Outflanking some Land Raiders and wanted to know if I could get two Land Raider Redeemers to come in on my oppenent's side of the board.
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Alright. Outflanking is done when you bring on reserves. So if I'm outflanking a squad of Scouts, I roll to see if they come on, and if so, I begin the process of outflanking. No, you cannot choose any side. On a 1-2, they come in on your right, on a 3-4, they come in on your left, and on a 5-6, you choose right or left. Space Marine outflankers can't come on from the back unless they're Wolf Scouts. How would you outflank the Redeemers?
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Alright. Outflanking is done when you bring on reserves. So if I'm outflanking a squad of Scouts, I roll to see if they come on, and if so, I begin the process of outflanking. No, you cannot choose any side. On a 1-2, they come in on your right, on a 3-4, they come in on your left, and on a 5-6, you choose right or left. Space Marine outflankers can't come on from the back unless they're Wolf Scouts. How would you outflank the Redeemers?

Under Khans rules for Chapter Tatics its gives all units will Combat Tatics Outflanking instead of Combat Tatics and dedicted transports get outflanking aswell and I was going to get a Land Raider Redeemer for a Terminator Squad and that would give it Outflanking because its a dedicted transport for the Terminators

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Not sure you can outflank with the Redeemers, even with Khan.


Khan gives units with Combat Tactics Outflank; Redeemers do not have Combat Tactics.


Units with Outflank bestow it upon Dedicated Transports. Actually, terminator units can take Redeemers as Ded Transports in the vanilla dex.


I can't drill this any deeper without my books, but that much seems it would work. I might be missing something though.

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Cool thanks guys I lost my rulebook so I am trying to get a list together and don't have the time to look for the rulebook.


Just to say the B&C isn't here to provide 'free' rules for those who don't have the proper or REQUIRED books to play the game. I wish I'd seen this topic sooner or I would have blasted it into orbit - but too late the damage is done.


And as an addendum - anyone asking for rules here or anywhere else is going to get a warning as per B&C rules as it constitutes an infringement of GWs IP.







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