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Starting Blood Angels


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Hello B&C!


After reading a bunch of the Black LIbrary books and various other fluff, I have decided I want to run Blood Angels. I recently received a Space Marines Megaforce (Rhino, Predator, Dreadnought, 20 Tacticals, 5 Assault, 5 Sniper Scouts) from a couple of buddies, whom are eager to get another player into their group. After receiving that, I picked up the codex. My question is, what should I pick up to properly "Blood Angel" my marines and to start up towards a solid 1000 points?

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Hey Gladius!


Welcome to a great army :P


The forces you list are more geared toward a traditional Space Marine army, in that you will not find yourself using a lot of regular Bolter Marines (though they are more than usable as Sternguard, who DO have a place in a BA list.)


Do yourself a favor and google "3++ is the New Black" Look for anything about Blood Rodeo, BA Jumpers, BA Hybrid, and BA Mech. From the things you have, you're on the way to a solid Mech List (or the start of Hybrid). For purchases, I'd say get the Death Co box. Even if you never field Death Company, that box is PACKED with sexy BA bitz, and melee weapon upgrades, cool helmets and more Jump Packs so you can mount some of those Tacs you got as more Assault Marines (as those ought to be your bread and butter, troop choice).


Aside from building that stuff you've already got, I'd work on converting up a few Sang Priests, and Librarian or a Chaplain (I prefer Libbies, even post-FAQ, as you get a solidly equipped character at 100pts with some game-changing abilities).


I hope some of this helps, and I can't stress enough looking at 3++, to do well with a new army does require some homework, and they've done a lot of it for you already, without ramming you into a single build.


Happy Hunting!

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Welcome to the Blood Angels


I would recommend buying the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard boxes.


The DC box gives you plenty of BA bits to spread through your force (as does the SG kit) and the Sanguinary Guard kit can be used to make either the Sanguinary Guard unit or some great commanders for your force.

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