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The Chaos Codex let's you know what it is to be a traitor ma


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You would actually think it isn't that hard to use your head in games, but apparently it is... The newest generation of gamers is the big issue on this, and that is across all genres of game, is that you get this new crop of gamers, that looks for an easy win over a win to be remembered by. One of my favorite battles I actually lost, badly I might add. But that person will ALWAYS remember why not to ever be within 6 inches of a SAG mek, that was also during the time that I refused to play chaos because everyone in that area played chaos.
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The first post of this thread is, i agree, great! Cruel but true... but as it was mentioned our time will come. Chaos always knew good times and bad so we will have a revenge one day...


And i agree that the new generation of gamers seeks only win but not a good fight. This problem is more actual in Ukraine and Russia. But not all of our gamers are so. Changes come and some of our gamers are also like a good fight rather than the only victory by all ways. As to me i collect my own Chapter devoted to the Changer of the Ways. In games i've always liked a good game so i do in WH though it's not easy, but possible...


So rise up, warriors! For now we're forgotten and left to die in the darkness. But it won't be forever! Dark Gods're starting to smile upon us and our time will come! Architect of Fates promises! )

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