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Imperial Fists


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Some of the Imperial Fists that I just finished. I've been a GK player for years, but now that they're good I decided to put together a "softer" list for when I am doing demos for new players. A mostly Scout list seemed to fit the bill. ;)


I decided to do a slightly more muted tone than usual for the IF.

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You caught me! These were taken as I was waiting on my Forgeworld IF shoulder pads to come in. I wanted to get them painted for the table since we had an Apocalypse game coming up, so I just left 'em off. I'll post some individual pics (with pauldrons!) soon.

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Those are some really nice Fists in a really nice background. Please, oh painting master, tell us how it's done.


Well... there's not a whole lot of advanced technique in these. Just a lot of patience and a lot of layers.


I started with black primer on the Terminators and brown (Army Painter) on the Scouts. I painted up with several (3-5) layers of Desert Yellow/Iyanden Darksun. I then washed the whole thing with Badab Black (I know a lot of people would recommend a brown, such as Devlin Mud, but I wanted something that looked a bit "burnt"). I put another thinned down Iyanden glaze, followed with some spot and edge highlights of straight Iyanden.


The khaki was left the Army Painter brown with some layers of Calthan and Khemri mix (the Army Painter brown is tough to approximate with GW paints, which is its major drawback). The skintone was Tallarn Flesh with Bleached Bone/Tallarn highlights and a light wash of Ogryn Flesh. The bolters and chainswords (Hey, that's the name of this place!) were done in Adeptus Battlegrey with a highlight up to Codex.




The real character comes from the head swaps. I used a number of Space Wolf bits throughout. None of the savage looking ones, but the ones with the mustaches and mohawks seemed Prussian enough to include and give it just an extra little bit of pizzazz. The mohawk is always the last guy to get removed from the shotgun combat squad, and I play extra aggressive with him when it's just him left. Cause he's a badass. Super badass.



The background is part of my modular table, which I also use as my display boards. They are 1x1 flooring tiles with taped edges, gritty surfaces, and fairly large Cities of Death buildings on them. They have a super simple paint job (flat black prime with a couple of drybrushes up to white), which makes them a very nice backdrop. I have enough to cover a 8x4 cityfight table (including some roads, bastions, and a landing pad), but I typically just grab 1 or 2 of them as my display board.

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Alright, thanks! One question: On the Desert Yellow/Iyanden,are you slowly going towards Desert Yellow or Iyanden?


From Desert to Iyanden. The first layer is pretty much pure Desert, just to get the coverage over the black. The next layer was about 60/40, then 40/60, and finally about 20/80 (or possibly more Iyanden even). The last layer was pretty much just a thinned down Iyanden glaze.

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