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The Chaos Codex let's you know what it is to be a traitor ma


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I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.

I guess life reflects art. The Black Templars are hypocritical, the players are hypocritical. The Black Templars are close-minded bigots, the players are close-minded bigots.


Funny eh?


Indeed, a comparison I have drawn myself :)


I guess life reflects art. Chaos is whiny, the players are whiny. Chaos is constantly defeated, the players are constantly defeated.


Indeed. This is a very good comparison.


Whatever, dude. The Black Templar section was just as whiny, and lost just as much, until the GW BT update.


We don't whine. We inquire up the chain of command.

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We don't whine. We inquire up the chain of command.



What in the hell is a 'chain of command'? I used a chain to strangle a loyalist astartes once, is that it?





;) :P

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*Sigh* It was a joke, dude. We're Chaos, a solid dependable COC has been non-existant for us for 10,000 years. I know very, very well what a COC is.


Actually the Chaos CoC is exactly like the Ork CoC. Whoever's the biggest MFBA is the leader. It's quite simple, actually.

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really? i thought the chain of command was what slaanesh worshipers used to flog catured sisters of battle and eldar slaves with?


go figure its not as cool as the BDSM fantasy i had going.......sad days

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really? i thought the chain of command was what slaanesh worshipers used to flog catured sisters of battle and eldar slaves with?


go figure its not as cool as the BDSM fantasy i had going.......sad days


It's a multiple use device. Useful for subduing minions or getting kicks from other pursuits.


Not as useful as duct tape or high explosives, but still quite useful.

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really? i thought the chain of command was what slaanesh worshipers used to flog catured sisters of battle and eldar slaves with?


go figure its not as cool as the BDSM fantasy i had going.......sad days

If you're a Word Bearer, I would imagine they could go either way. They worship Slaanesh (amongst the other dark gods), but they still have a fair bit of hierarchy going on considering they've still got chaplains and all that.

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A dark and evil heirarchy and a military chain of command are two entirely different things though, brother. If my Sergeant Major ever guts a goat and starts to read the entrails during a promotion board, I'll reverse my opinion...


Edit: spelling and rephrasing

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A dark and evil heirarchy and a military chain of command are two entirely different things though, brother. If my Sergeant Major ever guts a goat and starts to read the entrails during a promotion board, I'll reverse my opinion...


Yours doesn't? What's his MOS? ;)

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@Jeske: Dude, if you'd like to explain how the Chaos warbands of 40k, who slit each others throats for each others armour and weapons, kill each other to take control of other warbands / the same warband over and over, who abandon each other to enemy attack to better their position, who scream 'Burn Maim Kill' as they rampage across a battlefield heedless of tactics or their own impending death, who allow Daemons to control their flesh, douse their bloodstreams with cocktails of euphoric combat drugs, and live in a literal translation of Hell are anything like a stable, disciplined modern day military chain of command...I'm all ears.


@Khestra: 19Z...He's more of a 'burn, maim, kill' kinda guy... ;)

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My only response to this, is that if you are to truly understand chaos, then you must stop complaining, for the gods care not. the few that are remembered, are remembered for their deeds, not for the constraints the Imperium has tried to impose upon them.


and now in translation.


those that complain about chaos, I find do not stay within the fold for very long. sure, we may have more hurdles then our rivals, however, the fact that we still win in spite of this says alot about the true players within the chaos community by and large. the fact that chaos consistently gets nerfed also says alot about the community. We adapt, grow stronger, and overcome the obstacles set before us. and the players that do constantly win are remembered for it. I play both orks and chaos, and am proud to say I am a member of both communities. Why? Because the people within are colorful, talented gamers that are not in it for the win, although that is always a plus, but are in it for the feel and flavor of their chosen army. I don't envy the marine players, nor any of the other 'popular' army players. The ones that pick them only because they win, will see the error of their ways when they come up against someone who has a battle hardened list. yes, it is true, marines are popularised for now, But it will break down eventually, Not everyone can or will be another marine player. But until that day comes, where chaos stands proud and defiant once more, those of us that are the strong players, the ones that are the elite of our chosen army, will still fly our banner in the face of the loyalists...

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This isn't really complaining it's just having fun. There are other threads to complain. For those of you that think complainers don't last long, most of us that've played chaos since 3.5 are the ones that complain. Some do drop and player other armies/codexes but most of us are still around. We play them because we love the fluff and models mostly.
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true enough Tanith... however, the vets of 3.5 are what I consider the "good ol' boys" of chaos... What, for my own right, are the the people I speak of, are those that speak ill of chaos, simply because they don't win with the army, or get frustrated because they cannot figure out how to play their own lists. So they either create a cookie-cutter army, that has no uniqueness, or shift over to one of the more "easy-mode" armies.


Looking at Chaos as a pure gaming standpoint, which is something I rarely do. I would consider Chaos a intermediate to hard level army to play. The reason for this is because tactics aside, the builds that are out there, are actually fairly easy to beat if you study them carefully. To develop tactics of your own for a chaos army that work best for you against the opponents that you can presumably be facing off against, is a relatively hard thing to do. Nominally, because a great deal of players out there, play an army that is very similar to ours, only with better choices of equipment, and a far greater supply of specialized units that are capable of laying down a world of hurt. With that in mind, and with lists that are at this time, pre-built to lose, Chaos players HAVE to be on their toes as far as tactics go, which a good portion of the newer players are, let's face it, not willing to do.


Simply put, those that look at bygone days, wishing that things would be equalized yet again, are not the ones that annoy me, it's the "lolz i r win" generation of gamers that are coming into the fold, and are simply all turning to the easy mode armies because armies such as ours require them to actually take a moment and actually think.


/end rant

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Simply put, those that look at bygone days, wishing that things would be equalized yet again, are not the ones that annoy me, it's the "lolz i r win" generation of gamers that are coming into the fold, and are simply all turning to the easy mode armies because armies such as ours require them to actually take a moment and actually think.



Actually I ran into a couple of these players a month ago or so, they were around my age so I thought they'd be decent and play because they like their armies and fluff but alas....one was a SW player the other was BA, neither of which had their armies even basecoated and really it seemed they only went to tournaments to play. That kinda made me a bit mad when I learned that last bit. There are even some here on the B&C that oftentimes will pop over here and tell us to stop complaining etc etc and just say to learn our codex. That just makes me laugh.

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