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Bikes in close combat


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Hello all,


I have been playing marine bikes for 2 years now and the topic of close combat came up. I am so sure I didn't dream this. I could have sworn I read that bikes DO NOT get the extra attack for 2 close combat waepons. Bike get 1 base attack, +1 for the charge, but NOT +1 for two close combat weapons.


Now I can't find that to save my life. Please don't tell me I made that up. Help me out with page number and paragraph if anyone cann find this.



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Any model with two close combat weapons gets the +1 attack; there is no limitation like there used to be. You didn't make it up, as it existed previously only in the Chaos Space Marine codex in 2002.
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I finally figured out where I got that idea of bikers only having 1 attack in close combat and not +1 for second CC weapon.


Now remember I can quote chapter and verse about MARINE bikers. If you are orks then your are on your own.


As for marines... THe discussion was whether or not a marine biker gets a +1 attack for 2nd close combat weapon.


According to the Core Rules... A squad in close combat get it's base attacks (1 for marine bikers), +1 for the charge, +1 for having 2nd close combat weapon.


According the the Space Marine Codex... A marine bike squad is equipted with the following wargear weapons, bolt pistol, frag & krak grenades.


Based on the above information Space Marines DO NOT get an extra attack for +1 close combat weapons in close combat not because they are on bikes but simply because they are not equipted nor have the option to buy a second close combat weapon.


Thanks for the help fellas.

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Sergeants can buy an extra CCW.


Actually only 2 (sm and variants minus chaos)bike sq's that I know of can add a CC weapon to their bike models to get a +1 attack, SM command sq that have been upgraded to be bikes and (Dark Angels)Ravenwing attack squadrons Sergeants.

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Space Wolves Swift Claws are smart enough to pack a Bolt Pistol and a CCW in addition to the TL Bolter mounted on thier bikes...

And yes, they get their base Attack plus one for two CCWs plus charge bonus (in their case it's +2 for charging for a total of 4 Attacks on the charge).

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