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The Chaos Codex let's you know what it is to be a traitor ma


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[sindri's Voice]


The Chaos Codex let's you know what it is to be a traitor marine.


When you look through its tattered pages it makes you cynical, jaded, bitter and perhaps with a feeling of being betrayed.


Gaze upon the Corpse Worshiper's many codexes and emotion will stir within you. It might be Khorne's rage. Slaanesh's envy, or Nurgle's despair. Tzeentch may whisper change is needed, other codexes could be re-purposed. Perhaps all of these if your soul belongs to Undivided.


Your forces, such as they are; fight with out dated methods and ancient equipment. But truthfully we all know they spend most of their time brooding within the Eye of Terror (Abandoned in the closet, under the bed or hiding in a cupboard). On the rare occasion when they choose venture out to battle, much like the codex lore they are defeated, forced to retreat in shame. Perhaps they are so pathetic they are obliterated(ebay), And you are just another soul lost to the eight fold path.


Some of you will say you win your battles. Death to the False Emperor you say. I believe you. Many a warband has razed an agri world (noob) or a mining outpost (fluff list), but such victories are hardly note worthy. In fact they merely show how far you have fallen.


Those that remain care not, they roar their fury, whine incessantly, moan morbidly or plot maliciously. They cast their mind back to the days of the Heresy (3.5) when their forces were a threat to be reckoned with. When Legions took to the field. These thoughts are taken into the warp (the internet) and only fools think this stirs the Dark Gods (GW). At most these emotions create minor daemons (memes) but most go unheard and unnoticed.


Finally you realize you are a slave to darkness. You can finally hear the uncaring laughter of the Dark Gods (GW). They whisper to you through the warp (internet). Rumors speak of the future. Of a chance to reclaim previous glories. Perhaps the Dark Gods have noticed your plight, perhaps in time a new crusade can be launched. Perhaps not.


And now you know what it is to be a traitor marine.


[/sindri's Voice]

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yes indeed... we lie here dorment in wait for him to hear our pleas, so when they finally reach, he shall change our ways, and the deep blue eyes of the raven will gaze opun victory


/chaos mode off


just when i was about to start my chaos army for reals back a few years ago, GW released the 4th ed 'dex. and i more or less lost all motivation becouse it was just all so dull...

for the past i-dont-know-how-long ive been so bitter and angry that it had to be so bland and dull...

after a short while of this, i actually started thinking this was what being a traitor was all about, so this hit me in just the right places *claps at yogi*


also, am actually feeling abit motivated now :)

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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.


Thinbloods. *spit*

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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.

Wasnt' true with the 3.5 codex. Then again, that codex is partially responsible for the nerfs to vehicles with the NVR in 3e and then later with the added penalty of Escalation in the 4e rulebook, and probably again with the current system inflicting kill point penalties on anyone who takes transports. Although what I heard the most complaining about wasn't even the rhino rush armies, but what happened when daemons actually got into play. Especially Khornate ones, never mind the fact that Bloodletters cost more than the terminators they slaughtered, and a Bloodthirster was almost the same cost as a Land Raider.


Ah, good times those were. Axes of Khorne getting eight or nine hits off four attacks, noise marine havocs with four blastmasters, plaguebearers killing units they weren't in close combat with, demonic possessed dual DCCW dreads that would sometimes make it into combat... very good times.


Although the current list isn't that horrible. Night Lords Thousand Sons, anyone?

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My Nightblades don't care if they win-only how many enemies they can bring down with them. They share a similar mindset with my Tau that seemed to have invaded the Fenris Sector single handedly: "Screw em if they can't take a joke". I'll give up objectives to kill units. If you have an awesomely painted unit, (especially dreads) I'm going to focus all of my entire army on it until it's back in the case.


So, I may lose, but if I've killed most of his guys (or the unit(s) I was after), it is enough.

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Trevak Dral, now there is someone who knows how to have a good time. And understands Astartes mindset.


Its not about the glory, the sense of purpose or the purity.


Its about knowing that you're vindicated by their hatred of you, and that the way to hell is paved by those who you dragged screaming with you at the end.

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My sentiments exactly, it's not about winning, how balanced your army is or how many troops you lose in the process it's about clawing your way up the food chain and gaining the approval of your god.


To tread the road of chaos is to walk the path of damnation all the time aspiring to ultimate power, the current codex is just a speed bump in that road.

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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.



We'll get our revenge one day....maybe later than sooner but it will happen one day!

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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.

I guess life reflects art. The Black Templars are hypocritical, the players are hypocritical. The Black Templars are close-minded bigots, the players are close-minded bigots.


Funny eh?



On topic mode: This is indeed a rather amusing yet depressing comparison.

Have hope(or despair of you worship Nurgle) there will be a new codex someday.

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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.


Whatever, dude. The Black Templar section was just as whiny, and lost just as much, until the GW BT update.

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Seriously, though, while this is amusing, haven't we had enough complaints about the Chaos codex? If you want to actually do something, the "One thing Chaos got right" thread apparently has a link to a pretty decent fan codex. GW is also releasing something new for Chaos, according to the rumours. The time for these kind of threads, as amusing as they are, has long passed.

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